Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Untitled XIX

Just like my avatar here, I don't have much to say for today. =_=' I dunno. Maybe I'm just tired? Or maybe I'm just feeling lazy XD
Well just got home a few minutes ago and I'm currently waiting for my bath to get ready~~ I'm feeling itchy and dirty like h3ll. X_X We just had our "planting activity" in NSTP and as you know, I'm not really used to those kinds of stuff. =_=' Too bad we'll be doing that for the rest of the Tuesdays... *sighs* So yeah. All that digging and planting and watering. Under the scorching heat of the sun. And to top it off, the pollution!! Oh goshness the pollution. The air was like a mix of oxygen, carbon dioxide, smoke, and dust. *holds her breath for a while*
Anyway~ *breathes normally again* since today was the first day of classes after the University Week, I ought to tell you about my situation about "my friend" [let's just call her..
Ezaria], who was mentioned in some of my previous entries. Well, I can't really say that we're okay now, since we haven't formally made up yet. Yeah, I know, I'm that kind of person... I usually prefer to make up "formally" and when I'm face to face with that person... [I guess that what Rika-chan said was true XD I AM a combination of ATHRUN(!!!) and Rey o.o] Well we SOMETIMES talked to each other for the day, but these didn't really count as decent conversations. So as of now, I still can't tell if we're okay now or not. =_=;;
Well I am trying to talk to her, but it really looks aloof. You know, awkward and all... *sigh* But one of my friends [codename
Aisha, and no it's not you Jeddy. You're Aishi, right? XD] tried to patch things up... I know I should be the one to do that, but I'm still thankful for that because she cared, at least. LOL. Anyway, we were eating at KFC awhile ago and all of a sudden,
Ezaria talked to me, in a somewhat "natural" way. I was quite surprised (same goes with my friend Mia, who was likewise being treated the same way as me), of course. And in my mind I was like
hallelujah~~. XD My friend
Aisha was giggling and wondered if THAT really happened. Because, as she said, by the way
Ezaria talked, it looked as if nothing happened.
Aisha then motioned me and Mia to talk about it, but we were silent. After all, we dunno what to say... and we were too embarrassed to talk about our apologies when everyone was watching. *twitch*
So yeah, that's it for now. I gotta start moving since I'd be cramming for my homework in Accounting. [You know what, sometimes I wonder if I'd be able to go through this course XD *shrugs* and as our Religion teacher said, IT'S TEMPTATION.] WOOT. XD XD XD Oh well. Bye for now~ *runs off to take a bath*
[+] 5:18 PM 
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Untitled XVIII

...Have I mentioned in my previous posts that my parents know nothing about my current situation with my friends? I think I haven't mentioned it before. But at least you know now... Yeah. *sighs*
My day wasn't so lonely as yesterday, thanks to Rika-chan and a few online friends *huggles them all*. I was feeling fine for the day, although this evening I was struck once again by the power of angsting. Kinda. Life really is unfair. I know it has been proven a fact, but I can't help but feel this way. I'm feeling so annoyed and frustrated right now... and I feel like crying it out. Well, if only I could. =_= Well I CAN cry but I can't cry when I'm around people, even if they're my close relatives and all. I want to cry alone... I wish for my room to be locked when I angst, but noooo~ I can't lock the door because my parents would start suspecting again. It's not that they don't trust me- er... nevermind that, forget it. I guess I could say that they really DON'T trust me, since at times they tend to treat me in such a way that one can conclude that I really am a daughter who can't even earn an ounce of trust from her parents (did that make sense? it's a run-on sentence!! hohoh lol nevermind).
So as I was saying, while sitting/standing/whatever at the anticipated mass awhile ago, I thought of a lot of things. Well it's not really "thought of", since the thoughts simply flooded my mind... so yeah. Oh and I was talking with my mom before the mass started... and I immediately shut up since she told me to keep quiet. I know it's a "shallow" topic, but heck, it's quite unfair. We can still talk since it wasn't the start of the mass yet... *shrugs* It was annoying but I just complied- so I just kept quiet. And soon (during the homily) my dad started bugging my mom about the zipper of his small bag (which carries his cellphones and some other stuff *coughs*). I was surprised that she didn't even complain! Well we were already in the middle of the mass.... BUT SHE FIXED IT, AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN COMPLAIN?!?! Like wtf that was so annoying. I was talking to her when the mass hasn't even started yet, and she told me to shut up; and when my dad bugged her in the middle of the mass, SHE COMPLIED?! LIKE F*CKING HELL!!!!
*coughcough* Other than that, I realized that I might actually get removed from the awardees list this 2nd semester because there's this ONE subject wherein I wasn't able to pass all the requirements for the midterms. =___= Woot. Go me.
... And of all subjects, it had to be Religion. YES RELIGION! =_= So go and laugh at me all you want. *sighs*

