Friday, July 29, 2005
50% off on all items = manga mania

Yesterday was probably one of the happiest moments(?) in my life.
After fetching me from school (as usual), me and my parents went to the place where my favorite manga store is located. And, much as I expected, there was a sale. Yep.
50% off on all manga/items!!! Gosh I was feeling so crazy/happy. You could tell by my expression (while taking a look around) that I was happy. Haha.
So, yeah. I was able to buy 5 manga/comics. Only for the value of 500 or 600+ pesos (I can't remember). I consider it cheap because at that value, I would only be able to buy 3 old manga (200 pesos each) or 1 new manga (450 pesos) and 1 old manga (200 pesos)... so there.
And for the "inventory". XD I bought:
*DNAngel vol. 6 (that was the only DNAngel manga left, so I had no choice)
*X/1999 vol. 18 (because of Nataku, who was on the cover)
*Rurouni Kenshin vol.12 (dunno why I bought this one)
*Shaman King vol. 13 and 14
I made a mistake with the Shaman King manga, though. I thought I already had volume 10 and 11 so I bought 13 and 14. Damn. Maybe I got confused with my scans here. I have a picture of the volume 12 cover, but I don't have volume 12 itself. ^^;; Oh well. I liked what I bought anyway, especially Shaman King volume 14. And DNAngel volume 6. EYE CANDY. Woooo. *drools*
Anyway, nothing much happened this week, so I don't have much to say. Besides, it was hectic. And I think we are still going to be hectic in the next few weeks, especially that we'll be having our midterms in August 16-20.
Oh, and I watched the recent episodes (aired in Animax) of The Count of Monte Cristo [forgot the Japanese title, sorry]. And I like it. The style is much different from other animes, because they are using sophisticated patterns and such. Other than that, at least I already have a background of the story it was adapted from. It's great. And I hope it would be greater(?) as the story progresses.
But, of course, nothing beats Hagaren/FMA (as of now). Unfortunately, I only get to see it once a week, which is on a Sunday. It's not that I'm complaining, but sometimes I just feel like I'm cliffhanging. XD But I guess that's fine, because if our local channel would air Hagaren/FMA on weekdays at the usual time (5:30 pm), I wouldn't be able to see even one episode because I'm still in school (or still on my way from school) at that time. So I guess seeing at least one episode is better than seeing no episodes at all.
I've been planning recently to make a weekly check of my piggy bank (yes I have one), since my mom said that if I plan to buy manga (or any anime stuff or non-academic stuff or art stuff for that matter), I should use my own money. Hence, I SHOULD SAVE. Haha. I know it's hard (especially if you're kinda selfish) but I guess it's good training (maybe?). So, yeah. Maybe I'd make an inventory or list tomorrow. At least I could make use of what I learned in our Accounting class so far. XD
But I'll do that tomorrow. As of now, I shall sleep in peace. And maybe dream of Dark-san. Or Krad-san. Or Satoshi. Or Hao. Or Yoh. Or Ren. Or any bishie in my recently-bought mangas for that matter.
Squeeeee!!! I still can't help but smile. Mangaaaaaaa. X3
Too bad they ran out of stock for the FMA/Hagaren, XXXHOLiC, and Tsubasa manga. T_T Oh well.
Okay okay, I'll sleep now. XD
[+] 9:46 PM 
Monday, July 25, 2005
Pickle Plum? O_o

What are pickle plums anyway? Could they really make you drunk? Hehe, nothing much, just wondering... I heard about it while watching Lamu the Invader Girl (otherwise known as Urusei Yatsura). XD;;
So... yeah, no classes today. Unfortunately, I have to finish all of my homework today because I was procrastinating for the whole weekend. Oh well. I guess I am to blame anyway, and also my brain which gave an overflow of drawing ideas. XD;;
I just wished I was enthusiastic about doing homework yesterday so I could tag along with my parents who are going to a mall to meet a friend. *shrugs* I really wanna go to that mall. *sigh* Oh well.
Anyway, I still haven't practiced for my Gymnastics routine. I already planned it, but I havent practiced (and memorized) it. Yes. I'M DOOMED. XD
Other than that, I have 2 homeworks left to do. Gee. I have no future. Hahaha. *whaps herself*
Oh well. I guess I'll start with the next
homework obligation, which is the powerpoint for our CWTS group.
Speaking of Lamu the Invader Girl, I think I like one of its ending themes. It's kinda.. enticing. I wanna dance. Haha. Squeeee. XD
All this cramming is driving me crazy. Same with my current FMA obsession. Squeeee. XD
[+] 3:32 PM 
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Procrastination III

