Tuesday, June 28, 2005
still angsty... somehow

Sometimes I really don't know what's happening to me. My mood rapidly changes, and sometimes I'm starting to doubt if I am normal or not.
Anyway, I found out this morning that I'm NOT the only Ragnarok player in the classroom; all thanks to my Poring t-shirt. Haha. But I'm quite surprised that my classmate is/was part of a major guild in Loki [yes we're in the same server XD].. and she's level 81. Wow. And I'm just level 65 [my crusader, I mean]. And I really say wow.
And she said that she'll boost me someday. Waaaah. I hope it would push through, considering my busy schedule... well it's not really a 'busy' one, but for me, it's busy. Haha. Okay I'm not making any sense again.
But was there a time when I made sense? ... Nevermind.
I'm abnormal after all, right?
Even if I'm still with my friends, I still feel alone somehow. I know I've been saying this for quite some time already, but yeah, that's what I've been feeling. Despite the happiness, I still feel empty.
Even if I have someone to talk to, I sometimes feel that I am talking to thin air.
Am I really destined to feel such loneliness?
I want to cry, but I can't. I can't let the world see my tears...
I want to die, but I can't. For I the pain is what I fear.
I want a shoulder to lean on, but no one cares in the first place.
Sometimes I'm wondering if my existence is a sin itself.
What is my purpose for living anyway? I'm literally useless.
Other people can live on without me, I'm sure of that. They won't even remember me, once I die... but even if I'm still living, I'm still invisible. I'm a drifting spirit...
[+] 9:11 PM 
Monday, June 27, 2005
studying about why we have to study about how to study

Weird title... but yeah. It makes sense to me, somehow. So, we had our first day of S&L skills [Study and Learning Skills] classes. Big deal. It was BORING. Er... I dunno.. but I wasn't interested at all. And I noticed a lot of stuff in the subject- er.. no, in the teacher. I can't point out the reasons why but she somehow irritates me so much I wanna do something violent to her. o_O Nevermind.
Nothing really significant happened today, but yeah, I still have the angst in me (does that make sense?). Even if I'm with friends, I still feel alone somehow. Oh well. You know that already, right? I think I've said it before... so there.
Er.. yeah. I still feel alone... and sometimes this paranoia is taking over me. I still fear for the future. Dunno. I might be abandoned again by my friends... just like before.
Speaking of paranoia... my parents have gone overly paranoid again. This time, it's not about their opponents in court. It's now about our guild. My guild. Night Cross.
I hate to bring up this topic here, but I have to spill the beans (bleh. not literally.) because the guild (particularly Cagalli, Kenshin, and Kenneth) might be wondering why I'm avoiding to see them in real life. Well, guildmates, it's not my choice, and I really hate to obey this rule imposed upon me by my parents.
And the rule is to
lay low, and just be an 'online friend' for the meantime.I think I understand why, but sometimes it's still offending me to think about it. After all, they're my friends too, and having to hear some "insults" could offend me too. But I don't have a choice, do I?
I'm not saying goodbye to the guild, I'm just saying that I won't see you in real life for a while. Maybe we could just "see each other" online, in YM, or in RO...? But I promise you, even if you betray me [which is why my parents are imposing such a paranoid-oriented rule], I'd still be your friend.
I know I might not be making any sense. But please do understand. And for the last time, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying goodbye, okay? I'll just see you guys again someday, in real life. If God permits. ^^x
*yawns* fuwaaaaah it's getting late. I'd go sleep now. I have to recharge. Especially that we have our Gymnastics subject during Tuesdays... and, since tomorrow is a Tuesday....................
Ah well. Might as well sleep. Goodnight.
*cries off to sleep* I'm "leashed"...
[+] 10:34 PM 
Sunday, June 26, 2005
damn lag. damn errors.

OH DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Just as I was about to post something quite angsty (after some time), I can't see my post. I don't know if it's just lag, or the post didn't really publish. AAAAAAAAARGH!!! TxT
I'd be willing to repost what was lost, but I forgot what I typed before. Besides, I'm not really in the mood right now. I'm currently annoyed, as usual, since my ever-annoying nephew is now here. Oh well. Just a little more patience, and he shall go back to the country where he came from. Just a few days more.
Oh by the way, I would like to share that we're not going to buy the Toyota Fortuner anymore. Well we planned to buy it, but we can't wait for so long. According to the dealer, they're still not sure of the release date of the vehicles, considering the looooong list of orders from the customers... so yeah. We changed our mind. ^^; We're going to buy the Isuzu Alterra now. Yay. Now I don't have to wake up too early during Wednesdays just to avoid the color-coding (or number coding, should I say?) scheme. Blah.