Well I'm not assuming that I'd fail, but there might be a possibility for my grade to be a low one since I wasn't able to do any community service. And unfortunately, that represents 50% of the grade ;___; so that means my grade would deteriorate big time. *shrugs* Oh well. I can't do anything about it now, can I? My classmates said (if I heard it right) that our professor won't accept any more submissions. WAAAAH I DON'T HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE WAAAH LOL =_=
Oh and I think I'm in love with "Forbidden Love" XD *runs around the room like a lunatic* Errmm nah, not really ^^;; I'm just somewhat interested since it's similar to our guild. I mean... look... the poses *___* waaai XD *drools* Too bad it's aired at around 10:30pm... at that time, I'm either asleep or cramming for homework =_=; Oh well.
I have more to post but I'm not really in the mood right now. Besides, I have to sleep =_= Because I heard that we might be swimming again tomorrow morning T__T But I'm feeling too lazy. Ah nevermind. Bye for now...
[+] 10:32 PM 
Friday, January 27, 2006
Untitled XVII

Oh-kay~ I was supposed to stay in school today up to 4pm (to watch a show by the faculty), but I decided to go home early since I felt lazy. Besides, most of my classmates went home, which means that I won't have anyone to have as company while watching.
Today wasn't really a good day, except for the part wherein I enjoyed watching the cheerleading competition... but still. I managed to survive for today, even if she was around, even if I was feeling awkward, even if I was trying my best to hold back my tears. But how will I survive the rest of the coming days? I know that regular classes would resume next week, but that doesn't erase the fact that we are in the same classroom, and we are in the same circle of friends.
I really felt down upon seeing my friend, who didn't notice me at all. For her, I was invisible. For her, I wasn't there. Same goes with my friend Mia, who experienced the same. But our reactions are different. To her, it wasn't really a problem- she said that if she does hate her, then let it be. But for me, it is quite lowering my morale... and I really feel lonely.
Okay. So she hates me. Big deal.
*bursts into tears*
It's been a while since I've experienced something like this. But I'm pretty sure that I am the one at fault... I can feel it. And once our other friends find out about this, I am certain that they'd go over to her side. And I'll be alone.
*sighs* I wanted to post more but my mind is blank right now. Besides, I need to cry some more... because I really feel down... I need to get rid of this depression. But I'm sure crying would be of no help... because it's hard to cry with people around you... and when they tell you you're weak, you feel more depressed...
[+] 3:29 PM 
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Untitled XVI

Errr okay, I felt like posting... but I dunno what to post. Oh boy. =_=' I think the caffeine effects are starting now lol.
So~ please don't mind this post so much, since it's quite nonsensical. My mind is currently blank lol.So~ today wasn't really an interesting day at all. I went to school to attend another day of the University Week (it's from Jan. 24 to 27), although, honestly, most of my classmates weren't there. Talk about being alone. =_= Even most of my friends didn't come too. It was really boring.
For the morning I and some of my classmates/friends watched the swimming competition. We tried to support our 2 classmates who were representing our college (College of Business and Management, or CBM for short). I was enthusiastic about being supportive but then again, I felt lazy. So I just went out (with a friend) and ate some snacks, which were bought at the booths. Boredom has struck, and we then thought of going to a nearby internet cafe. We bid a temporary farewell to our classmates/friends and we promised to be back at around 12 noon.
But I guess some promises are really made to be broken.
We went back to school at around 12, but we just went back in order to "log out" (it's the school's way of checking attendance for the week). After that me and my friend went to the mall to have another snack.
I called my friend [who was at school] and I told her I was about to go home in a few minutes. She was okay with it, but I heard a tone of hesitance (or annoyance?) in her voice. The surroundings were quite noisy, so I thought that our phone conversation wasn't really a clear one.
When I got home, I texted my friend "how are things there?" but she didn't reply. I tried to call her but she wasn't answering.
For me, those kinds of reactions could mean something: she.hates.me. Okay, I know it's not really a rational conclusion. But I can't help but think about it in that way... I dunno. I just feel it. Or maybe I'm just too paranoid?
Which reminds me, it's almost February. The month of February has always reminded me of the things that changed my life a few years ago... the betrayal, the loneliness, the thoughts of suicide. I lost my friends. I was abandoned. And I can't help but think that I am the one who's at fault.
I'm feeling afraid, once again. I can't help it, since I feel that this situation isn't as new like before.
Will history repeat itself? Will I suffer again?
These questions keep repeating in my mind with every text message that I send to her... and there's still no reply.
How will I face tomorrow, if it's like this?
[+] 7:47 PM 
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Yet ANOTHER survey-quizzy.