It's already Sunday, and it's now around 11 am. Damnit, I haven't started on my homework yet. I'm so lazyyyyy. XD;;
Anyway, I feel quite happy this morning because the channel which is airing Full Metal Alchemist (or FMA) will stop airing FMA on weekdays. XD Instead, they'll air FMA every Sunday. YAAAAAY. I can watch FMA. Yay. So I guess I won't be so disturbed on a weekday afternoon. But still, I wanna watch more FMA. D:
Okay. I really am addicted to FMA now. XD
And I'm also addicted to some characters, particularly Ed and Roy. Squeeee.
All I need is a fast connection to download the manga, and also 1,500 pesos for ordering the vcds of the series. Weeeeee.
I think I should get started on my homework soon.. even if we won't have classes tomorrow (I think, because it's a holiday?)..
[+] 12:42 PM 
Saturday, July 23, 2005
(Random) The right to weep like a child

Okay, weird title. Nevermind. I just got it from Escaflowne, which I am watching right now. XD
So, yeah. Another Saturday. And as usual, I didn't do anything that's related to studies. Haha.
Anyway, nothing much happened today... just finished the lineart of the drawing which will be used as the next layout for the guild blog... and now I'm currently working on the lineart of a certain "request" by a classmate of mine.
I dunno if I'd be able to color these stuff by tomorrow, seeing the pile of work that I have to do. Haha. And that, my friend(s), is the result of long-term procrastination.
As I was saying, yes, I have a lot to do, and I'm planning to do all of these tomorrow. Hopefully I'll finish them, so I could continue my drawing/coloring. But other than that I still have to make and practice my so-called routine for our Gymnastics. And yes, it's a solo performance, damnit.
Oh well. I guess I just have to do my best.
So, yeah, goodnight. My parents are telling me to sleep now. ^^;
[+] 9:38 PM 
Monday, July 18, 2005
Procrastination II

Okay so I'm just starting on my assignment(s). Haha. I'm so damned lazy. 8D
I dunno but I feel like sleeping late tonight. I feel like staying up until 11 pm. Haha. Weeeee.
So maybe I'll just type the CWTS assignment for tonight, and do the *ahem* other assignments tomorrow. Other than that, maybe I'll have a bunch of work to do tomorrow because of the lazyness I experienced this weekend...
So again let me list down the things to do for tomorrow...
1) Do Rel. Ed. assignment (about the Bible).
2) Read and catch up with chapters in our Business Organization book, because our professor was absent for 2 days.
3) Re-check my report for CWTS, just in case.
4) Transfer the damned notes in Gymnastics.
5) *optional* Get a new layout for the guild blog. Maybe the NCS-Spiral group pic will do. But I want to use something XXXHOLiC... XD;;
Gaaaaah. *sigh* Oh well. It's my fault anyway. So I just have to cope up. Haha. At least I get to change the layout. It's been floating around my head for a few days now, so I decided to change the layout now even if my previous layout (v.6 - Eccentric Tranquility) is not even a month old yet. Haha.
Anyways, that's all for now I guess... I have to get started before my dad arrives here in my room. Bye for now ^.^;
[+] 9:53 PM 

It's just now that I thought about my assignments, but still, I don't feel like doing any. Haha.
So yeah. Maybe I'll do them later... I'll just list them down so I won't forget.
1) Do Powerpoint presentation / acetate for CWTS
2) Do Rel. Ed. assignment, about the bible...
Laadeedaa... I think I'm still experiencing a mental block of some sort. O_o My mind feels blank. XD I think it's an effect of me sleeping late for the past 2 days. *shrugs*
Oh well, bye for now. I'm still watching Yudaiji from Clamp Campus Detectives. XD For some reason he reminds me of Artemis Fowl. Haha. Squeeeeeee. Oh well. Bye for now. XD
[+] 2:37 PM 
Sunday, July 17, 2005
XXXHOLiC mania ... again

