Monday, May 30, 2005
untitled IV
I assume that my depression last night is the reason I woke up late, correct?
For some reason, my mind feels blank today. Probably because of oversleeping. Nevertheless, I am quite fine, but still quite depressed. I am not sure why but I feel more depressed without my dad around. But fear not, for he shall come home today [from Baguio, along with my nephew, unfortunately]. At least, I shall have someone to embrace once again...
I know this is not the place to share about stuff like this, but I have no outlet after all. So I have no other place to share, except here.
For the past few weeks, ever since my sick/bedridden grandmother stayed in our house, I felt so "far away" from my mother. We don't embrace that often, and most of our conversations have turned into
sermons or "homilies". Honestly. I don't feel much love anymore. It is against my will that these things are happening; and I don't really want this to happen. I have to resort to some measures to keep the mother-daughter relationship intact, but sometimes it just doesn't seem to work. Oh, and my mom's been more short-tempered these days. It's quite understandable though. She's stressed.
And for once, I feel like doing something for her. But every time I do that, she makes comments. And comments sometimes discourage me.
And for the nth time, I feel useless.
We had a little argument last night, about some things that are not really important; and about things that I don't want to enumerate. But arguments affect my being. And for me it is quite disturbing.
The guild also had a short argument yesterday, and even if it is just online, it still affects me. I lost friends before, and I don't want to lose them again. It's all too heavy for me. I was on the verge of crying, but I held my tears back. I tried my best to fix the situation between two of my guildmates; and just as things were getting better, my mom had to barge in my room and tell me to sleep. I snapped back, telling her to wait, which initiated her long line of comments again. I tried my best to contain my anger, and tears were coming out. Fortunately my mom didn't see that.
But, all those pain went crashing upon me.
Thoughts about my friends.
Thoughts about my family.
And, lastly, thoughts about myself.
I hurriedly turned off the computer, turned off the lights, and lied down on the bed. My mom wasn't facing my way. She was still awake, but silent. I cried myself to sleep, after all, she won't see the tears in the dark. I slept with my pillow which was moist with tears. I stirred in my sleep, having around 2 nightmares which I can't seem to remember. I felt my mom "whip" the blanket on me, and I wondered if she really cared about me at that time.
And, sometimes, I just thought: "What if I vanished from the face of the earth now?"
Probably no one would care. I'd just fade from their memories. And my reputation shall be tarnished forever.
And my soul will forever be tortured.
[+] 2:36 PM 
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Quizzes II
Stolen from random blogs. I think. XD

Your word is: Sad. You wanted to give yourself to
someone. But they didn't accept you. Being
rejected, whether it be from family, friends,
love-interests or peers, is a very hurtful
thing to go through. It is also likely that you
have been betrayed several times before, which
is why you keep away from everyone now. You
learned the hard way to never trust people and
your defence-mechanism is now to isolate
yourself. Yet you yearn for people who will
understand and like you, to have the thing you
never had: love.
What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your power is: The ability to breathe under
Explanation: When swimming, you don't
need to get up and take a new fresh breathe
since you take in the oxygen from the water.
This allows to stay in the water as much as
you'd like. In good purposes it can save
drowning victims. In evil purposes it can make
the person drag people down to the depth and
have them drowned. This helps you escape the
world, if even for a bit, since you have grown
to despise it so much.
You have been a beaten dreamer with aspirations
crushed. Now you try to control your hopes
because you don't want to get hurt again. You
feel there is no hope for you in the future and
has no real goals. But unlike the Controller of
Time you do still feel even if it's mostly
negative emotions. You have few friends, if
any, and feel you are unable to speak about
your troubles. And unlike the Transformer, you
don't feel happiness nowadays. All seems to be
filled despair whereever you go and you are
bitter becaue the world has failed you. It
didn't turn out the way you wanted it too and
you feel betrayed. It is also likely the
feeling of betrayal comes from past
relationships where you were left alone in the
Negative aspects: Since you are highly
depressed and not letting out your emotions
properly there is a possibility for cutting, to
let the emotions out. Also, if the feeling of
despair grows to strong you might consider
taking your life.
What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?
What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Three names you go by.
1. Meira
2. Angeli
3. Mei (shortcut of Meira... haha)
Three random screen names you have had.
1. Meira Kurosaki
2. Lei no hime 16
3. Diabound Madouha
Three DA Friends (Not in a particular order)
1. [DA is deviantART right??] ..ranma
2. hooplabuga
3. antares
Three PHYSICAL things you like about yourself.
1. eyes
2. figure (partly joking)
3. hair
Three NON-PHYSICAL things you like about yourself.
1. creative/imaginative
2. can speak decent english (with a few errors though)
3. immuned to too much computering (sometimes)
Three things you don't like about yourself.
1. weird
2. easily discouraged
3. thinks too much sometimes
Three parts of your heritage.
1. Tagalog
2. Ilocano
3. Spanish (not sure)
Three things that scare you.
1. insects
2. horror stuff
3. suspicious-looking people
Three of your everyday essentials.
1. cd player/mp3 player or any music player for that matter
2. internet
3. ragnarok online
Three things you are wearing right now.
1. dull blue jogging pants
2. ragnarok online t-shirt ('priestess: heal bomb')
3. earrings
Three of your favourite bands or artists at the moment.
1. Nami Tamaki
2. Buzzlip
3. L'arc-en-ciel
Three new things you want to try in the next twelve months.
1. Exercising -_-
2. Looking for a different pasttime which is easily accesible in school
3. Choosing a different menu from my usual junk food menu -_-
Three things you want in a relationship, other than love.
1. Trust
2. Support
3. Understanding
Three things you just can't do.
1. Stop acting like a princess
2. Stop using the computer / stop going online / stop playing RO
3. Stop thinking about art
Three of your favorite hobbies.
1. draw
2. surf the net
3. play RO
Three things you want to do really badly right now.
