Monday, December 19, 2005
Laziness strikes again! XD

LOL weird title... but anyway. XD
Aww man... are we the only [college] students who still have classes?! The roads aren't that congested anymore, which gives me the feeling that we're the only ones going to school up to now...
Feeeh. (OMG Rika-chan's expression is contagious XD) I'm feeling reaaaaaaaally lazy. I don't feel like going to school anymore because of two reasons:
1) I'm broke. I'm out of money.
2) I'm feeling lazy. XD
Okay I know I have stuff to do but I dunno.. I don't have enough motivation to do them. Haha. Oh well. XD
Oh and I think I'm gonna look like SANTA tomorrow. O_O Why? Because I'll be bring a big (and I mean BIG!) plastic bag which contains all my treats for my friends. Most of them are in paper/gift bags, so they really take up a lot of space. I'm giving them their gifts tomorrow so they could give me gifts on Wednesday (I hope). *is beechy* XD
I know I'm not really observing the rule of equivalent trade (to those who don't know, just think of FMA) but I can't help it. I'm just too generous. Even if I'm already broke. =_=' Besides it's always like this anyway. I give a lot, but I receive a few. *sigh*
...So I was able to go to the Ozine fest YESTERDAY (this was edited... I put 'tomorrow' instead of 'yesterday' lol. How silly of me XD). It was fun, although I came home broke too. XD I wasn't able to buy a t-shirt for my mom ;_; I was too busy doing my entry for the poster making contest (I didn't even eat lunch) and after that I had to sing at the karaoke contest. But I didn't make it XD the judges stopped the music on me, which means they didn't really like my singing. *lol*
Setting that aside, even if I came home broke, I was kinda happy because I was able to spend time with Kristine and Jeddy (although as I said, we were busy because of the poster making contest). XD I was kinda envious of the cosplayers too (as usual) because they had great costumes X3 I particularly liked the ones who cosplayed Yuuko. They're the best. *heart heart*
Gahh~~ anyway it's already 8:30.. I gotta go. I still have to do my *curses* reflection for Rel. Ed... and I need to read for Psychology, and I need to review for Rel. Ed. and Logic. GAAAH. How I wish it's vacation already... ;_;
[+] 8:13 PM 
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Nearly disappointed yet very disappointed

Okay so despite the "conflict" with Jeddy I just found out that I'm the one who's really in a dilemma. My dad suddenly started babbling about terrorist attacks and such.. I understand his point but I can't help but feel disappointed because I waited for this very day... and he was going to take it away by just saying "no", and of all times it's at the day before the event? Hell no.
But anyway, even if I was nearly disappointed, it's okay now... But I'm very disappointed because my dad ORDERED me to bring along one of our maids... -_- It's kinda awkward but I'm kinda thankful because at least she knows about my interests (including yaoi)... so I wouldn't be so hard up in "hiding"... but I still have to keep her busy in a way too.
Oh well... I don't mind because at least, I'M STILL GOING TOMORROW~ YAY.
But lemme say this one thing (I got it from Jeddy)... AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING SUCKS. *poses* And... HURRAY FOR UNDERSTANDING MOTHERS. *poses*
Like I'm soooooooo gonna buy my mom a T-shirt tomorrow. x3
Setting the topic aside, I'm currently busy cramming for my stuff tomorrow~ haha. Dammit it's all because of the drama this evening. Shit. *mumbles*
Oh well I'm gonna go now. I still got a lot of stuff to do. ~.~
[+] 9:38 PM 