Anyway... yeah. It's getting late. Off to sleep~
I'd sleep peacefully now because "the nagger" is asleep now, too. So no more nagging, for today.
[+] 10:45 PM 
untitled V
Did I tell you that my nephew will be returning here tonight? Did I? I think I did. If I didn't, at least you know now. Haha. I'm so confusing.
Anyway. Yeah. I'm currently "savoring" the last minutes of being online without any nagging. -.- I'm gonna miss the silence of the house. Really. And I'm going to miss those times wherein I could lock the door and cry [in my room]. TxT
Oh well.
I just dropped by gendou.com a few minutes ago, and I'm quite surprised that there were a lot of new mp3s uploaded today. And, as I see it, I think I have around 3 mp3s to download. Yay. At least I have something to do.
I was supposed to play aeRO but I don't feel like playing right now, since I don't have company. *coughcoughcagallicough* XD Oh well.
Maybe I'll just transfer my Accounting notes to the columnar book... o.o
Oh, and I'm currently addicted to the song "Pride" from Gundam Seed Destiny. The song reminds me of Evanescence. And also Night Cross. TxT I miss the guild TxT

Which reminds me, my parents are starting to take control of my life again. I'm not really against it, I'm just enduring it. But this time, it seems like they've gone overboard. They're ordering me to avoid some of my friends. No, not school friends. Some of my online friends. And, that includes the guild.
Sometimes I'm starting to feel pissed off regarding my parents' paranoia.
They're saying that my guildmates are just there to know more about me, and soon enough they'll gang up on me and they'll take advantage of me. I have nothing against the guild, honestly speaking. But having my parents say something like that (about the guild) highly offends me. Sure, I still don't know much about the guild members, but they're still my friends. And it's somewhat annoying to hear someone say something about your friends, right?
I know I might not sound fair, but I already know I am selfish. But I'm still disturbed by what they said. Is it true? Is it going to happen? Or is it just another one of their assumptions which is a product of pure paranoia?
However, there was one part which I thought was right:
You can't serve two masters. I have my friends in school, and it's my first time to be in a group with 7+ members. And I can't sacrifice them for the guild. At the same time, I can't sacrifice the guild to them.
I'm torn between two masters.
But, I'm not saying that I'd stop being their friends. I'm not also saying that I'd stop being loyal to the guild. But, as of now, I'd lay low, I guess. I hope the guild would understand.
I'm not saying goodbye, guildmates. It's just see you later. I hope.
But I could still contact you through the blog, right?
I'm sorry if it turned out this way. I really have no other choice. I'm "leashed", and I have to follow.
But, again, I AM NOT SAYING GOODBYE. It's just... see you later.
Kahit sa YM, blog, or sa RO nalang tayo magkausap....It's been a while since I last experienced something like this. I'm confused...
[+] 8:31 PM 
OMG nosebleed O_O

And that's what happened to me this morning. o_o
But I don't have any idea why it happened. XD
According to my friend Cagalli, it's either because of my green-mindedness or because of the heat. ^^;
Anyways... yeah. I'm kinda happy. I'm almost done with my assignments. Yay. XD Maybe I'd do some drawings or layouts later... haha XD But my mom said we'll be going out this afternoon o_o We're going to buy a new [ordinary] calculator (for my Accounting subject), and some other stuff. ^^;
Hmm. They (my auntie and my nephew) will be arriving tonight TxT nyooo. TxT
I'm going to endure my nephew's nagging again. Damn. TxT
Oh well. ^^; At least at that time, I'd probably be finished with my assignments anyway.

I wanna draw more NCS drawings. Particularly Kenric. o_o Dunno, I'm inspired for some reason. Maybe because of a certain quote that I saw in a certain avatar... which I got from daydreamgraphics.com. XD It's Roy Mustang from the anime Full Metal Alchemist. Hmm. Which reminds me, that's the name of our research group in 4th year highschool. 8D!
Nothing much, really. I'm just bored. 8D!
Maybe I'll continue with my assignments now... after I take a bath. ^^x
[+] 9:23 AM 
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Sayonara, Ragnafest 2005.
It's just now that I remembered, the Ragnafest 2005 started today. TxT
It would be continued tomorrow too, but I also can't attend because I have classes on Monday. I would have attended if not for the damned Study Skills subject [which we'll have on Monday] TxT
Wah. Too bad I can't attend ;_; I really wanted to go.