1. Play RO
2. Look for Clow Card images on the Net (I wanna print 'em out)
3. Finish answering this thingy. 8D
Three careers you're considering.
1. Lawyer
2. Accountant
3. Animator/Anime artist
Three places you want to go on vacation.
1. Japan
2. England
3. Rome
Three kids' names.
1. Artemis
2. Andronica
3. Cagalli
Three things you want to do before you die.
1. Cosplay all the characters I want to cosplay
2. Buy all the stuff I want
3. Tell all the people that I love- that I love them
Three people who have to do this (if they want to).
1. Those who are bored
2. Those who have nothing better to do
3. Those who are currently having problems with their RO program.
[+] 7:52 PM 
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Of utter boredom and... more boredom.
Finally, I'm done reading Artemis Fowl book 4. The ending is quite understandable now, and I can't help but wonder if they would release another AF book.
I want more. More Artemis Fowl adventures. 8D
I'm currently starting [with reading, of course] on the next Artemis Fowl-related book here... which is "The Artemis Fowl Files". It's somewhat like a spoiler, but just like any other fanatic, I need (and want) spoilers. 8D
You know what, I think not being able to play RO makes me more bored. Obviously. Boredom could reduce the brain cells' capacity too, I believe. 8D
Another dumb statement from yours truly. Haha. Oh well.
I've been working on the blog's new layout since this morning, and I think I was too bored at that time. Oh well.
I just finished reading a book. Waiii. But I don't feel my 'English side' is improving.
Maybe because of boredom? Probably not.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah such a nonsensical post -_- Nevermind. Bye for now..
[+] 7:14 PM 
New layout, again. 8D
New layout... hehe. I have been itching to do a new layout since yesterday, and I finally gained the chance to do it. My nephew is not around, after all... so there's no one nagging me while I'm online. Haha.
But my dad is away too... and my auntie... and one of our maids. They're in Baguio. ^^;; Mou, I have to save my internet card 'till they get back. Wah.
It's quite boring here, though. I can't play RO that much since I have no extra RO load. But I'm still hoping against hope... I hope to ask my mom to buy me one tomorrow, if she will allow it.
I'm almost done reading Artemis Fowl book 4. And, I must say, it's really a good story. I love it. XD
Oh well... I can't think of anything to type about... ~_~ I've been experiencing boredom since this morning, and all this boredom is taking its toll on my brain cells. Haha.
Bye for now..
[+] 5:58 PM 
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Shizuka na kono yoru ni
The title roughly translates as 'this is a silent/quiet night'. Taken from a song in Gundam Seed. Sung by the character named Lacus Clyne. Hehe, nothing much, really.
*sighs in relief*
Ah, I love this night.
No nagging.
(The kid, which is my nephew, is asleep. He immediately slept right after getting home...)
*sinks in her chair*
No nagging. Yay.
A night of relaxation.
We've been out the whole day. Well, almost. I think.
My auntie wanted to do some shopping, and, obviously, we have to tag along. It was okay. However, I'm dont really feel contented with it. Oh well. I'm not the 'star of the moment' anyway.
I bought everything that I wanted, except for the DNAngel manga. Oh well.
I really have a lot to say about my day, but for some reason I don't really feel like typing right now. Besides, I want to sleep now.
Hmm... my blog is getting more boring... but it's okay. It's my blog anyway. XD
[+] 9:40 PM 
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Fanatic? Not really.
My posts are getting more nonsensical by the minute.
I'm feeling sleepy, and my mood isn't really good... Well, what do you expect? My nephew never stopped bugging me [since 5 pm], and I wasn't able to do anything productive online because of his constant nagging.
I was supposed to go online at RO and go on
adik mode, especially now that the 3x exp event is extended until June 1. A chance. And I have to grab it.
I need sleep. Being constantly nagged by a kid could drain some energy too, if you don't know...
But I wanna read too. 8D
Artemis Fowl~~~ *huggles her collection*
[+] 10:49 PM 
Reveal your true nature to me! 8D
Cardcaptor Sakura-related title... can't think of anything else for a title, so...
Still eating dinner... haha. Just had a chat with Hooplabuga [from dA], and after a short while, I also got infected with the 8D disease. Yes, another smiley. Amusing. Haha. 8D Squee.
Gawd I'm really bored. XD Just thought of something awhile ago, and I want to put it into... well, art. But I can't bring out my sketchbook because my nephew might see something not prescribed for kids. XD
So... yeah... nothing. lol.
I think I'm experiencing mental blockage right now. 8D
Mental blockage... what a term. *pffft*
[+] 8:26 PM 
broken? maybe not.
For some sudden reason this blog is up and alive again. O_o weirdness. Oh well.
But I had enough headaches for today. Haha. Bye for now~~
[+] 2:45 PM 
Something's wrong with this blog!!! >_< I can't see the blog itself! Nooo T_T
When I do some publishing I always get errors, and when I try to view the blog, it says blog not found. Argh!!!!!
*makes another blog*
This will do for the meantime. -_-
[+] 1:27 PM 
night-long stand... o_o
Fwaaah. They're here... -_- Er.. my auntie and my nephew, I mean. They arrived last night, and goshness- I was really bored waiting. We went to the airport at around 10:30 pm, and they were able to go out of the airport/arrival area at around 1 am. O_O
I was thinking, I should've rejected my mom's "request" for me to tag along. >_> I could have leveled a lot in RO. Gawd. It was a waste, really. But oh well.
Slept at around 4am awhile ago. Well, all of us did. ^^; Woke up at around 7:30 am... and I thought I'd wake up at a later time ^^;;; Oh well. But I'm quite amused because despite my lack of sleep, I'm still hyped up today. Well~~ kinda.
My auntie said that we'll be going to Duty Free later >_> I wonder what to buy.