Squeee. Now I can say that I'm really scatterbrained. XD
I was supposed to download the recently-uploaded mp3s at, but all this time I was surfing around And I think I'm addicted to XXXHOLiC once again.
So, yeah. I know my layout is not really old yet, but I already have another layout in mind. Of course, it would be another XXXHOLiC layout. But yeah, I already have something in mind. If I'd still have some time, maybe I'd start making it later or tomorrow. XD
However my shrine (dedicated to our guild) is not yet done. XD I can't get it done because I still have a bunch of lyrics to type. And also the profile. Haha. So I guess I still need to finish this shrine before the new blog layout... ^^; Besides the guild will be having its anniversary on August, so I guess I should hurry up. o.o
Other than that, we'll be having our midterms in August too, so maybe I won't be online so much when it's time for the midterms. Squeee, wish me luck. ~_~
Hmm... so yeah.. XXXHOLiC. Haha. Weee. Gotta love the gothic-ness. XD So now I have more than 10 new XXXHOLiC pictures. X3 I wish I could share it with Hooplabuga (from deviantArt). He likes Yuuko too, especially if Yuuko has red eyes. ^^;;
So... yeah. I think I want to take a bath (again). Hmm. Oh well. *goes to the bathroom anyway* Bye for now~
[+] 6:03 PM 
Another lazy Sunday afternoon

I just woke up a few hours ago because of oversleep. Haha. XD
Hehe, I slept at around 2 am for the past two days. Why? Because I had to tag along with my parents who helped some of their officemates, who were "raided" by some good-for-nothing policemen. Why did I say good-for-nothing? Because they are accusing these people of illegal recruitment, when in fact it is not so because they're just
training the dancers. After all, Japan has stopped the deployment(?) of those dancers for two years, so there is no choice but to just train...
Baaaah. Whatever. At least it's finished last night, I think.
Anyway.. setting that somewhat-annoying-topic aside, I'm feeling lazy today. Even if it's a Sunday, I feel like it's still Saturday because I wasn't able to enjoy my Saturday so much. Haha. Oh well.
So... yeah. I'm doing nothing, just downloading some mp3s. Haha. And I'm amused because I have a bunch of new mp3s to download again. XD
Hmm. I dunno what to say. *is having a mental block of some sort* I just finished reading an online manga (or should we say a webcomic), entitled "Blackbird". And I'm happy to say that I really like it. The story is good so far, and up to now I'm still interested in it. The characters are good too. It's not inked and digitally toned, it's just in pencil; but for me it still looks good. So.. yeah, i like in all in all. ^__^ You can read it in Nightfall at
Ashen Ray. Go read it. It's great. XD
So yeah, that's all for now.. ^^;;
[+] 2:35 PM 
Thursday, July 14, 2005
untitled VI