I was looking forward to the event but unfortunately I got news that two of my friends won't be able to come... Why? Because I just got to talk to one of them this morning. They didn't have any cellphone load so they weren't able to text me. Damn.
And another one of my friends was SUPPOSED to be going but she suddenly told me that she needs to ask permission from her father..................... or so I thought.
OMG I JUST RECEIVED HER TEXT AND SHE WAS ALLOWED BY HER MOM- Okay so she needs to ask permission from her dad but she can't contact him. Her mom just told her that she'll just tell her dad.
...Okay, now the next problem: Would my dad allow me to have McDo (at Kabihasnan) as a rendezvous point. Oh golly goodness.. I hope he'd be ok with the rendezvous point... WAAAAH I REALLY WANNA GO DAMMIT!!!
Okay I'm gonna prepare my stuff now. -_-' There's nothing to do here, darn... darknessRO is down right now and I'm too lazy to play aeRO or pRO... Oh well.
[+] 4:50 PM 
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
A somewhat bad day II

I know this is absolutely NOT the right time for updating. I still got 2 homeworks to do but they're type-work, so... ohh nevermind..
If I was annoyed awhile ago, well now I'm feeling depressed. I can't help but think if I'm really doing something right or not... because it seems like every time I do something, my parents tell me that I'm not doing it right because I'm getting too "dependent".
What can I do? I really can't think of a good solution for our Accounting assignment. I thought hard and I almost scanned every page of the book but I really can't understand... so I called one of my friends and asked for help and a little explanation. Soon enough I understood the lesson, but as soon as I put down the phone my mom started talking about me being too dependent. She said that if I were to retain the same attitude in my studies, I won't pass. She told me that I should try to make my mind "work".
I know, she has a point. I understand what she meant, but... it's a new lesson! Besides, it's an assignment. Now I'm confused. Is it bad to consult others? I know I did a wrong computation with my answer but at least, through my "consultation" with my classmate, I learned that what I did was wrong. And I learned from it...
Oh I dunno... I'm more confused now. But, can't we just discuss? Besides, even if I copy, I try to see to it that I understood what I copied... *cries*
It's really hard if you can't explain your side sometimes. Especially if you can't have a chance to say your side... Really. That's why I'm usually depressed. I'm pretty sure that I might have a heart disease when I grow up. It's all because of the burdens I carry... Oh well.
You know what, I really feel like crying now. But I can't, because my mom would see me, and she would ask, and another night-long discussion would await me. I don't want to hurt my mom, so I'll just shoulder the pain myself. After all, I'm alone, in a way. Almost no one symphatizes with me. Even some of my friends...
Sometimes life is just so unfair. I always do my best to comfort my friends when they're in tears, but when I'm in tears or in despair, I don't seem to feel any warmth. No support, no genuine mercy. I always give my all, but I always receive nothing. Why is it that I'm only visible when I'm needed? But when the time comes that I need them, they become invisible. Why is that? Of all the people, why me?
Now I can't help but think about what I'm going to become after all these "challenges"... *sigh*
Okay, enough of this nonsense. No one cares anyway. Right? *sigh*
I'm gonna go now. It's almost 11 pm and I'm not yet done with my homework... I'm pretty sure that I'd fail our quiz in Finance tomorrow. I didn't review at all.
[+] 10:47 PM 
A somewhat bad day