Oh well. Let's just hope that there would be another Ragnafest... and I'm hoping that next time, I would be able to attend.
Anyway, my mom texted me this afternoon [they were out of the house attending to stuff regarding the new car]. She told me that my nephew and my auntie will be coming back here tomorrow from Candon O__________O!! Oh effing damnation. I still haven't done any of my assignments.
I think I have to do them now. Because tomorrow, as soon as my effing nephew will arrive, I won't have any more concentration. At least I wouldn't mind so much if he'd bother me with computer stuff. But for study stuff, I don't want to be bothered by him.
Aaarrrggghhh. So I'm cramming on a Saturday. Because of my nephew. Damn. Of all the reasons.. argh! TxT
Oh well. Off to work- er.. study. Before 7pm. We'll go hear mass.
At least I don't have to go to church with my effing nephew ^x^ that alone makes me happy. At least I can listed to the homily [and the mass] attentively. Yay.
[+] 5:09 PM 
Survey stuffs

Squeeee. I'm bored. Again.
I'm supposed to work on my Study Skills assignment, but I'm still feeling lazy. D:
Besides, what can I put in that study schedule?? I don't have a study schedule!!! I don't even follow it, if I have one.
Anyway. Yeah. Images. Squeee. The cuteness. TxT *huggles*
Yeah. Still bored. And, because of boredom, I shall be answering a survey thingy, stolen from Ruki-chan's blog. (I miss our roleplays Ruki-chan TxT I miss ya TxT)
a n g e r section.
do you have a quick temper?
what do you do when you're mad?
-hmmm. I usually keep my anger to myself ^.^; but I sometimes let it out by listening to "enraged" music. or I just post on my blog. or show my cold side (sometimes). or cry. or text my guildmates and let them know that I'm mad o.o
what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?
-being cold to someone who isn't even "involved"
if you can take back time, would you have never done this?
ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
-no. I think it's me who is the first to cry o.o
ever physically hurt someone when you were mad?
do you curse when you're mad?
c r y i n g section.when was the last time you really cried your heart out?
-a few weeks ago. I forgot why, though ^.^;;
ever cried yourself to sleep?
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
-can't remember
ever cried over the opposite sex?
do you cry when you get an injury?
-no, usually. unless it reaaaalllllyyyy hurts and I can't take it anymore. 8D
do certain songs make you cry?
-not really. just depressed ^^
can you make yourself cry?
-sometimes. or maybe rarely o.o
p a i n section.what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through?
-life. (I agree with you Ruki-chan TxT)
what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?
-um..wound myself? o.o
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?
-I dunno. It's usually the other way around... you know ^^;;
ever had a painful break up?
-yeah, I think
what about the old 'pain for pleasure'?
-hoh? it's ok ^.^
how depressed can you get?
-dunno. sometimes I reach the point of thinking about suicide..^^;
do you inflict pain on yourself?
-emotionally, I think
h a p p y section.are you normally a happy person?
what can make you happy?
-dunno. there's a lot out there, but I dunno. nevermind.
do you wish you were happier?
what makes you the happiest?
-drawing, I guess. because in drawing I can express what I think...?
is being happy overrated?
-sometimes, I think
what about being with your friends, does that make you happy?
-dunno. sometimes I still feel empty. or out of place. so I really don't know my answer to this question.
can music make you happy?
l o v e section.how many times have you had your heart broken?
do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?
-significant others? I still don't have any.
have you ever loved someone so much, that you'd die for them?
-dunno. I haven't fallen completely to anyone yet.
did you ever love a guy/girl, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply?
-nope. haven't told anyone yet. because I haven't fallen yet. -.-
ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry?
-dunno. maybe not.
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?
-yes. ~_~
ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'?
-no, because I haven't got into a relationship yet.
h a t e section.who do you actually hate?
-myself, and a few people who I don't want to enumerate.
ever made a hit list?
-uhm.. no. I just think of it, but I never put it down on paper...
have you ever been on a hit list?
are you a mean bully?
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?
do you hate George Bush?
-dunno. I never thought about it before
s e l f - e s t e e m section.is your self-esteem extremely low?
do you believe in yourself?
-yeah. I do. when there's a blue moon. 8D
when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?
-dunno. I just keep quiet. dunno what to answer anyway. but I usually deny it. but in the first place, was there someone who said that to me before?O_o
are you happy with who you are?
do you wish you can be someone else?