(Yep. I'm bored like h3ll.)
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it all on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and after each one press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
[01] What do you think of me, WMP?
Kodoku (Full Metal Alchemist) - I'm full of kodoku/solitude. XD LOL CORRECT!
[02] Will I have a happy life?
Urban Love (Beyblade) - WTF. So when I'm in the urban places, I'll be happy?O_o
[03] What do my friends really think of me?
Akatsuki no Kuruma (Gundam Seed) - Huh? They think of me as "Dawn's Carriage"?? O__o LIKE LOL WTF XD
[04] Do people secretly lust after me?
I Love You (Full Moon Wo Sagashite) - HUWAAAAT??!! O__o
[05] How can I make myself happy?
My All (Yami no Matsuei) - Maybe lol... if I'd give my all.
[06] What should I do with my life?
Loop (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) - As if I could repeat time =_="
[07] Why must life be so full of pain?
Believe Me (Ghostsweeper) - Errmm... okay *scratches head* Believe me, life is INDEED full of pain.
[08] How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
In The Moonlight (Gravitation) - LOLOMGWTFBBQ that's a good one XD XD XD
[09] Will I ever have children?
Beautiful World (Kino no Tabi) - Huh?
[10] Will I die happy?
New Future (FMWS) - LOL!!! XD Maybe in the not-so-far NEW FUTURE wherein there'll be mobile suits, maybe? *grins evilly*
[11] Can you give me some advice?
Tune The Rainbow (Maaya Sakamoto) - As if you could... ahahaha LOL.
[12] What do you think happiness is?
Chiisana Inori (Fruits Basket) - Happiness is a small prayer? O_o??
And the last, most important question...
[13] What's my favourite fetish?
Kimi ni makenai youni (Grander Musashi) - Huh? So I don't like to lose? XD
[+] 7:28 PM 
Monday, January 23, 2006
Another survey-quizzy XD