Mou I know I'm not really used to updating my blog outside of my house (in short, in an internet cafe) but I can't help it. We were dismissed at around 3 pm, but now it's already 4:30 pm and I'm still not at home.
Aww man, how I wish I knew how to drive... but come to think of it, even if I knew, I can't drive alone because I'm still 17. =_="
So I had a quite annoying day today. I dunno, but I just caught myself feeling annoyed for more than 5 times. I can't remember the instances though. And besides I don't want to post it here because some people (who I don't want to read it) might read it.
Speaking of privacy, I'm planning to make a livejournal account... although I'm not sure if I'd update it often. Of course I won't be leaving this blog. It's just that there are some things that I want to post, but I don't want some people to see it... in short, I might be making my livejournal as a "friends only" blog.
Setting the livejournal thingy aside, I just got news this morning that our classes would last 'til December 21. EFFING HELL!!! But I don't care. I'd still be feeling lazy anyway. Although I'm kinda relieved that the Ozine fest would be on Dec. 18, and that's a Sunday. Yay. I could still go.
But my current problem is that up to now, I still don't have a good outfit for Nicole's debut. I need a purple semi-formal dress. NOW.
Effing syet. I'm really annoyed. I dunno. Maybe my annoyances got accumulated since this morning.. maybe that's why I'm like this now.
Oh and let me type this one thing.. it's gonna be in Tagalog though. It's been flying around my head since that thingy happened...
Kaya nga may duplicate/extra key sa locker para hindi na mag hiraman eh. Bakit ako parin pinapag-hiraman? Nasan ang susi mo? ..Ako na nga nagbayad para sa locker eh, tapos ung half mo sa bayad di mo parin binabayaran.. kaya nga "share" diba? Di naman ako galit eh, pero sana naman marealize mo na may reason ang ating pag duplicate ng susi. You should bring your duplicate naman sana. May I.D. naman tayong magpapagsabitan nun diba? Remember that hindi naman komo marami akong dala, ako narin ang pinapagdala nyo ng stuff na dapat kayong magdala.. It's just a key, it's so light. It's so portable. -_-"*sigh* It's really annoying. But still I doubt if she realized her mistake. Oh well. But still. Really. *shrugs*
So I'm gonna go now. My dad's here. =_=' Hope to update next time. Jaa.
[+] 4:34 PM 
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Fed up with homework...

...because I already feel the Christmas spirit. I WANNA GO ON A X-MAS VACATION NOW DAMMIT.
Okay so it's my fault for procrastinating. I had free time yesterday morning but I chose to play aeRO. After swimming this morning, I played aeRO too. Instead of doing homework, I chose to amuse myself with useless leisures.
So it's my fault. So what? I'm the one to suffer anyway.
But really, I can't help but feel lazy now. It's our last week in school (I think) before the X-mas vacation. You might be wondering why I'm "cramming" tonight, considering it's a Sunday... and you might already know that I usually cram on a Monday. Well tomorrow is our X-mas shopping day so it's obvious that I'd be out of the house. Hence, I won't be able to do my homework.
Yet I can't really help it. I want to rest. I want to sleep and eat a lot and play aeRO. Wahhh. Other than that, I still have a lot to do regarding my gift-giving... and I need to get a decent outfit for Nicole's debut (I'm included in the 18 Candles)... moreover, I also need to bug my parents about sending my little package to Rika-chan... and I need to buy a black bag so I can use it in my 'visit' to the Ozine Fest. T.T
Aww syet, I have a lot to do. Homework, X-mas shopping and a little anime-shopping. Damn. How I wish I could divide myself right now. =_=
Anyway this post isn't gonna be a long one, so I'm gonna go now. I have 8 homeworks to do (well actually 6, I just thought of doing the other 2 extras which are quite easy subjects) and I haven't done any yet. Haha. Yes I'm doomed for life. Haha.
So. Bye now. I gotta get started on homework number 1... Religious Education. You know what, our professor gave us shitloads of requirements this semester.. and I don't like them at all. But there's no choice. Haha. Oh well bye now.
[+] 6:46 PM 
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Procrastination at its best o.o
Squeee, I'm procrastinating again. ~_~ I wonder if I'd ever make it through BSA with this kind of attitude. o.o But after this, I promise I'd start reading. Yeah. Really. XD
It's been a tiring day. We didn't do much though, but I feel like I've been drained of energy. Maybe it's because I slept late last night and I've been too hyper in the first periods. XD We had our NSTP in the afternoon although we were dismissed early (2:30 pm) because of the rain. But it didn't make a difference since I was fetched at around 4 pm... ^^; But I didn't mind since I got to surf with a fast connection (at the nearby internet cafe, of course). XD
Setting the NSTP thingy aside, I just realized that I've been using my version 10 layout (Dark layout) for too long. And it's December... so I feel that I should make a Christmas layout soon... o.o Same goes with Ruki-chan. I want to make a layout for her, too. 8D Grail changed her layout already so I need to change too, since the "triplet layout" isn't a "triplet layout" anymore. XD In my stay at the internet cafe, I tried to search for a Christmas anime pic... and I found two or three. But even if I already found some pics, I still don't have time to make a layout as of now... maybe I'll try this Thursday (no classes XD), or maybe on Saturday. It depends.
But my goal for the weekend is to practice swimming, since we'll be having a practical test next meeting in P.E... TwT Yeah... I wanna swim TwT I really need to practice. Especially breathing. x_x Kyaaah, I just really hope that I'd be able to make it through swimming. The water's okay, even if it is cold. But these days it gets even colder... wahh. I dunno if I'd be able to endure the ultimate coldness... ~_~
Oh and I need to start enumerating my Christmas presents for my friends... and also, I need to start drawing my gift arts. Waaah, so much to do, so little time x_x Aww man, I just wish that it's Christmas vacation already... =_=" And I just wish my computer would be "fixed" in some way, because even if it is working right now, there are some times that it goes crazy on me. I'm worried. X_X So I just burned my files into the CD. Again. I lost my files before, and I don't want to lose the files that remained. =_="
Mou, it looks like my post has gone round-and-round again. I forgot the sequence and I forgot the words to use and all.. *sweatdrops* Ohh nevermind. So before I end this nonsensical post, I want to list down some stuff that I need to do. And mind you, these doesn't have any relation with academics. The stuff I need to do (with regards to academics) are in my assignment notebook. 8D
***I need to make a new layout. A Christmas-themed layout.
***I need to start drawing my gift arts.
***I need to start listing down my gift list!!! x___x
***I need to level in aeRO. 8D
Ahahaha. Very nonsensical indeed. Okay I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna watch Tweeny Witches (at Animax) before I read....... Wee, I like the character there called Shiela. I like her looks and all. She's cool. 8D I wanna draw her someday. XD And I want to download the opening theme of Tweeny Witches too. X3 Ohhh nevermind.
And yes, this is procrastination at its best. *bows*
[+] 9:21 PM 
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Untitled XIV

