Sunday, November 27, 2005
Boredom strikes again.

Mou, why is it that when I'm bored, I can't think of anything to do? Oh well.
So it's a Sunday again. My, how time flies. The weekend is gonna end again. *sigh* Well there's not much to do here, although I still have a lot of work to do regarding school. But in regard to my procrastination, I don't have anything to do.
I tried drawing but I don't seem to be getting anywhere, so I just stopped because I'm just wasting paper (I kept on tearing the pages from the sketchbook lol). As of now I don't have anything to do except to listen to music. I went online at YM but there's no one available for chat. I tried playing aeRO but the Maayan server is closed. I checked my dA account but there's nothing new.
Or maybe it's a sign of some sort. Maybe I should start working on my homeworks now...? XD But I'm still feeling lazy, I dunno why.
Since yesterday, I was playing aeRO, leveling my whitesmith... and I began leveling my lord-knight-to-be character. So far my knight has reached level 99 and he is now ready to be reborn. Just a few more hours before he can finally be a Lord Knight. But that'll be put to a halt as of now since, as I said, the Maayan server is down. *sigh* Oh well.
Last Friday me and my parents tried "hunting" for an iPod Shuffle, but we didn't find any. But we'll still try, and I hope to get my hands on that iPod by next Friday.
Oh and I bought this so-called USB Toggle(???) for the computer, so I can put my cellphone files into the computer. It cost me around P1000+, and I say it was expensive. Unfortunately I'm starting to doubt the capacity of this package. I tried installing the CD but my computer brought out a warning saying that "the computer might be damaged or may become unstable if you continue with the installation of this product". I was disappointed [kinda] since the package was expensive and now I get this. So, since I was afraid, I stopped the installation. I haven't returned the item yet because our computer technician said that it would be okay.
Well I kinda doubted that because he might be after the money only [for repairs]... so he might say that it's okay. So when my computer breaks down, he can fix it, and he'll have income.
Oh boy. *shrugs* People these days...
So anyway my mom said that I should take the risk. But I'm still afraid lol. But at least I got to back up most of my files already anyway. I'll install the product next time. Promise, I would use it. But not now... I don't want my computer to bug down for the week. I'll try it next Friday. So the technician can come on Saturday... JUST IN CASE. I don't want any more expenses for repairs and stuff since I'm already broke because of joining the recent Starbucks promo.
Aww man, I'm running out of cellphone load and I can't text my uke [Cagalli]. 8D Now I'm starting to think of giving her a Sun simcard this Xmas... But maybe not, since she said that her phone is sim-locked... But... oh well. XD
Oh yeah, I noticed that I'm starting to take my role [as seme] seriously. OMG... OMG!!! O_O
Kinakarir ko na ata. Hahaha. Just kidding. It's just for fun anyway. After all, Cagalli and I have become quite close, even if it's just through text/online. ^_^
Which reminds me, I need to find the third NCS Soundtrack (which is somewhere within our car)... so I can burn it for Cagalli, and then we can see each other this Thursday so I can give her the CD. 8D
Arghhhhhhhhh.... I'm bored... I'm feeling lazy but I feel bored too. Wah.
[+] 3:21 PM 
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The Irony (dunno what to put lol)

Zomgz I'm using a Fllay avvy. lol. *random* xD
Anyway... I know it's not really a nice time to blog as of now, since I still don't know anything about Partnership and Corporation... According to our professor, we should read our book from chapter 1-2 for the weekend. But since I got too carried away in playing aeRO, I have to cram for it now. But at least I got to read some stuff about Partnership and Corporation although it's in a different book. XD;;
Setting the assignments/cramming aside, I just wanted to blog because I really had a weird day today. I dunno, but I thought it's really weird lol. Anyway we had our usual class in the morning, we began at 7:30 with Intro. to Psychology, although nothing significant happened. But I somewhat had fun because there was this part about perception and all, and it reminded me of art. XD
So after Intro. to Psychology, we were supposed to have our class in Logic [which is, so far, my fave subject] but our professor didn't show up. *frowns* So, knowing our class, everyone walked out after 30 minutes of waiting [for nothing].
My friends and I ate at the small restaurant which is not really a restaurant (erm...
carinderia in Tagalog XD) near our school, and after that we went to the nearby mall to enjoy the aircon *lol*. We did nothing though, we just sat and talked about stuff...