I'd prefer to go to Feata though. I wanna buy my DNAngel manga. So I'll be happy. For my birthday. Hahaha. Here I go again... abusing. Fwoo.
Er, yeah. Duty Free. Later. >_> As soon as my nephew wakes up and takes his breakfast (which didn't seem like breakfast) and take a bath and dress up. -_-"
Ahhh. I'm bored. I wanna play RO. Wah. I'm really bored.
Oh well. Might as well continue reading Artemis Fowl book 4. XDDD
Bye for now :3
[+] 8:51 AM 
Sunday, May 22, 2005
drawing mania...not.
And I thought I'd be drawing yuri. XD
Wait, I did! O_O But I haven't colored it yet. XDDD I colored another drawing of mine first... which is entitled "Dimension". It's up on my dA page now. ^.^
Hehe just surfed Cass/Ruki-chan's photo album awhile ago... and I'm ... in awe. *_* So many cosplay piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiics!!!!!!!!! @_@ Awww I envy you Ruki-chan T_T XD
I wanna cosplay toooooooooooooooooo T________T *sobs*
I wanna cosplay as Athrun O_____________O!!
And as a Ragnarok priestess... and as a Ragnarok male wizard... and as Tsuzuki... and as Ruby Moon... and as Akabane... and as Ishizu Ishtar.... and... many more.
I just wish I had the time... and the money. -_-"
[+] 7:02 PM 
lazy lazy lazy II
Today is probably the first time I procrastinated(?) about playing RO. lmao.
Oh well. Maybe it's because of me who became "inspired" all of a sudden... lmao. I'm currently attempting to draw what Cagalli requested-- a yuri drawing. >_> Fweeeee.
As I said before, I'm not really interested in yuri stuff, I'm more of a yaoi fangirl. But heck it's just for fun, so... there... I'm complying... fwahahaha.
Goshness... I'm so 'green'. o_o fwahahahaha. XD
I have nothing to do here, and yes my internet card is running out of time AGAIN. Hahaha.
Oh well. Bye for now, I'll continue my drawing... :3
[+] 11:42 AM 
Saturday, May 21, 2005
all because of the damned patch thingy
I never hated LUG (Level-Up Games) before, but now, I think I do.
Episode 7 of Philippine Ragnarok Online (Umbala and Nifleheim) will soon be released, more so I think it's released now... but this time, it's different.
There won't be any CDs.And~ yes, all pRO players will be requested/forced to download the patch. And the patch size is around 72 MB, I think.
MB = big.
Slow connection = slow download.
Big downloads = slow.
Got it?
I hope you do. And probably you'll know why the guild [yes our guild] are having complications regarding internet connections, togetherness online, and the like.
Oh the damned drama.
I know it's kinda awkward to complain about something like this, but I can't help but think about how "inconsiderate" LUG have become. They also have to think about the players too, you know...
Not all pRO players are using DSL.
Not all pRO players have fast computers.
Not all pRO players know how to download stuff (I'm considering the kids here).
Not all pRO players have the patience to wait for long periods of time.
*sigh* If only I could contact the GMs... I'll ask/strangle 'em for a damned CD!!!!! Grrrr.
For some reason, I think I'm really unlucky today. >_> Damn.
[+] 9:43 PM 
Gundam SEED quizzie... got it from Ruki-chan's blog. XD
I absolutely have NO IDEA why the result is of the male gender... O_O There's a question asking what's your gender, and I answered 'I'm a girl'. But... why??? O_O The result is male.. wah. Weird.

What Gundam SEED Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Hehehe... waiii. Satoshi. Hehehe. O_O Hmm, he's okay I guess... but I want DARK!!!!!!!! XD But my personality is not fitted for that. lmao

What DNAngel Guy Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
And......... more quizzes. lmao. I'm late for my RO appointment haha.. XD

What Tsubasa Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Get Backers Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Samurai 7 Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
lmao I'm Sanzo O_o I was Hakkai before... haha. Oh well.
Okay okay... enough already. I'll go play RO now. XD XD XD
[+] 10:22 AM 
do. rai. ving. gu. XD II
Mental note to self: Never practice driving around the subdivision on a sunny Saturday morning. You'll see nothing but people who doesn't seem to give a damn about their lives.I'm supposed to go online at RO now, but I can't help but to do a little post. >_> Right after what happened during my driving lesson/session with my dad today. >_> Well, it's no biggie, really, but I found myself feeling annoyed after that.
Uhhh we were driving around the subdivision, yeah, but it's kinda annoying to drive around since there are a lot of parked cars... but that's not it. I got annoyed since there are a lot of people who are on the streets, and they are, shall I say,
deaf. -__-" Normally, when you hear a beep from a car or when you see a car coming your way, you go to the side of the road so you won't be bumped. But them, nooooooooo, they stay put. Grrr. Annoying. Very annoying. T_T
Actually, I almost bumped into a car... lol. It's because of that certain f*cking woman who is walking in the middle of the road (
parang rumarampa, in Tagalog). And to think that we were in a tight spot/street at that time. Grrr. I beeped a few times, but she didn't seem to hear it (playing deaf, I presume). She continued walking in the middle of the road. She was like, sooooooooo slow, and I got hard up. My dad said "go" but I dunno what to do... and so, out of confusion and annoyance, I made a wrong turn, and I almost bumped into a car-- good thing I used the brakes. LMAO.
Well I'm still annoyed, yeah, but I feel it'll vanish soon after a good game in RO. After all, it's still 3x exp and stuff, so I can still level-up my crusader. I think she's my fave character now. Haha. Spear-type... squeeeeeeeeeee. :3
Aaaah. Nothing beats a good game after driving. LOL. XD
Oh, and for some reason, I'm considered a seme in the guild's yaoi and yuri program. I'm paired up with Cagalli... for the yuri part... LMAO. XD I'm not that into yuri, I'm more of a yaoi fangirl... >_> but yeah, I'll just ride-on with the thingy... it's funny anyway.