Taken from
Rika-chan. XD
Time started:
3:42 PM.
Meira, Rey, Mei, Lei, Li
Single or Taken:
Single ... and not looking ~_~
May 27, 1988
Eye color:
dark brown (or maybe black)
Shoe size:
9 =_=
I dunno. I think it's around 5"4?
What are you wearing now:
A blue tshirt, blue jogging pants and of course, underwear =.=
Where do you live:
Righty or lefty:
Usually bacon and egg and rice ~_~;
Perfume... Tartine et chocolat
Favorite cartoon character:
none. but if it's anime..... then maybe Rey Za Burrel from GS XD and Heine and Shinn and Athrun and many many many more XD XD
HAVE YOU EVERGiven anyone a bath:
Have you ever smoked:
Bungee Jumped:
Made yourself throw-up:
Gone skinny dipping:
Eww no
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom:
Eaten a dog biscuit:
Got your tongue stuck to a pole:
Loved someone so much it made you cry?
Played truth or dare:
Maybe... can't remember
Been in a physical fight:
No =_=
Been in a police car:
Been in a sauna:
Been in a hot tub:
No TT_TT I wanna go to a hot spring though.
Swam in the ocean:
Yes (when I was little). I drowned too. XD
Got stung by a jellyfish:
Fallen asleep in school:
For a few seconds yes.
Ran away:
Ran away from what? If you meant by ran away from home, then no.
Broken someone's heart?:
I dunno.
Cried when someone you love died:
Yep. When no one's around.
Flashed someone:
Cried in school:
Yep. =____=
Fell off your chair:
A few times in the past........ yep.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call:
Saved MSN / YAHOO / AOL / AIM conversations:
No. Except RPGs. XD
Saved e-mails:
Fallen for your best friend:
No. =_=
Been cheated on?
First thing that comes to mindRed:
windows XP.... hahaha XD
hideki -.- from chobits' first episode lol
grass?XD LOL
coins ~_~
arm wrestling LOL
Your good luck charm:
I dunno.
Whats your room like:
Big and filled with posters ~_~
What is beside you:
the window?
Something that has happened to you this year:
many to mention ~_~
Had Chicken pox:
When I was little... yes.
Had a Sore Throat:
Believe in love at first sight:
Like picnics:
Like school:
What schools:
Saint Bernadette Learning Center (nursery-prep), Santa Isabel College (elem.-first year hs), St. Paul College Paranaque (2nd-4th yr hs)
Would you...Eat a live hamster:
Go to a Hanson concert:
Wazzat? ...... No
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion bucks:
YES XD ... and get haunted after that. =_=
If you were stuck on an island, what people/person would you want with you?
Rika, Cagalli, the NCS guild and some of its alliances *grins evilly*
Who Was the last person...You yelled at:
Our maid?^^;; not yelled in anger though. well I was in the second floor while she's at the ground floor of the house =.=
Who told you they loved you:
I dunno... *sighs*
Who is your loudest friend:
Mia XD haha
Do you/Are You...Do you like filling these out:
It depends...
Do you wear contacts or glasses:
Do you like yourself:
Do you get along with your family:
With my real life family, sometimes.
With my online family, we get along quite well XD *heart heart*
Do you do drugs:
Huh? No.
Have piercing below the waist?
I think so. XD
Usually. XD
Final questionsHow many people are you sending this to:
I dunno. I'm just posting it for fun ~_~;
What are you listening to right now:
Minerva Take Off (Gundam Seed Destiny)
Can you do a front or back flip:
What did you do today:
Woke up, prepared myself for the formal dining in school, took a bath, wore a gown, went to school, ate with my friends in the formal dining, took pictures, went home, took a bath, went online, listen to anime music XD
What is your favorite band:
L'arc~en~Ciel, High and Mighty Color, Tokyo Jihen, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and many more J-pop/J-rock bands~~~
Hated someone in your family:
Got any awards:
Yep. ^__^
Have you ever gone streaking?
Want to get married:
If someone out there would actually like to get married with me -_-"
What is your favorite video game:
I'm not into video games. I prefer PC games and the only PC game that I play is Ragnarok Online. XD
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change:
Many things...
Have a lava lamp:
None. I want to have one though. A colored yellow one. XDDD
How many remote controls are in your house:
Are you double jointed:
What do you dream about:
Various weird things. Like real life getting mixed with the anime universe and all that.
Last time you showered:
A few minutes ago XD
The last movie you saw at the theatres:
...I can't remember since it's been AGES since I've last been to the theater.
Scary or happy movies:
I prefer happy because I don't want scary movies =_=
Root beer or Dr. Pepper:
Silver or Gold:
I prefer gold when I'm in school. Silver when I'm wearing civilian clothes (chains and all haha). XD
Sunset or Sunrise:
Phone or in person:
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child:
Only child =_=
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back:
If they want to, then why not?
Finished at: 4:09 pm
[+] 4:09 PM 
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Unprepared, yet feeling lazy to prepare

Okay, it's another one of those days wherein I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but play depaRO, eat, play depaRO and eat. XD Feeeh. I'll get fat with this I tell you. FAAAAT. XD Nyahaha
Anyways, yeah. Nothing much happened lol. I just played and played and played. =_=' And my eyes are most probably stressed by now. *sweatdrops* We'll be hearing mass later and I also need to prepare my stuff for tomorrow XD
We usually don't have classes on a Monday, but for the past two Mondays, we did have classes. It's Social Graces lol, and for tomorrow we'll be having our "final exam". Although it's an exam, it's not a written one. We'll be having "formal dining" in the school's coffeeshop tomorrow lol. And we'll be wearing semi-formal outfits O_O Mine's more like a gown since it's a tube (for the upper) and a looooong skirt with a long slit(sp?) for the lower. =_= gaaah I'm pretty sure that I'd be uncomfortable again tomorrow XD Oh well.
I know I'm unprepared for tomorrow, but I'm feeling to lazy to prepare =_= *shrugs* But I swear I'd prepare later. After all, I just have to bring a handkerchief, my ID, and a ballpen. And maybe some 'beauty stuff' too LOL.
Mou I'm feeling lazy =_= feeeeeh.
Oh well bye for now~ till next time.
[+] 7:07 PM 
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Offline Archive
Frustration and threats