And while we were already 'refreshed', one of my friends suddenly thought about seeing her boyfriend. And soon everyone agreed to the idea to 'meet' my friend's bf near Benilde (the school where her bf studies)... so there we got a taxi and went to the Providence Tower(? .. it's near my friend's bf's school). Upon arriving at the place, I felt some kind of weird feeling but I didn't pay attention to it. Even if I didn't want to be there, I had no choice since I was already there. Besides, if I stayed behind in the mall, I would be kinda bored because I won't have company. ^^;
So all of us went into a karaoke room and sat there for a few moments, until one of my friends realized that she left her cellphone in the taxi that we just rode on. I know it's disappointing for her but I can't help but feel annoyed because that could have been prevented if she just kept her phone inside her bag... well to whoever she was texting to, he/she could have waited and understood that my friend was in the car hence she can't bring out her cellphone. But there's no more choices now, her cellphone is lost. Maybe it's already stolen by another passenger. *shrugs*
While my friend sulked over her lost cellphone, two of my other friends brought out their cigarette packs and started smoking. I know they're my friends, but I really hate to see them smoking. I found it hard to breathe inside the karaoke room since it was small, and two of my friends were smoking. Imagine that. *scratches head* But at least they weren't inviting us to smoke or anything. And that's good enough.
But since they were smoking, I couldn't help but put my handkerchief on my nose. So they giggled but I didn't care. Besides I'm not the only one who's irritated anyway... my friend Maine went out of the karaoke room after a few moments. And I followed suit.
After a few minutes we found out that most of us went out of the room except two of my friends who were smoking inside. lol. Anyway, I know they're quite offended but they should consider us, too.... but oh well. It's their lifestyle after all...... So yeah... while sitting outside, we ordered some french fries and ate.. after a while my friend (Mia)'s bf arrived and then they had their own conversations and all.
Then it was at that moment that I realized that the Providence Tower (where we were situated at that moment) was near to Jeddy's school. I texted her and she told me that she was waiting downstairs... although it's sad since we got to see each other when we were about to go back to school.
But I'm somewhat happy because I saw her... but I was surprised too because her appearance changed ^^; Honestly... Jeddy, you look stressed. o.o; And I thought I should be more stressed since we're in Accounting... ^^; peace Jeddy~ XD
So yeah... that's it. After that we went back to school and we had our seminar from 1-4. My dad told me he'd fetch me at 5pm (since I told him that the seminar might end at 5pm, considering our Filipino time hahaha), so I went to the mall first and had some coffee from Starbucks. By the time I consumed my coffee, my dad called me and told me that he's ready to fetch me. ^^;
Nothing special happened here at home, I just did my homework while getting constantly bugged by friend Sakura... XD She told me to play aeRO tonight but I can't since I'm busy... maybe next time.
I realized that it's quite ironic since I was cramming at a time when my friends are available to play... gosh I should've done my homeworks this weekend... *shrugs* Oh well.
And *breathes heavily* lastly, I realized that I am quite cynical... I keep on doubting my friend's motives... but I can't help it since I'm kinda paranoid. I'm somewhat disturbed since some of my friends in school don't chat with me at all... I know it's not a big deal, but..... *sigh* oh well...
Maybe that's all for now, since it's getting late. Oyasumi ^^;
[+] 10:19 PM 
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Untitled XIII

Gwaaaaah it's just the first month of the second semester and we're already SO BUSYYYYYYYYYY T__T;
Oh well... just a little more before Christmas vacation... and Nicole's bday party... and aeRO!!! O_O Go me. *cheers for herself* XD
So anyway, nothing much happened for the past few weeks... we've been hectic like h3ll. But not really because we got to roam around the mall, sometimes.. XD Oh and I'm taking a short break from drinking Starbucks drinks... I'm not sure if this is the culprit but I noticed I'm getting fatter O____O So there. I'm taking a break for now... but that doesn't mean I won't drink coffee anymore. I'll just take coffee here at home. XD
Maybe I should try doing some exercise (and I mean real-life exercise lol) this summer vacation...? o.o But knowing myself, I would most probably sit in front of the computer again... XD Oh well. It's just my RO addiction, that's all.