Lastly, Cagalli and I are currently spreading a "disease"... which is called the LMAO disease. XD XD XD Kenric got the disease now, too. He said 'lmao' during the little wedding event yesterday at RO. Yay. Hahaha. XD
Oh well that's all for now. :3 Bye. XD
[+] 9:44 AM 
Thursday, May 19, 2005
abuso. XD
'Nuff said. Nyahaha.
My dad entered the room awhile ago and gave me my
third internet card for the week >_> Yes it's an internet card, with 30 hours in it, something like that. Anyway... yeah. Another internet card. Yay.
abuso talaga ako (I'm so abusive). XD But at least I don't have any worries now... hehehe.
Oh, and I checked my deviantART page just now. And I was surprised to see that
I received a FREE 1-week trial subscription for my birthday! O_O Wow. Thank you dA. *huggles* XDD
Goshness I feel so lucky tonight, despite the sudden RO-program-shutdown. Wahahaha. Weeeeeeeeeee. @_@
[+] 6:34 PM 
pRO 3x exp event, day 2.
Nothing really significant happened today... >_> I was on
adik mode as usual, and had some time-off for a few minutes when some of my guildmates went online. And it's quite touching (lol) since they were all concerned about my crusader-hood ;_; They were like hyper and all that, and they tagged along during my quest/test/whatever for crusaderhood.. ;_; awww. Thanks guys. XDD *huggles the guild*
And I'm proud to say~~ I'm a full-pledged crusader now ^__^ Yay. XD
But I still have a long way to go with the skills >_> Kinda... but at least I now have Spear Mastery and a little bit of Spear Quicken. Oh gawd I love that skill. XD After using that skill my crusader goes like .. uh, nevermind .. but she attacks really fast. Weeee. Amusing. XD Nyahaha.
I became a crusader at around 11 am, I think. I was stuck with the knowledge test >_> it was at that time when I discovered that I really can't survive pRO without the guidebook... lol. XD During the test I was flipping the pages for the answer to the question given by the NPC >_> lmao.
Anyway, had some leveling at the alligators with Cagalli/Sora-chan, and I'm almost catching up to her.. but she's still ahead of me ^^; Oh well. It's ok, I'm not competing anyway... XD
Oh, and I saw Lunascythe-kun along the way at Comodo. Had a little chat with him and his friend Loko, and also with a random priestess named Ladie Kristine. Everyone agreed upon the new leveling location: Juno. We were about to warp to Juno until my RO died down on me saying 'failed to connect to server'.
Now I'm not online in pRO, obviously... probably they're getting better experience points right now... and leveling up faster. Waaah.
Just as I was about to have some more fun (before I run out of internet card
again, I have about two hours left I think)... damnit. >_<>_> AAAAAAAAAAAAH it's so annoying!!! >_< And to think that I rarely go to Juno... *sigh* Oh well.
Now I'm stuck with nothing, except with my internet card which is slowly "dying". lol.
Maybe I'll just buy again tomorrow, when I drive. >_> I'll just pass by the shop (not really a shop, it's more like a house lol) tomorrow. >_> Hmm... come to think of it I stopped driving ever since the 3x exp event in RO started... lmao. Maybe I'll have some time-off from RO tomorrow morning. I'm a crusader now, so...
Now I want to level my merchant... so she'll be a blacksmith. o_o
LMAO I'm such an addict O_O But it's a rare occasion, really. After all, it's a 1-week event, and I'm doing all I can to enjoy my online time... because when my nephew [from the US] arrives, I probably can't go online again. Or, if I could get online, I'd probably be bugged/nagged by him. >_> Argh. Annoying >_> But I'm wishing for a little something when my auntie [who is the grandmother of my nephew]... I'm wishing for money >_> I wanna buy DNAngel manga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mou I'm so annoyed >_> Oh my dear RO program... why did you have to die on me when I'm at the peak of enjoyment with leveling?!?!?! >__________< Waaaah.... T_T
Wow. This is a long post. o_o Haha oh well... that's all for now... bye. ^^;
[+] 4:45 PM 
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
waiting for nothing, kinda
Aaaah I'm really bored. -_-
1 hour more before we (the pRO players) can enter again the realm of Rune-Midgard. @_@ *shrugs* Ah, the sacrifice... in order to enjoy the 3x exp bonanza [starting today] we have to wait >_> Oh well.
I look like I'm waiting for nothing >_> Haha. XD
Having nothing to do makes me think of a lot of things... and I mean a lot. XD But they're too many, so I can't list down everything. XD But I'm not really in the mood to do some 'reflecting' right now... all I wanna do is to wait for pRO to be open... @_@ 3x exp wahahahaha. Crusader-hood here I come. XD
Aaah yes, I need to get a life. >_>
Here's something that I thought about awhile ago. It's kinda random, and kinda unoriginal at the same time. I saw this before in the RO diary of a random player, and I was quite amused... unfortunately I can't remember much of what I read... haha. XD
How to spot(?) a pRO player1. He/she thinks of gelatin as the remains of slain porings/poporings/drops/marins.
2. He/she has really big eyebags.
3. Upon hearing a joke, he/she just says "lol" instead of laughing.
4. He/she has muscles in the index finger, which is used for constant clicking with the mouse.
There's supposed to be 10, but as I said, I can't remember 'em. >_> Haha. Oh well.
Waaiiii. Kanata looks so cute >_> Weee. I love him when he sticks his tongue out like that XDD Cuuuuuute. Mischievous. XD XD
[+] 11:40 AM 
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
rain, coldness, sleepyness
Ah finally the rain stopped. >_> It was raining so hard awhile ago that I was forced to turn off the computer because there might be a brownout (er, power interruption)... ^^; Oh well. It's kinda cold now, but the heat is slowly returning. -_-
Fuwaaah. Server maintenance (pRO) tomorrow morning... -_- So I have a high chance of being bored tomorrow morning. Haha. I just hope I'll wake up late... nyahaha. Nevermind if I can't drive tomorrow... >_> But I hope I won't have a headache. Haha.