[+] 1:46 PM 
Utterly disturbed
It's been a while since this happened. But I don't really want it to happen again.
Next time,
I won't use the search option anymore; unless I know my friend's e-mail address. TxT
I was searching for a certain classmate in Friendster, and out of all those pages I saw a certain profile picture which is very very very disturbing. I assume that you know what I'm talking about, right?
I know I'm somewhat used to seeing 'green' stuff, but that's only for anime. Particularly yaoi. But not to the point that I'm seeing EVERYTHING. TxT Damn. Take note that I'm absolutely not used to seeing real-life pics wherein they're doing you-know-what. Argh.
I'm utterly disturbed. The last time I felt disturbed was the time when my classmate lent me a hentai vcd (I didn't know that it was a hentai vcd until I watched it). Daaaaaaaaaamn. TxT
I need to look at more yaoi pics. I need it. NOW. TxT
I need to look at yaoi pics so I can forget what I saw a few minutes ago... TxT
[+] 12:08 AM 
Thursday, June 23, 2005
And the hardships shall now begin...
Title says it all [again].
Yeah, it's been a while since I last posted. It's not that I'm saying that from now on I'd be able to post regularly, okay? It's just a short update. Just to let you know I'm still alive, and struggling with college life.
Well, not really struggling. But in a way, yeah...
So far my first week of college was fine, as mentioned in the previous post/s (I think). Anyway, even if it was fine, I'm not really contented yet. More so, I'm not really satisfied. I know I get to go to Robinsons (which is the mall "next door"), but for some reason I still feel empty. I dunno. I feel like something is missing.
And now, the second week has ended (we won't have classes tomorrow since it's Manila day; hence I am assuming the week has ended), and so does the leisures. Well, not really. But yeah.
We didn't have to go to school on Mondays, but starting next week, we have to go there. For that so-called "Study Skills" class. Great. My week is "full". Damn.
I couldn't do anything about it anyway, right? So I just have to go with the flow, as usual. It's so annoying. Argh.
And soon enough the midterms will arrive. We may not be noticing it now, but time flies. Maybe.
Oh well.
I still have a lot in mind right now, and I want to type some more. But I'm already sleepy. So leave it as is; and tomorrow I shall forget these thoughts. Maybe.
What I need right now is a good cry. I've been keeping negative emotions [particularly frustrations and grudges] within me lately. I need an outlet...
Don't mind me. I'm just getting weirder because of stress overload (?). Bye for now...
[+] 9:52 PM 
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
[sentimental mode]
by Maaya Sakamoto
Told myself for a long time
don't go there
you will only be sorry
Told myself so many times
I just had to take a look
in those faraway eyes..
In them I saw a longing
for something
Maybe I couldn't give you
Said it's all in my mind
"It ain't nothing"
Don't say that
Don't say that
darling no
Don't say anything at all
Because I've seen it now
Can't pretend anymore
"It ain't nothing"
Do you know what I mean?
And have you seen it too?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you know?
And I'll do anything
just tell me what it means
Cause I can't live in doubt anymore
Do we try or should we
just say goodbye
If you'd rather be somewhere
that's not here
then you just gotta tell me
Cause there's so much more to life, than pretending
Don't you know
Don't you know
darling for you
I'd do anything at all
I wanna be with you
but that look in your eyes
tells me something
*Chorus repeat*
I wanna know
can you tell me
I wanna know
will you tell me
is it hello
is it good bye
I gotta know
won't you tell me
I gotta know
you can tell me
is it hello
or just goodbye
I gotta know
can you tell me
I gotta know
will you tell me
is it hello
is it goodbye
I gotta know
won't you tell me
I gotta know
You can tell me
is it hello
is it goodbye
[+] 8:52 PM 
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Quizzes III
More quizzes. Most of them are from Ruki-chan's blog.
Yes, I have nothing else to do right now. I don't feel like playing RO as of now. Maybe later. XD~
You Were Actually Born Under: |
You have both a fiery energy and a warm heart. Your charisma and charm makes it easy for you to influence others. Lucky in life, you also have a reputation of being lucky in love. Power hungry, you are determined to get what you want - no matter what it takes.
You are most compatible with a Monkey or Rat. |
You Should Have Been Born Under: |
 Resourceful and practical, you are a quick thinker. You are very observant - and it's hard to get anything past you! A total perfectionist, you are especially picky about looking your best. You're a big dreamer - such a big dreamer that reality can disappoint you.