Sometimes I just can't help but think about how long the days have become. Okay, that doesn't make much sense; but anyway, I'm just thinking that the weeks seemed longer than usual. And as we move on, it seems that it gets even longer. Because of it, I lost track of time (not really). And I can't believe it's already Thursday.
Anyway, as I said in my previous entry, our Study Skills subject is over. So we'll be having one "vacant" Monday before we start with another "packed-up" Monday, which will be for the Paulthenics subject.
But, even if it's Friday tomorrow, the week is not ending just yet. Damn.
According to an announcement which I read on the school's freedom board awhile ago, I saw that we, the BSA freshmen, are required (I think) to attend the acquaintance party this coming Saturday afternoon. And I think it would be quite "chaotic" because while we're having that acquaintance, some 200,000 rallyists might probably be rallying around Luneta. Our school is in Manila, and Luneta is also in Manila. So, there's a high possibility experiencing traffic. Argh. *sigh* (Politics in the Philippines is getting more rotten by the minute. If only we could move on and try to uplift our "deteriorating" country, that would be better. If only. Haha. Whatever. They won't listen to a citizen's opinion anyway, so what's the use?) Sooo... yeah. Much to my dismay, I guess that I just have to content myself with two days of "rest", even if we won't be having classes on Monday. Awww. One day of rest down the drain. Oh well.
College is kinda busy after all. Now I don't know what to think about. Do I really miss high school? Haha. I don't know [now]. All I know that we're having sh!tloads of stuff to do already.
Hmm. We're supposed to have a quiz tomorrow in CWTS, and I haven't started reviewing yet. Haha. I'm procrastinating again. Haha. I don't know what's happening to me again. Haha. Sometimes I'm thinking if I'd really make it in Accountancy. If I won't make it, maybe I should just commit suicide. Haha. Partly joking. ~_~
Oh, and I'm still aloof with some matters with my friends... Oh I dunno. Or maybe it's just me and my forever-annoying-low-self-esteem-or-something. They're planning to celebrate one of my friends' birthdays by drinking... beer or something alcoholic. Mou. I'm not into those stuff, really. I'm fine with red wine (lol that rhymed), thank you. (Ah. Peer pressure. What are we going to do without you? -_-) Dunno. But I'm certainly not in favor with that beer-drinking thingy. Well, they can drink, but I won't. I don't want to. You can't force meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. XD ... Maybe I'd just bring my own drink, which would be red wine. Haha. But I'm not even sure my parents would allow me to go drinking with them in the first place.
And to think that they (my parents) had actually had a good first impression on my friends.
Which reminds me. How come they're having good impressions with them, and they're not even impressed with (or should we say they don't trust) my guildmates? It's somewhat unfair, you know. I've been with my guildmates too, even if it was just for a short while [in real life, I mean]...
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I'm in the right group of friends or not. But I also wonder if I'm really destined to be alone. Who knows, I might end up in the same situation like the one during my second year high school. And I might be left alone again, then I'll be more depressed and stuff. I wonder, am I already strong enough to endure the pain, if 'that' would happen for the second time in my life?...
Oh and for the nth time, I consumed my cellphone load because I spent it all in "talking to thin air". Did you get my point? Haha. It's kinda weird, I know. But then again, no one cares anyway; it's understandable.
[+] 10:02 PM 
Monday, July 11, 2005

So much for the Study Skills subject. Haha. Damn. It's utterly pointless. Oh well. At least today was the last meeting ^__^ Up next, Paulthenics. I hope it would be interesting.
Anyway, yeah, I've been busy for the past few days, so I wasn't able to update. XD I've been loaded with a lot of homework, artwork, and webpagework.
Hmmm.. I had a lot of thoughts for the past few days, but I'm too mental-blocked to share them.
However, one of them is about my recent despisement(?) for our Gymnastics subject. Well, not really despise, but I don't really like it. If only I could drop this subject and head over to the Music Department(?) and learn how to play the piano or the guitar... But oh well. I'm already in the class, so I have no choice but to cope up during the semester. Besides, my friends are also staying there. Haha.
But they told me that they won't swim (in the next semester), they'd drop the subject and enroll for instrument-playing-lessons instead. I asked my mom if I could do the same, but unfortunately she didn't approve of my suggestion. So, it means that I have to look stupid again in the swimming pool next sem. ;_;
Oh well. I guess I shouldn't be thinking much about the next sem because that would still be a few more months in the.. well.. future. XD Besides, we don't have our midterms yet. So I should concentrate on the present for now. XD
... I surfed some sites of some of my online friends- wait, old online friends for that matter. I'm not even sure if they remember who I am XD I was active in the AC (Anime Club) messageboard before, but now, I'm not. So my existence might have been forgotten. XD Oh well.
Er.. yeah. Honestly speaking, I envy them having their own domains. D: Oh well. I'm not surprised. They're the 'upper class' after all. ^_^
Asa pa ako. XD
(Sorry, I dunno how to translate this italicized statement. XD)
Oh and Candy (my guildmate) finally posted on the guild blog. Yay. ^^; But she told us that she's quitting RO because she can't find the damned Louyang CD. XD Well, I'm not quitting RO, but I also can't find the CD as well. D:
So maybe I'll play aeRO for the meantime... well, if I had time to play RO... All I do is do homework, do homework, do artwork, do webpagework, and more homework. Damn. D:
I need rest. And some more leisure. XD
I hate being online just for research. -_-
Gosh I really need to strive harder. And I reaaaaaaaaallly need to adjust. *whaps herself* Highschool is not like College. *repeats it to herself* Highschool is not like College. -_-;;
Argh. XD
Oh well. Now, off to research about the History of Gymnastics in CHINA. Wth. -_-;;;
[+] 7:36 PM 
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
untitled V