I'm really bored... -_- *yawn*
[+] 8:11 PM 
pain pain go away... -_-
Just had my short nap, which was done(?) out of pure pain in the *beep*. -_- Fortunately, it's not so painful now... yay. I can go computering again, I guess o_o
Anyways... Hehe burned my last CD this morning, btw. Here's the list. The series name comes first, then the song title.
1. Area 88 - Mission (Fuga)
2. Samurai 7 - Fuhen
3. Samurai 7 - Unlimited
4. Shaman King - Jiri
5. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Fortune
6. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Distance
7. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Destiny
8. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Eternal Voice
9. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Heroine
10. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Final Memory
11. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Prayer
12. Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny - Shining Star
13. Saiyuki Reload - Wild Rock
14. Yami no Matsuei - My All
15. DNAngel - Rakuen ~Fanatic~
16. Trinity Blood - Dress
17. Yami no Matsuei - Kaeru Basho
And I have no more blank CDs here XD;; Oh well. Maybe I'd buy some after my orientation, which will be on June 9. XD
Oh, and my friend Jeddy texted me. She finally got her own cellphone. Yay! O_O But she doesn't reply so much as usual... oh well. At least I got in touch with her now, like, after many weeks... lol. XD She said that she wanted us to meet at Robinson's (which is near my school... fufufu..) on June 9. And she asked me to fetch her from her school (La Salle)... lol XD I'm her official driver.
Not. =p
I asked my dad about this, and he agreed, provided that we (the family) are "free". But right now, we're not... since my grandma is still bedridden... *sigh* But I really hope that my "meeting" with Jeddy will not be postponed. I really want to go.
Starbucks!!! <3
Oh, there will be a 3x exp event on pRO starting tomorrow [afternoon].
Adik mode all the way!!! XD 4 jobs before crusaderhood. Haha. Yay. I hope Kenshin (Matt) will be there to help me level-up.. ^^;
*sigh* sometimes it's hard having no friends (in school) who play pRO... Hmm wait, I do have friends playing RO, but we're not in the same server. I'm alone O_O Oh well. XD
Bye for now~
[+] 4:29 PM 
quizzes again~
More quizzes. Nyahaha. XD
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love. |
Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
Your Political Profile
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
What Your Dreams Mean... |

Your dreams seem to show that you're very preoccupied with your fears and problems.
These bad dreams indicate that you need to spend more time on your issues during the day.
Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities.
You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind.
You secretly want to hide your dreams from your waking mind.
Your Deadly Sins
Greed: 80%
Envy: 60%
Gluttony: 60%
Pride: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Wrath: 40%
Lust: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 51%
You'll die in a shuttle crash, on your way to your resort on the moon. |
[+] 10:21 AM 
A heart of gold? Really?? *_*
Just took a quiz... after a long run around the subdivision (on a car, of course). XD
My dad said my driving is fine, except for the few engine turn-offs when I make the car go forward. =D Yay. Just a little more. lol.
Mou.. my *beep* hurts. >_> Of all the days why did I have to have
it when I'm planning to sit in front of the computer all day?? >_> Oh well.

Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?brought to you by QuizillaWooo. A heart of gold. I hope it's true.. haha.. >_> Weee.
Owwwwwwwww. >_< *still in pain*
[+] 9:38 AM 
Monday, May 16, 2005
a peek through the mirror
(Another short post.)
Just noticed something when I looked at myself at the mirror... my eyebags have become quite bigger and a little bit darker... is it really like that? O_O Damn. I'm uglier... nyahahaha.
Oh well. It's a consequence of too much computer-ing after all. =_=
I'm almost done with the downloading... I'm downloading the last song for the day, which is "Dress" from Trinity Blood. It's not in my list, but according to Cass (Ruki-chan), it's a nice song... so there.
Haha... my eyes are so tired, obviously. =_= Goodnight~ XD
[+] 10:11 PM 
something that is somewhat freaky
Just noticed my horoscope forecast for today (on Friendster). I'm not really into horoscopes and stuff, but for some reason this forecast sends shivers down my spine (uh, kinda).
"Try not to be judgmental of your family members, no matter what they've done. While that might seem easier said than done, what they need now is your support. Save the criticism for a later date. A much later date."Nyoooo. >_< ... I just don't know what to say. o_o My grandmother [my mother's mother] is still bedridden. And now she is very weak... and seeing her in that condition makes me think of various things, which you may now understand/know...
Setting that aside...
Hehe, yeah, I'm on an mp3 spree again. XD After I ran out of RO load (just a few minutes ago), I opened IE and... yeah, surfed I download my anime mp3s from there, and if you're still in search of a certain song/mp3, try finding it there. XD
Anyway... as I was saying, yes I'm on another mp3 spree. I have 5 mp3s waiting to be downloaded, namely the following... (the series name comes first, then the song title)
** Area 88 - Mission (Fuga)
** Samurai 7 - Unlimited
** Samurai 7 - Fuhen (I'm not sure if this is the ending theme [which I really love], but yeah, I'll give it a try)
** Yami no Matsuei - Kaeru Basho
** Yami no Matsuei - My All
I know, it's kinda many... but I'm bored, so there. XD
Besides, no one cares about my life anyway. So in a way, I might be the only one reading my own posts >_> Oh well. It's my world after all. XD
Up to now, I'm still craving for the steering wheel. O_O Weird. I'm not that good with driving yet, but for some unknown reason I want to drive. >XD Haha.
Adik. XD
Laadeedaa. Done downloading "Jiri" (Shaman King). Next song to download~~ "Mission (Fuga)" from Area 88. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I've been searching for this mp3 for ages. Haha. XDD
Which reminds me... I need to have more blank CDs ^^; Burn burn burn... haha.