You are most compatible with an Ox or Snake. |
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck is something you won't attain - you expect bad luck. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you make opportunities to interact with many people through club activities or a hobby, then select someone you like. |
Slow and Steady |
 Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.
They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.
They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. |
Your Expression Number is 6 |
You have an outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. You are helpful and inclined to comfort those in need. You have many artistic and creative talents, but you only use them to better others.
You are loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much kindness and generosity. Openness and honesty are apparent in your approach to all relationships.
Sometimes, you can be too demanding of yourself. At times, you tend to sacrifice yourself for the welfare of others. At other times, you have trouble distinguishing between helping and interfering. |
Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion | |||||| | 30% | Stability | |||||| | 26% | Orderliness | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Altruism | |||||||||||| | 50% | Interdependence | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Intellectual | |||||| | 23% | Mystical | |||||||||||| | 43% | Artistic | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Religious | |||||||||| | 36% | Hedonism | |||||| | 23% | Materialism | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Narcissism | |||||||||| | 36% | Adventurousness | || | 10% | Work ethic | |||| | 16% | Self absorbed | |||||||||||| | 43% | Conflict seeking | |||||| | 23% | Need to dominate | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Romantic | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Avoidant | |||||||||||| | 43% | Anti-authority | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Wealth | |||||||||||| | 43% | Dependency | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Change averse | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Cautiousness | |||||||||| | 36% | Individuality | |||||||||| | 36% | Sexuality | |||||||||||| | 50% | Peter pan complex | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Physical security | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Physical Fitness | |||||||||||||| | 57% | Histrionic | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Paranoia | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Vanity | |||||||||| | 36% | Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Female cliche | |||||||||||| | 43% | | |
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
[+] 11:10 AM 
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
First Day Fun, you say? (yes, fun. not funk.)
It's a nonsensical title, really.
Oh well.
My first day [of college classes] wasn't so bad. The teachers for today were okay, but I kinda felt awkward with our Business Organization teacher. Okay, first impression- she kept asking us about the schedule!! At that moment, I wondered if she really was a teacher... or maybe she was just experiencing amnesia or something. O_o
And, for Introduction to IT, the teacher wasn't around, I think. We arrived at 1:00 sharp ['photo finish'], because we ate our lunch at Robinson's. For me, it's definitely
not an option to go there for lunch, particularly during Wednesdays and Fridays, since our break is only for 30 minutes. So I guess you could have imagined how we went there, and how we ate. We didn't even have time to chat.. haha. Oh well.
As of now, I am going with 6 friends, who are also my classmates [BSA-1]. Yeah, we're not that really close yet, and I sometimes have this fear about being left out. We are 7 in the group, and one person has a chance of being left out. I fear that it's
Oh well. Life is life, after all. -_-
So, yeah. In short, I don't really feel like I have friends right now. For some reason, I feel somewhat alone... you know. Yeah, you've seen a lot of these sentences/phrases already.
I just hope that I'd have more confidence in due time... I don't really want to be alone, in school I mean. It's kinda hard. You know the drill.
Well, unless you don't understand.
Nevermind, my life is nothing to others anyway.
[+] 10:44 PM 
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Orientation Bluez
Okay, it wasn't so bad after all. It's just... tiring. And I mean tiring.
First off, I was annoyed in the morning because just as I was taking my time, Jennica suddenly texted me, telling me that there won't be any classes today for the
freshmen. There was an orientation. So, there. That was the so-called "not yet in the schedule" date of the orientation. Great.
Err.. yeah. I got late, almost. I was quite anxious since I didn't see any of my schoolmates [yet]. And just as I began searching for company, the guard asked me for my
assessment paper. And I forgot it at home!!!!!!!!!! ...Another annoyance.
It was just at that certain moment that I thought about how stupid and ignorant I really was.
Anyway, moving on... We were in the auditorium after a few minutes of lining up. There's really not much to say about the orientation at the auditorium. It was partly
interesting, and partly boring, too. But, because I am stupid, I wasn't really able to absorb all the things that were said. Boredom had taken over my mind, thus making
it blank.
The only topic that probably interested me was the "School Txt" program thingy. I never thought there could be something like that. Haha. Amusing. Announcements
[and the like] through SMS. Haha.