Oh btw...I have aeRO in my compie again. Maayan server mania. Yay. ^______^ *dances*
Thank you Cagalli~~~~ XD XD XD
Cagalli and I met in the mall last Thursday. We planned to see each other (since Thursday is Cagalli's free day, and Thursday is the day with our earliest dismissal) and we're glad that it pushed through (unlike me and Jeddy, we've been planning but it never comes true o.o). XD So yeah... we met at Starbuck's and had some chat over some donuts [and coffee on my part]. And as expected we traded some CDs. She gave me the aeRO cds (and aRO cd) and I gave her the NCS Second Soundtrack. She also gave me a trial internet card and the FMA booklet that she bought at Divisoria. XD Waii~~ XD
Hmm I dunno what to say... lol
So anyway the weekend is ending again... and we'll be facing another week filled with stress and such. But anyway... I'm somewhat happy since I got to play aeRO yesterday. I got to level my Stalker and now it is at lvl 80+. It's fun leveling at GH Castle... except for the fact that there are loads of Wanderers there. (Dunno why but my Stalker can't place a single hit on that monster o.o) XD
Anyway, since it's Sunday (and I just got to buy my internet card a few seconds ago), I'll probably do some of my homeworks while I still have time. Let's see... I still have to do my Accounting assignment, and I need to do some advanced reading too... *sigh* And the assignment for P.E./Swimming... and I need to continue my seatwork-turned-assignment in Math. =_="
Speaking of Math, our teacher in Accounting called me and my classmate... she told us that we should ask for a "recomputation of grade/s" from our Algebra (first sem) teacher because we'll be wasting our chance of being in the honors/awardees. It's sad that we got disqualified because of one subject, but our teacher said that we should try to have that so-called "recomputation" because if we would still have that grade, we would NOT be in the honors/awardees till we graduate.
... NOOOO ;_; *cries*
My dream is shattered just because of COLLEGE ALGEBRA!!! T_T wtf. I got an 84, and I need to get an 85 so I'll have a chance to be in the honors/awardees...
WAAAAAAAAAH DAMMIT. *curses her professor*
[+] 6:10 PM 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Envy is bad for your... what?

Okay, I know this isn't the time AGAIN to be posting, for I have stuff to do... particularly the worksheet (work shit? XD) for Accounting... but anyway, I'll just post a short post. XD Besides my internet card's running out so I don't have much time anyway.
So today was a good day I guess, because when I woke up I heard good [anime] music, and I saw that it was kinda cloudy (I like cloudy days). Dunno, but I felt good since this morning LOL. Although it was kinda annoying that our Intro to Psychology professor wasn't around (it's our first class, just think, we had to be there by 7:30 am and now the professor didn't show up). But nothing special happened this day though.. but I feel good somehow.
Oh and my dad got a new cellphone today XD It was given to him by his boss as a reward for his hard work. Congrats dad. ^_^;
But actually... I can't help but feel kinda envious of my dad who got that cellphone (Nokia 6230i)... oh well. I guess I have to be content with what I have.... but... but... WAAHHHH I want that cellphone too ;__; *cries* It's so... nice!!! There are so many new features like the mp3 supporter and everything.. which means that if I can also put my anime music there (if only I have the USB cable thingy)... I mean, if it is my phone... haha. XD Well, it's the improved version of my cellphone (Nokia 6230) after all... ^^;
Gwaaah... it's been a while since I last felt envious like this... ;___; *cries* but I must... be content.... *sighs* and I should be happy for my dad... *forces herself to smile*
... WAAAAAAAAAH *sulks off in a corner and does her Accounting worksheet* TT_TT
[+] 8:39 PM 
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Random Survey Thingy

Got this from
Ruki-chan. XD I'm bored, so there. lol.
[ ] Played spin the bottle?
[ ] Toilet papered someone's house?
[ ] Played strip poker
[ ] Gone swimming in a white t-shirt
[ ] Gone swimming naked?