[+] 7:21 PM 
craving for the steering wheel O_o
Okay so today I didn't have driving lessons from my dad. He had a short meeting, so he's not available. Oh well.
And this morning sucked. -__-
Sometimes I'd prefer having driving lessons since the family is all happy and stuff... because when I'm not having those I tend to notice my parents' annoying sides. -_- Damn... just as I was about to go on
adik mode on RO. *bangs head on ze wall*
It's so annoying!!!!!!!! T____T *bangs head on ze wall, again* And to think that I'm having a slight headache. Probably because I didn't drive today? XD;;;
Never thought driving could be so much fun. Especially if I won't turn off the engine... when I go on reverse and stuff >_>
My head huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts @_@;; Maybe I'll sleep for a while >_> Then when I wake up I'll do some "pleading" to my dad.
"Buy me my RO card pleaaaaaaaaase!!!!" ... lol. -___-"
[+] 1:52 PM 
Sunday, May 15, 2005
The world is becoming more boring by the minute.
This is just one of those days wherein I just want to stay in my room and do nothing. Or maybe watch tv... or maybe have a little chat with a friend.
No one texted me today. Waiiiiiiiii. -_-
I'm usually immuned to these kinds of stuff but for some reason, I felt quite disturbed about it today. ^^; Oh well. No one cares about me after all... I'm vanishing from their memories.
Which reminds me... I'm like Dark, in a way.. XD He remains in the Niwa bloodline because he doesn't want to be forgotten by people... awww. TT_TT I can relate with that.. haha.
Sometimes I can't help but think: do I really have friends? Or I just have "friends" who are just there when they need me, and leave me when I'm the one in need?
Yeah I know, I'm thinking too much... >_> but who cares anyway?
They don't even care if I die right now.
I'm right, right? *shrugs*
Life really sucks sometimes... oh well... if it's my destiny, so be it. -__-"
[+] 4:36 PM 
Saturday, May 14, 2005
lazy lazy lazy
For some reason I don't feel like leveling today in RO... @_@ I know my swordie is 5 job lvls away from crusaderhood... but yeah, I'm feeling lazy. And to think that my auntie (along with my ever-annoying nephew) would arrive soon, which means less computer time for me. >_>
No one's been online in the guild lately, and my partymate [Kenshin/Matt] seems to be busy or he seems to have no internet for the meantime. Sooo.. yeah. Life in RO has become pretty boring.
It's quite unusual though, since I usually can manage to level alone.. but now I don't really feel like it. lol. Oh well. I'm pretty sure that my swordie won't take 1 year before she becomes a crusader ^^; unlike my 1st chara.. which is a knight XD;;
Err.. that's all. >_> Maybe I'll go draw or something...
I'd drive now, if only I could. . . . . . XD XD XD
[+] 3:51 PM 
do. rai. ving. gu. XD
Yayness. I know how to drive @_@ well a little bit. XD;;
You might be wondering why I wasn't online this morning... well, I was busy having driving lessons with my dad, who taught me from 8 am to 9 am.. hehe. He just taught me the basics. Driving forward, backward, forward, backward... hehe but it's kinda hard since I usually make the engine go off.. lol. XD It's a manual transmission thingy after all. @_@
But yeah. I'm happy... at least I know now how to drive... a little. LOL.
But I swear-- when I drive, I want an automatic transmission thingy, not the manual. >_> Having the engine die on me (but it's my fault anyway) takes a lot of time... and patience XD
Hehe it was a busy day yesterday... we were out the whole day ^^; First we went to the Manila Pavillion... we ate our lunch there along with 3 other people, with 2 of them as my relatives and the other one being the husband of one of 'em... yeah, he's an American. He's quite outgoing, and he knows how to ride along with jokes ^^; and he gave me loads of advice too; since he learned that I'm an incoming college freshie.. ^^;
After that we went to some vehicle companies(??), namely Toyota and Nissan.. we were taking a look at some cars, and we're comparing them... we'll buy a new car after we sell our Nissan Terrano. XD And yesternight(?) we decided... we'll buy the new Toyota Fortuner. XD XD XD I know it's quite big, and it's supposed to be a family car O_o and I'm gonna use it when I drive to school... but as my dad said, as long as you are a pro at driving, you can drive any car... XD and my mom said big cars are more fitting for me since I'm so tall O__o haha. XD
I'm getting addicted to the Toyota Fortuner now.
It's my current cellphone wallpaper. XD XD Haha. XD
If ever you're curious about the car about I'm talking about, you can see the picture
here and
here. Just some scans of the brochure(?) that was given to us. Hehe. XD
Laadeedaa. Hehe I made some blinkies yesterday night. I was bored.. so there. XD;;;

Oh well. That's all for now... XD
[+] 11:01 AM 
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I'm running out of internet card again >_> weeee.
Just had a short chat with Cagalli awhile ago, and we found this site which is a fanfic generator. And I say, it's very amusing. Really. XD
We made some stories for the guild members... and it's found
here. It was copy-pasted by me. From YM. XD
Gaaah I'm really bored. I don't feel like being on
adik mode in RO right now... after all, Kenshin/Matt is not yet online. It's more fun leveling with his crusader... and it's faster since he's my partymate, and the party is on 'even share' of exp points.
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway... yeah. I'm still bored. >_>
My dad asked me awhile ago what to buy [since he was going out] and I asked him to buy an internet card. He frowned. Wah.
Hmm. I think we'll be going out again tomorrow... my dad said we'll be eating again at the Manila Pavillion. Yay. 2nd time. =D
But I think we'll be having company... and I'll be forced to socialize again >_> Oh well. ^^;
Err..that's all for now.. baibai. XD
[+] 2:36 PM 
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
A tiring day... and it's not even June yet.