But I dunno how to register. What is the effing school code?? Someone tell me. Please. I'm dying to join already. XD
After the auditorium orientation, we had lunch, if that's what you called it. As I know myself, I am quite picky with food. And I mean picky. The lunch, which was
provided for us, composed of cold rice, cold salted egg, cold
adobong manok (I think), and tomatoes (I think)... also with some cold
pan de sal without
any filling(?). And boy, did I feel like barfing after the first bite. Dunno, I guess I'm not really used to eating "cold" food. Haha. -_-
A lot happened in the orientation, those of which I didn't really enjoy. Particularly the "Amazing Race" which is actually a school tour, made like the show itself. So yeah.
We were running around, searching for clues on the next place to know about, and yeah. All the places are a blur to me. Maybe because I was too tired running. After all,
it's a university, and universities are usually thought of as big buildings.
Erm... yeah. A lot happened. And just as the orientation was about to end, I suddenly remembered that I
must get my class cards, as these are essential- since
you need them to be able to enter your class.
And as soon as the orientation ended, the dean's office closed. Greaaaaaaaaaat.
Now I know why some people 'walked out' without even waiting for the 'The Hunt is On' to be initiated.
I'm stupid. Really. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. Truly stupid. AAAARRRRGGGH!!!!
Now because of having no class card, I
must go to school earlier tomorrow. Instead of 9 am (wherein I shall start my classes), I'll be going to SPUM at 8, since
the dean's office opens at 8.
This day has really been quite annoying. And frustrating. And mortifying... damn.
And now, my head hurts like hell. -_-
Maybe I'll sleep now. It's earlier than my usual sleeping time, but this headache is too annoying to bear.
Oh well.
...Someone buy me an internet card ;_; a P30 ISP Bonanza card will do...*sob*
[+] 8:30 PM 
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Just passing by.
Title says it all. ^^;
Okay, so maybe it isn't goodbye after all. It's just..... see you later. ^^;
I shall return. 8D
[+] 2:29 PM 
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
A farewell... but is it final?
Hwaaah. I have less than one week to enjoy being online; and I have less than 5 hours left on my internet card.
My online life will end soon. *sigh*
Much to my dismay, my parents will not buy me any more internet cards, I think. If they would do, they said that they'll keep watch over me when I go online, to make sure that I'm doing research, not anything else. It's quite disappointing that they distrust me, but I have no choice. Who am I to command them to set me free?
I'm entering college, and sometimes I am still treated like a gradeschooler. How unfair.
Other people who are being "set free" when they reach college, and they're allowed to do anything they want. How I envy them.
I'm feeling really depressed... but a part of me is quite happy because I was able to buy a new bag, and a new CD [Gensomaden Saiyuki image album no.2]. But still..... *sigh*
If only I had money. At least P100 would do. All I need is one more internet card.... one last internet card... before my online life would finally end.....
[+] 8:24 PM 
Sunday, June 05, 2005
lazy lazy lazy III
It's my mom's birthday today... but the rain makes today look like another ordinary day. ~_~ Oh well. But honestly speaking, I like the weather today. It's somewhat rainy, yeah, but the skies are... gray. Pretty. XD
Nothing much really... 1 more week before I meet my doom O_O Which will be the opening of classes. June 13... hwaaaaah. -_-
My mom is forcing me to read my accounting book... she said it's for advance reading and stuff... oh well. Can't blame her. ^^; At least I managed to read 15 pages... lmao.
[+] 8:44 AM 
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Addicted to RO, at the wrong time.
Just a short update. Hehe, I've not been updating for a few days now, so I'm posting... just to let you know I'm still alive. XD
The 3x exp in pRO (Philippine Ragnarok Online) officially ends tomorrow. It's supposed to end last May 25, but they kept on extending... and I have a strong feeling that there won't be any extensions anymore. Oh well. I'm kinda happy, since my crusader is already able to wear a fin helm... haha.
But I'm not really satisfied with my leveling in pRO. I know I wasted another chance, but after getting my crusader to lvl 65, I felt lazy. So I played aeRO. Again.
I played aeRO before, and I was able to do 4 characters. Unfortunately there was a server wipe-out, and all the charas in that server were erased (including mine). After the wipe-out I quitted aeRO, only to find myself playing it again after a few months. And that moment is now.
Well, kinda... I started playing yesterday morning. And now, my character is a Lord Knight. XD
And... I'm in love with the Lord Knight skill called "Spiral Pierce". Well, it's Pierce too, but it's fast. And I mean fast. XD
How come it's just now I got addicted to RO (aeRO)? And to think it's almost schooltime... =___=" Oh gawd. I haven't started reading my Accounting book yet. XD
[+] 10:14 PM