Sometimes the rain could actually be responsible for triggering the feeling of loneliness within you.
Dunno. I'm supposed to be happy today, since starting tomorrow, our lives would be quite peaceful again. My nephew and my auntie are going back to USA in a few hours, but I won't be awake when they would go. Like, duh. Their flight would be tomorrow, early morning. They told me that they would/should be at the airport at around 2 am.
Anyway... yeah. It's not about them anyway. But for some reason, I'm still feeling lonely... and empty.
Even if my friends are there, I still don't feel much of the friendship. Maybe it's just because it's our first weeks together. But still.
I really don't know what's happening to me. And I can' help but ask [again] why should I experience something like
that in my 2nd year highschool? I think that's one of the main reasons why I 'changed'... but still, it's my fault anyway.
*sigh* I feel really lonely, but I don't know why...
However, I still want to cry... even in my sleep...
[+] 10:15 PM 
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Just a short update

Okay, so I didn't do much this weekend. I just crammed awhile ago, and fortunately, I'm done. Other than that, I was able to upload(?) two drawings at dA, which are, of course, XXXHOLiC drawings. And~ I wanna draw more. 8D
Unfortunately, I don't have much time anymore. We'll be going to church in a few minutes... haha. Oh well.
By the way, my auntie and my nephew are going back to the USA this week. So that means no more bugging. I can concentrate on my studies when I want to. FINALLY! :D
But I guess I won't be online so much too, when they leave... because I won't have any more excuses. XD But I doubt that.
Thanks to my school's location (which is near a mall), I sometimes get to buy an extra internet card or an extra prepaid card. Haha. But in that case, I'd lose more money. D:
But I'm really extravagant after all.. ^^;
Oh well.
I just wish I'd have more time to go online.. but.. but.. waaah. D:
Hope to be back soon. X3
Bye for now~~
[+] 7:55 PM 
Saturday, July 02, 2005
XXXHOLiC ~ T.R.C. mania

Squeee. I think I'm addicted to TRC (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) and XXXHOLiC. And maybe, also Full Metal Alchemist. OwO
Ooooo. Here we go again.
Anyway... yeah. I think I am addicted to these series now. Oh well. Nothing new. Haha.
My new desktop. :3

I was supposed to go to a certain party with my parents (and my auntie, and my nephew...) but I decided not to go since I felt lazy, and I was busy coloring another one of my drawings.
Soooo... yeah. I didn't do any homework today. :D
Maybe tomorrow. I only have about 3 assignments, anyway. The rest of them are for reading.
Well, I'm done with the coloring of the drawing... but now, I'm bored. And I can't think of what to draw next 8D
Oh well~ bye for now. XD
[+] 8:39 PM 
Quizzes IV
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno TestYour Personalized Assessment Report:
Your LQ score is a bit on the higher end, meaning you've got some issues that need to be worked out. We will examine them and then suggest possible remedies. One of your weak points is the situation with your friends, who are one source of your loneliness problem. This is an area that needs attention. Thankfully, your family is not a source of loneliness for you. Sometimes family can put a strain on your life, but in your case things seem to be okay. Your romantic life, however, is a source of some dissatisfaction. It is imperative that improvements be made in this area to lower your LQ. Finding a guy to share your life with will help. Shyness is one major factor holding you back. In order to eliminate your loneliness you must overcome your difficulty with interacting with others. Things are a little more difficult since you are not surrounded by people who match well with you, but good people are out there. Personal insecurity is playing a major role in limiting your healthy interactions with others, and by working on this factor you can help decrease your LQ further.
Take the
Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions
[+] 12:19 PM 
Friday, July 01, 2005

At last. It's Friday.
I can rest.
And sleep.
Or maybe play RO?
I'm tired.
I need sleep.
Homework? Assignments? Maybe tomorrow.
I'd be going out tomorrow afternoon (or tomorrow night) to attend some kind of party, which I assume would be boring.
I wanna play RO.
I wanna draw.
And~~~~ I wanna sleep.
Goodnight. XD
[+] 9:29 PM