Just a short update. I think.
I'm already done with my enrollment for college. Yay. But I don't have my uniform(s) yet... they said they'll be ready after a few weeks. ^^; Oh well. At least I'm enrolled now. Classes start on June 14, and I'll be having an orientation [along with other 'newbies'] on June 9. Hehe. Can't help but feel excited... but I'm not yet really in the mood to go to school right now. Oh, and I still don't have any idea about my schedule... @_@ But at least I know what my subjects are. Fortunately, I only have 2 subjects which are
not favorable to hear: College Algebra and Gymnastics (omg!!).
I met some of my batchmates awhile ago, and it's quite surprising. We don't even know each others' names but we were able to tell [at a glance] that she was a batchmate... weird. But it's funny. Haha.
Right after enrollment we went home, and arrived at around 3 pm.
And I took a nap.
I know it's quite unusual for me to take a nap in the afternoon, as I would normally go online and play RO. But the heat was so... strong(?) that I had to take a nap-- since I felt so damn weak [particularly my feet].. ^^; So I can say that I'm not really adapted to super-hot environments.
After I woke up I took a bath, then played RO.
adik mode as usual. 5 job levels to go before crusaderhood... go me. @_@ I hope my internet card will sustain my leveling... it's running out of time. Again.
Ohh my dad's gonna kill me. x_x I'm so extravagant regarding internet cards... lol. I use them too much. >D
Oh well, bye for now. I'm feeling sleepy already. XD
[+] 10:52 PM 
Monday, May 09, 2005
losing my patience over random stuff.
I am so damn bored. o_o
I ran out of RO load and soon enough, I'll run out of internet card too. Wah.
Dunno why but I'm feeling quite annoyed right now.
Anyway bye for now...
[+] 12:54 PM 
Sunday, May 08, 2005
10 job lvls to go... *yawn* cousins and my auntie visited my sick grandmother [who is in our house]. And it's just now that I realized that I really have become quite an antisocial. I didn't speak to them, I just stayed in my room. They gave me a [belated] graduation gift, and I just said "thank you" in an awkward way.
I wonder.. What's happening to me?
Or maybe it's just because of the fact that I haven't seen them for about 12 years now... haha.
Just played RO awhile ago. 10 more jobs before crusaderhood. @_@ It's so tiring. Kinda. Haha. After my swordie reached job lvl 30, I felt tired all of a sudden. So I stopped for now. ^^;
My auntie (er, not the one I mentioned above) will be leaving in a while. Dunno why. So it's almost like she's entrusting my grandmother to
us... wah. So that means I might be prone to more errands... oh well.
It's not that I'm complaining, but it seems that whenever I play RO, I'm always prone to errands. XD Hmm. Oh well. Bye for now~
[+] 3:31 PM 
new and original layout. yayness-ness.
Finally, I've been able to have some time offline- and do a layout that is not pre-made. Yay. I'm so happy. I could stare at this layout for hours. Fuwaaah~ Dark~ XD
*ahem* Okay enough about the layout...
Er... nothing much to type right now... but I think I'm running out of internet card AGAIN. XD
Anyway... yeah. Uhh..maybe I'll play RO now. The layout thingy is done now, after all. Now it's time for some virtual action. >D
Bye for now~
[+] 9:45 AM 
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Caged Bird
[the song currently playing in my playlist]
It seems like on a 'depressed mode' again. I know, it's late, but I'm still awake, and online... and I nothing else better to do right now.
My relatives [mother's side], along with my grandmother, just arrived. Not that I don't care anyway, but yeah, I feel kinda depressed upon seeing my grandmother's weak frame, on the bed... at least now I know what my mother felt when she stayed over in her hometown for a few days [a few days ago]...
And, once again, I feel useless. Yet I find it kinda weird though, because my grandmother didn't know me at first glance. ^^; But what could I say? She just suffered from a heart attack... so I should understand.
Anyways, I'm not sure if I should sleep now... and no, I don't feel like playing RO right now.
But even if I sleep now-- or not-- I'm still of no use. I don't hear my name being called, and I'm not asked for any errand.
Right now is just one of those times wherein I want to feel useful...
Yet... I am the one who is isolating myself in the first place... so what's the point.
It seems that I'm having an internal conflict of some sort.
So yeah, what's the point in writing this down?
... nothing. Heck, it's my blog, so what.
And this blog contains some of my thoughts.
Even if no one cares.
These are my thoughts.
I write/type them here, to have a little feeling of peace...
To have a little escape from the world that drives me insane.
Yet, in the first place, I myself--- I drive myself insane...
Oh gawd what am I saying. I'm getting crazy.
I hate my life...
[+] 10:39 PM 
More quizzes.
Er... I'm kinda okay now. I've been online the whole day, and I ran out of internet card. But, fortunately, thanks to Matt, I'm still online. ^^;
I surfed around
Animevisions for almost the whole afternoon. And, I'm very amused with some pics I found... XD
I found a lot of pics, particularly DNAngel pics.
I also found some "romance" pictures, which amuses me... no, it's not xxx, but it's just a mere couple... but it's cute... XD
Oh nevermind.
Took some more quizzes... lol.

The Servant
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your #1 Match: ISFJ
The Nurturer
You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal. A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways. In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music. You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.
You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. |
Your #2 Match: ISFP
The Artist
You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now). You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children. Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life. Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.
You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer. |
Your #3 Match: INFJ
The Protector
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
You Are 30% Psychic |
You are barely psychic.
Sure, you sometimes predict things...
But is it a matter of luck? Or something more?
Pay closer attention to your first intuitions
You may be more psychic than you know! |
You Are 25% Left Brained, 75% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
[+] 9:12 PM 
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Since when did you last feel useless?
My answer to that question? Hmm.
Well, I feel quite useless right now.