[ ] Been tickled so hard you can't talk
[X] Liked someone but never told them
[X] Went camping
[ ] Had a crush on your brother/sister's friend
[ ] Had a crush on your friend's brother/sister
[X] Walk in the rain without an umbrella
[X] Told a joke that nobody thought was funny
[ ] Been in a talent show
[X] Worn something your Mom didn't approve of
[ ] Been to a nude beach
[ ] Drank Jack Daniels
[X] Cursed in a church/temple
[ ] Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener
[ ] Wanted to be a police officer
[ ] Dumped someone
[X] been hit on by someone too old
[X] Wanted to be a model
[X] bought lottery tickets
[ ] Made out in a car
[ ] Had sex in a car
[X] Cried during a movie
[X] Wanted something you couldn't have
[ ] Had sex on a beach
[ ] Seen someone shoplift
[ ] Hung up on someone
[ ] Yelled at your pet
[X] Yelled at your TV
[ ] Tried to strip when drunk
[ ] Gotten seasick
[ ] Had a stalker
[ ] played a prank on someone that had them really scared
[X] been embarrassed by one of your family members
[ ] Felt bad about eating meat
[X] Protested
[X] Been to an island
[X] Ate just because you were bored
[ ] Screamed at the top of your lungs just to scream
[ ] made out with a stranger
[X] wished a part of you was different
[ ] Asked a guy/girl to dance
[X] Laughed so hard you cried
[ ] Laughed so hard you peed
[ ] went up to a complete stranger and started talking to them
[X] been sunburned
[ ] Kicked a guy in the nuts
[ ] threw up in school
[ ] Recieved an anonymous love letter
[X] had to wear something you hated
[ ] Been to a luau
[ ] Cursed in front of your parents
[ ] Been in a commercial on TV
[X] Been out of the country
[ ] Been honked at by a guy/girl while you were walking down the street
[ ] Won at pool
[ ] Been lost out to sea
[ ] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Been cheated on
[ ] Tanned topless-tanning bed
[ ] Been attacked by bats
[ ] Been searched in an airport
[X] been on a plane
[ ] Been pantsed
[ ] Thrown a shoe at someone
[ ] Broke someone's heart
[X] Sung in the shower
[X] Done something really stupid that you still laugh about
[ ] been walked in on while you were dressing
[ ] Ran out of the movie theater cause you were too scared of the movie
[X] been mean to someone and then instantly wanted to take it back
[ ] Been given a detention on the worst day you could get one
[ ] Done something stupid when you were drunk
[ ] fell off your roof
[ ] Had a deer jump in front of your car
[X] Played an instrument
[ ] been in a band
[X] Sang in front of over 250 people
Now for some questions asking what you can do...
Can you...
[ ] Unwrap a starburst with your tongue
[X] Sing
[ ] Open your eyes underwater
[ ] Skate
[ ] Sing in front of a crowd
[X] Be a meanie at times
[ ] Do thirty pull ups
[ ] Eat super spicy foods
[ ] Touch your nose with your tongue
[X] Fall asleep in a car easily
[ ] Surf
[ ] Fit in your locker
[ ] Do a split
[ ] Taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi
Now here's just some radom questions!...
[ ] Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
[X] Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex
[X] Slept for more than 12 hours
[ ] Missed a week or more of school
[ ] Put chapstick on more than 5 times an hour
[ ] Created a MySpace survey
[ ] Eaten a worm
[ ] Jumped on a trampoline
[ ] Ridden a unicycle
[X] Done something special for someone else
[X] Paid more than $50.00 for food at a fast food resturant
[ ] Got caught cheating on a test
[ ] Talked on the phone while going to the bathroom
[ ] Brushed your teeth while on the phone
[X] Written a poem
[ ] Randomly called people out of the phone book
[ ] Been on a yacht
[ ] Put bananas in your cheerios
[X] Lied to a friend to make them feel better
[ ] eaten frosting out of the original container
[X] Had a dream about a friend
[X] Fallen in public
[ ] Had your pants rip-a-big-one infront of you
[ ] Recently had a PB&J sandwich
[ ] have your parents met your principle
[ ] Killed an animal
[X] Been perscribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor
[ ] Wished you were an only child
[ ] Used your friends razor withuot them knowing
[X] Been unproud of a decision you made
[ ] Worked for a family member
[X] Been told you were too young
[ ] Kissed a friend, then their best friend
[ ] been to a concert
[X] Gotten away with a lie to your parents