Okay... today is another one of those days wherein there's nothing much to do. Well, there is something to do right now (homework) but I don't feel like doing any. Besides, it's our University Week this week... so I guess I shouldn't bother... yet. I'm not really in the mood for studying right now. I'm actually more in the mood for rampage. Well, if only I could do that *shrugs*
So... yeah. I got reprimanded by my parents AGAIN. XD I stayed up late until around 11:30 pm playing depaRO... and soon my mom went to my room and started blabbing about discipline and all that shit. Hell yeah, I know it's my fault, but I can't help it since it's a WEEKEND for Ra's sake!!! T__T; I rarely get to enjoy some time with my guildmates and now this. Like, wtf. Arrrgggh. Yet I can't help but feel annoyed at times because they don't seem to get what I was saying to them yesterday. I know they care for me and all but can't they just let me do something freely?! Heck, it's the University Week.... and there's no classes for the week. All we're gonna do are activities and all those stuff... and as I said, NO CLASSES. So why the fuck should I concern myself with homework when it's not the right time to do so?
They told me this.
"Just because it's University Week, it doesn't mean that you should stay in front of your computer all day..." Well I got their point but gimme some damn reasons why should I stay away from the computer? Well, it's boring. It's a weekend... and I don't have much to do here since I'm just waiting for the afternoon to come so I can go to our "play watching" for Psychology. We'll be going to a nearby university to watch it. We'll be going as a class.
Pffft. Oh and yesterday, my dad even told me that he wouldn't even DARE to bring me to school today (for the play watching). Even if it's a joke or not, it's not funny. LIKE WTF. I don't mind being threatened when it comes to the telephone/my computer, but when it's about academic stuff, LIKE WTFUCKINGHELLDAMNATIONARRRGGGH. Well, DAD, you can threaten me with the computer/telephone, all you want, at your pleasure, but don't ever... EVER THREATEN ME NOT TO BRING ME TO SCHOOL!!! IT'S LIKE INVOLVED IN ACADEMICS AND YOU'RE SAYING THAT I WON'T ATTEND ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES?!!!? SO YOU DON'T WANT ME TO STUDY!?!?! LIKE FUCKING HELL!!! YOU'RE CONFUSING ME! DO YOU WANT ME TO STUDY OR WHAT?! HUH?! TELL ME DAMMIT!!!
*sigh* Too bad I still don't know much about commuting. =__= Well, they never DID teach me how, because they're TOO PARANOID about me getting kidnapped, raped and all that shitty stuff. Arghhh... this is annoying.
I think I'm in for a LOOOOOOOOONG ANNOOOOYIIIINGG week. So much for the festivities and all. -__- I don't even think I'd be able to play depaRO this week, even if there's nothing to do. Like HELL. =.="
Argh.................... I need a new sketchbook.
(10:39 am)
[+] 1:01 PM 
Friday, January 20, 2006
Some random stuffs/quizzes XD