My mom is crying right now... she fears that her mother (which is my grandmother) might die soon. I tried to comfort my mom, but to no avail. Sometimes I just wish I could do something for her, other than offering a glass of water...
I really feel useless. I don't seem to be of any help here... I wonder if there would be people who would attend my "funeral"... or maybe the "funeral" of mine would become a party... *sigh*
Oh well. There's nothing I can do, if there are people who hate me. But I'm certain that there are people who hate me... *shrugs*
Sometimes I feel that I'm really unfortunate regarding friends. I never had a true friend in my life. Really. All I remember are friends who are 'present' in times of their need. But once I fall down, no one is around to help me up. Instead, they push me down. Sometimes.
Oh, and have you ever noticed my life with friends? Maybe now. But, I have noticed long ago, that when I give something to a friend, I ask for nothing in return. But when I ask something from
them, they always want something in return. Hence, it is only me who gets nothing. I lose something because I gave it to them, but I didn't mind. But I also lose something for I have to pay for what they give..... oh gawd it's so confusing.
But in a way, I could be like that as well. At home, I mean. I keep on asking for something from my parents, and if I do something for them, I want something in return.
So I can say, I am also a parasite; a parasite who is playing host to other parasites. *sigh* Can't help but think about these stuff... I've never been useful to anyone... I've just been a 'host' being fed upon...
My mom is still disturbed... and still crying, but not as much as she cried awhile ago...
Now I'm the one who feels like crying. I'm currently experiencing a terrible headache, and a disturbing heartache. And no, it's not about love, mind you.
[+] 2:48 PM 
boredom = quizzes. kinda...
More quizzes. "Stolen" it from Neobie's page lol. I'm bored and I have nothing else to do... I'll play RO later, when someone is online in the guild...
You are driven and excited about new things and like to get stuff done (or at least mostly complete). You're not afraid of bigger, more challenging tasks because you know that the worst thing that could happen still isn't really all that bad. You probably have lots of hobbies already, but trying something new can be fun anyway. |
Our Potentially Ridiculous Hobby Suggestion For You: Birdwatching Don't rest until you can identify every kind of bird! This skill is not useful at all, but people do it so it must be interesting. |
Your scores: |
Your Birthdate: May 27 |
Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path.
Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate.
There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do.
This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative.
You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends.
You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return. |
You Have Good Karma |

In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.
Your caring personality really shines through.
Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.
But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. |
Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 80% |
Spelling: 80% |
Grammar: 40% |
Vocabulary: 20% |
Oh yeaaaaaaaaah I'm dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O
[+] 11:43 AM 
Nothing much really. Kinda lazy today, since I did a lot yesterday... particularly HTML-ing. I was reviving my old site,
Taciturnity. It's now revived, and open to all visitors. XD
The layout?'s also pre-made. I'm too lazy to do my own layout so there........ 8D;;;
I've been thinking about RO since this morning..haha. Maybe I should play ^^;;;
15 job lvls before my swordie becomes a crusader... I still have a long way to go. ~_~
I just wish there's a 2x exp or something...haha.
The 'delete' button on my keyboard isn't working O_o wah.
[+] 10:32 AM 
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
of pre-made layouts and hormone overload
Gawd am I really this bored?
I was surfing the net and I stumbled upon a pre-made layout site... and I got "attracted" to the DNAngel layout(s).... and now I'm using it.
I know that I know html, but I guess I'm just too lazy to create an original layout.
Hence, this. I'm using a pre-made one. Haha.
But it looks okay anyway... so be it.
Just downloaded another mp3, entitled "I Wish" from Fushigi Yuugi. It's nice... hehe. I'm getting addicted to it right now. ^^;
Fuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ I'm so weird.
I almost forgot to share-- I had *another* weird dream last night. According to Matt, my guildmate, my dream was more like a 'wet dream'... LOL. Do girls have wet dreams? o.o Maybe I'm just in a period of overloading hormones... or something.
But I can't help but feel quite.... happy(?) with the dream. Haha.
Here's what I remember....
It all begins with the scenery of my room (bedroom). It was big/spacious, and all you can see are 5 beds, the cabinet, and of course the door to the bathroom. No windows, no electronic gadgets. Just that. You could hear 5 voices from the bathroom [in short, there were 5 people in the bathroom]. They were saying something like "We should go by 5 am".I was sleeping at that time, lying beside Tsuzuki (of Yami no Matsuei) who is hugging me with one arm. We were both naked, but the blanket covered us up to our shoulders... I stirred in my sleep, and I uttered "Inaantok pa ako.." (Tagalog for 'I am still sleepy'). Tsuzuki smiled, still with closed eyes, and I held his arm. He replied, "Edi matulog ka pa... di na ako inaantok eh." (Tagalog for 'Then sleep... I'm not sleepy anymore.) I caressed his arm, then after that, I snuggled closer to him and slept.Err... that's it. ^^; It's weird, really, but it is still clear in my memory. Especially with the bed part. It's really unusual, though, since in the dream, it was
me, not my character Meira... it was really me, in that dream.
Oh gawd. XD
This is the nth dream. Haha. I wonder.... is something wrong with me?
I've been dreaming weird dreams
every night, even if I pray.
Weird. Very weird.
[+] 11:08 AM 
Monday, May 02, 2005
fanlistings mania, part III
Yes, I believe I AM addicted to joining fanlistings. o_o
I added *another* drop-down fanlistings list: the non-anime category. Music, music people, movies, books, and mythology.
But this time, I might not be including this site/blog in the join form... in order to avoid further complaints about stuff which I don't want to enumerate. ~_~
Wee. My posts have gotten shorter. lol. Oh well. XD
[+] 1:01 PM 
meh. II
Have you ever thought of making a poem about
the world today?
For me, yes.
Just did it yesterday... inspired by the emails I got from some FL mods...
I'll post it sometime later. Or in my deviantART page.
[+] 11:07 AM