Mou it's been [another] long time since I last updated ^^; We're so busy dammit. XD And before I start.. I shall advertise a song.
Download this song. It's the best. I'm addicted to it...again. XD
Anyway, nothing much happened today, although I kinda feel like angsting since I just found out that our Algebra professor recomputed our grades. And unfortunately, nothing happened with my grade. It's still 84. Although I can't help but wonder why they don't round-off the grades and all, because according to my computation, I actually got an 84.66... rounding that off means an 85 for me. But no~ they don't round off grades -_-" Damn.
And since nothing happened with the recomputation, that means I'm totally out of the awardees. And that would most probably be constant until I graduate. Aww shit, I don't feel like studying anymore... I don't feel motivated at all. Damn you, my Algeb professor. Damn you. To hell with you. You had broken my dream of being an awardee... *curses* So I guess it means that there would only be 13 awardees for our section, instead of 16.. ^^;
On the other hand, I got to buy an iPod Shuffle this Wednesday (yesterday). It's an entirely new topic for me, but I managed to put some songs into it and I'm ready to listen to it tomorrow, provided that we would have free time. XD Although I need to take good care of it since it cost me around 8k pesos O_O; And if I would lose it, I'd be killed. XD Or maybe I'll kill myself O_o But that's not a good reason for suicide. ~_~;
Sooo yeah... I don't feel motivated anymore... but I'm trying to fight the feeling... I'll try to study hard, but I guess I wouldn't be motivated as before. Well, unless I get some inspiration/motivation/genuine moral support from others, which I doubt.
Anyway, I'm gonna go for now, since I'm already done transferring songs to my iPod.. and I need to do my assignment in Accounting. And I need to review for Finance (the subject with a professor who doesn't seem to know good English). And I also need to review for Math of Investment. @_@ Hmm. You know what, I'm starting to assume that we'll always be busy on a Tuesday/Thursday night, doing Accounting homework and all those other subjects for Wednesday/Friday -_-" Oh well. Bye.
[+] 7:30 PM