[ ] Got duped the night of a dance and left without a date
[ ] Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with
[X] hated to admit you are wrong
[X] Ridden on a shopping cart
[ ] Danced in a mini mart
[ ] Worn a tiara
[ ] been in a play
[X] Gone to a church/temple more than 2 times a week
[ ] Copied more than 30 CD's in a day
[ ] Made a movie
[ ] Dressed Gothic
[X] Worn 2 or more layers of clothing
[ ] Been to California
[ ] Lived on a house boat
[X] Swam in clear blue water
[X] Sat in a doctor's office wth a friend
[ ] Run across 6 lanes of traffic
[ ] made fish lips
[ ] Hit on a waitress/waiter
[ ] Taken pictures with a stranger
[ ] Been to Bush gardens
[ ] Been on TV
[ ] Choreographed a dance
[X] felt used
[ ] Made a smoothie or Milkshake
[X] Had fun at work/school
[X] Watched Desperate Housewives
[X] Watched a movie/TV show so often you could quote every word
[X] Listened to an old N'Sync or Backstreet Boys CD more than once in a day AFTER they were popular
[ ] Kept something from a past relationship
[ ] Given someone else flowers
[X] Taken a foreign language
[ ] Gotten to school at 6:15 in the morning
[X] Laughed for no apparent reason
So~ that's all.. haha.. bye for now~ XD
[+] 1:53 PM 
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Untitled XII

Okay, I know that NOW isn't really the right time to update my blog... but I can't help it anyway. Research in the Internet is equal to initialized procrastination. XD But after this, I'll review for Finance. I promise. XD
So yeah... the first week of classes... well it was okay, although it's kinda stressing me out because most of the professors gave us stuff to work on, despite the fact that it's just our first week (we usually do nothing during the first week, just some orientations and stuff). Anyway, most of the subjects were more on thinking, but the 'Accounting' subjects are there too.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we mostly have subjects for "Thinking" (except the last 2)
*Introduction to Psychology
*Logic (I'm starting to get interested in this subject, and I also like the professor)
*Religious Education (the professor kinda irritates me, dunno why... maybe because she's kinda boring? ... nuuu, I want Ms. Gaela!! bring her back!!! lol)
*NSTP (I despise our new NSTP teacher... I want our NSTP teacher during the first semester.)
*Swimming (YES. I'M DOOMED!!!)
And on Wednesdays and Fridays, we mostly have subjects for Accounting and stuff (except the last one)
*Introduction to Finance and Philippine Financial Systems (I find our teacher kinda weird... and kinda "fast" since he'll be giving us a quiz TOMORROW O.O)
*Partnership and Corporation (no comment)
*Mathematics of Investment (noooo, math O__O)
*Writing in the Discipline (I'm kinda liking this subject because it's mostly writing. And I like the professor too, she seems good. And I like her appearance, it reminds me of Rukia XD)
So anyway... that's it. o_o;
I gotta hurry since I'll be sleeping at 10pm... I don't want to sleep late these days since we have to go to school early XD
Oh and did I tell you that we'll be having an 'advance class' this Saturday? It's just for Religious Education, but I can't help but feel irritated because I was planning to rest for that day... oh well.
*sigh* and I thought I was going to angst here -_-"
Well me and my mom had another quarrel, although I admit that it's my fault this time because I was too 'conscious' of myself, hence I hurt her feelings...
Oh well, I guess it's too late to angst now since I ran out of tears already... but I still am listening to angsty music.
Mou, I miss going online... and I miss chatting with my friends, especially Rika-chan and Cagalli and everyone else. And since we don't have a computer subject anymore, I doubt if I'd still be literate about online stuff after looooong weeks of computerless-ness (due to homework). *sigh*
Anyway, it's almost 8:25 now, I gotta go. I still need to review.. XD;;
Sorry for the somewhat nonsensical post. I guess angsting can really tire the mind sometimes... especially if you just angsted after a long day of thinking.
[+] 8:06 PM 
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Untitled XI

Mou... It's been a while since I last had a weird dream. This time, it's clear within my memory, although the dream itself is not quite specific... there are some persons but not all of them were clear.
It's sad that I told my friends here about it, but no one even cared... oh well. *shrugs* Anyway, here it goes~
It all started in a room in our house in Baguio. There was some sort of gathering with people... I dunno why though. Then all of a sudden we found ourselves standing in front of a cave or some sort... There was someone clad in black and he was blocking our way from the cave... Me and my friends hesitated for a moment, but then we went in. It wasn't a long walk, it's just a few steps.
*fast forward*
Blood was spewing out from my friends' bodies. The light from the opening/door of the cave made me see that the walls of the cave was covered in blood already. The man clad in black hovered over me. I clenched my weapon and I held my wound at my right arm. All of a sudden the man stopped, and he stared at something above me. There was a baby bear, who was hiding in a big crack in the wall (which was a few meters above my head). It was crying, I think. The man fired a gun at the bear and the bear was wounded... But then, the man suddenly vanished.
*fast forward again*
I was still leaning on the wall, still in a state of shock since I thought I was about to die. But then I snapped back to reality and I saw my remaining friends who were bandaging the wounded bear. It wasn't clear who of my friends were still alive, it's just Barbz who was clear in my memory.
"Too much were lost..." were the words that resounded in my head.
As we were going out of the cave, I saw some of my friends' relatives who came running towards us, but then they went past us and went into the cave. Loud cries was heard from the cave as the relatives lamented for my friends who died.
As we were going out I saw my mom who fainted at the sight of me being wounded. She woke up after a while and soon we were walking with our two maids towards the car.
THE END. o____o;;;
LOL okay so it really is weird. But I can't help but feel disturbed for some reason. It was really bloody. x_x
Or maybe it's just because I sometimes forget to pray at night... or maybe because I'm watching too many fighting-type animes. XD
Anyway I feel kinda angsty today. Dunno.. maybe because it's almost time for back-to-school. And I'll be forced once again to study even though I don't want to... but oh well. I've seen it myself anyway. It's hard to have failing grades, because you can't immediately enroll. So I guess I need to study hard.
But even if I would study hard, I'm wishing that my mom would permit me to go online sometimes, especially if I want to blog... (although I don't think she knows that I keep grudges and the like in my blog and all that) But if she doesn't, I'll try to update my blog in school. But the problem is, I don't think I have time to blog. Considering my effing schedule wherein we only have a thirty-minute break on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and a very late lunch break on Wednesdays/Fridays. And on top of that, we have to be at school by 7:30 am because that's the time our classes start. DAMN. I feel like I'm in high school T_T
Frankly speaking, my schedule during the first semester was much, MUCH better. -_-"
Oh well, I can't do anything about it now, can I?
I have no choice but to study, study, study.
Now I think I need to burn my most favorite songs into my CD... so I can listen to them even if the comp is off -_-"
*sigh* If only there's Gundam Seed in real life. I would have enlisted in ZAFT *_* So I could DIE happy. WAHAHA. *crazy*
.... I want a ZAFT unifoooorm. *cries* I thought my mom would get a tailor for it but nooo. Oh well they're too busy anyway
=_=" but still. I waaant one. ;_;
[+] 10:35 AM 
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Untitled X

Mou, I'm bored... I just got my Pumpkin headgear in pRO and I dunno what to do next. My Blacksmith/BS is currently vending some stuff, since there's nothing else to do... Cagalli is out of town and no one else is online in the guild. *shrugs*
So it's Nov. 1... All Saint's Day XD
LOL I dunno what to say =_=
Anyway. My dad just told me yesterday that we might be going to the province (not really a province) tomorrow. Of course, being a compie addict, I was quite hesitant to come along. But even if I am hesitant, I don't have a choice when they'll say that I have to come along.
So I guess I have to be ready... but I really don't feel like going there right now. I really want to spend more time in front of the computer (and TV) because I'm pretty sure that my mom would not allow me to go online/watch TV so much when school starts.
Which reminds me... I still need to buy stuff for the second semester x_x I still don't have my notebooks and some other stuff wah. But I won't be able to do that now since the roads in Manila are somewhat congested because a lot of people would go visit the tombs of their loved ones... and I think the malls are closed right now... and besides, I'm feeling lazy. VERY LAZY. XD
Haha I don't know what I'm posting again... *sigh*
Oh nevermind. It's just that I really don't have anything to post xD;; *random mode*
Anyway that's all for now. o.o gotta take a bath haha XD
[+] 10:56 AM