Yep I'm bored XD I'm currently waiting for my bath to get ready so I decided to take some random quizzes and stuff from
Rika-chan's blog. XD
There are a lot, so don't expect that this post would be a short one. Ohohoho. XD Waiii. I got a yaoi and a normal pairing. LOL
I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing
and include the following things:
bath, water, drug
Don't know what pairing to write?
Then let the Gundam SEED Destiny Pairing Machine decide for you
I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing
and include the following things:
sofa, knife, trousers
Don't know what pairing to write?
Then let the Gundam SEED Destiny Pairing Machine decide for you
10 Firsts
First Best Friend:
I forgot. I think it's Kristine... *thinks*
First Screen Name:
Lei_no_hime16. Yep, I'm original. very original. *shrugs*
First Pet Cat Name:
I don't have a pet. XD
First Piercing?
On my ears. =.=
First Crush:
Ermmm Paolo B. (from elementary school) XD LOL
First CD:
.... I forgot.
First School:
Saint Bernadette Learning Center.. it's not present now though.
First House:
Hmmm an apartment in Malate, Manila (Philippines). XD
9 Lasts
Last Time You Smoked:
None. I don't smoke.
Last Food You Ate:
Bacon, egg, rice... and peaches for dessert. =.= ate them at around 6:30pm.
Last Car Ride:
a few minutes ago XD (is fetched by her parents =.=)
Last Movie You Watched:
The Count of Monte Cristo (on VCD) XD
Last Phone Call:
I forgot. XD
Last CD You Listened To:
L'arc~en~Ciel - AWAKE
Last Bubble Bath You Took:
A few years ago =.=
Last Song You Listened To:
'As One' by L'arc~en~Ciel.
8 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Dated A Best Friend?
....dated? maybe not yet XD;;
Have You Ever Been Arrested:
Not yet. XD
Have You Ever Been On TV:
for 1 second yes XD LOL
Have You Ever Eaten Sushi:
Have You Ever Cheated On Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend:
Not yet... since I don't have a bf yet.
Have You Ever Been On A Blind Date:
Have You Ever Been Out Of The Country:
7 Things You Are Wearing
- underwear =.= duh
- emerald earrings
- an emerald ring that looks like the ring shown in DNAngel XD it's gold though
- white tshirt with a design of Kurama on it
- dark blue socks (it's cold here in my room)
- black jogging pants
- a large hair clip to brush up my hair lol
6 Things You've Done Today
1: Eat
2: Go to school =.=
3: Get aggravated by a professor
4: Go online
5: Watch tv
6: Listen to "As One" over and over again XD
5 Favorite Things ((Not in any order))
1: My computer XDDD
2: My room.
3: My iPod ^.^
4: My manga(s)
5: My drawing stuff!
4 People You Most trust ((No Order))
1: Rika-chan (OKAAA-SAAAAN *salutes*) XDD
2: Cagalli
3: Miguel
4: ... I dunno
3 Choices
1:Computer Or Telephone: COMPUTER!! XDDDDD
2: Bam Margera Or Jensen Ackles: no comment
3: Dogs Or Cats?? dogs. XD
3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die
1: Visit Rika-chan XDDDD
2: Make a real life movie of Gundam Seed
3: Make an anime of our guild, NCS XD
2 Things You Got For Christmas
1: A big mug with prints of "coffee" on it XD (from Jenny)
2: A small purple bear from Maine
1 Person You Want To See
OKAAAAAAAA-SAAAAN!!! ... *ahem* Rika-chan. XDDDD
[+] 7:49 PM 
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
An almost class-less day.

Feeeeh. My classmates are lazy. My professors are lazy too (most of them didn't show up today). Hence, I'm feeling lazy. VERY lazy. XD
Anyways... I'm in an internet shop now, although it's not the internet shop that I usually go to (that shop is filled so I have no choice but to go to the nearest one). I'm not that satisfied here but there's no choice =_=
Soooo... yeah. Lazy~~~ XD like h3ll. I feel like playing depaRO when I get home (yes I'm addicted to private servers again), but I have to resist temptation since we have homework for tomorrow. =_= Feeeeh. I wanna play my charas ;_; Murrue the priestess, Miriallia the baby super novice and Meira the lord knight. *lol*
Actually I dunno why but I felt like posting a little something here, just to let you know that I'm alive. ^^; Well I've been busy for the past few days (with homework and RO) so I didn't feel like posting at all LOL. I just went here because I thought of posting the lyrics of a song (which I would like to advertise)... but I can't find the lyrics XDDD I wanted to show it to
the captain because it kinda reminds me of Gundam Seed. XD
...aww man, I really am dissatisfied in here, there's this
baka who didn't logout her MSN messenger =_=' and since I dunno what to do with MSN, I'll just leave it as is. :p feeh. *coughcough*
Uhmmmm I dunno what to post o__o;; erm.. it'll be our University Week next week. XD And I'm pretty sure that I'd be able to play depaRO yay ^___^ and probably make the NCS website if I'm not going to feel lazy.
For next week, I'm planning to go home at lunchtime. I'm NOT willing to stay in school until 7 or 10 or 11pm. Like, wtf. XD I'm pretty sure that we won't be doing much anyway. =_=; And besides, like in the College of Business and Management Week, we were allowed to go out of the school during lunchtime. And I went home at that time too. XDDD
Yesh I'm evil.
Oh and I did this doodle during our Accountancy (I didn't understand much of the lesson so I just doodled to keep myself awake)... it's an attempt of the manga version of Rey Za Burrel of GSD. XD Man, I love my GS manga. I love the design of the charas too. XD Especially their..uhm... hair. As if it's treated in a salon or something. XDD
And~ I discovered something in the GS manga profiles. o___o My friend
Cagalli has the SAME BIRTHDAY AS FLLAY ALSTER!! O___O gaaah. Of all characters... T-T Oh well. It's not like they have the same personality anyway... right Cagalli? ^.^ *wink*
Man I'm really bored... but I don't feel like staying in this *insert insult here* shop any longer XDDD LOL. Oh well~ bye for now. I gotta get back to school before 4pm since it'll be our English class.
...Which reminds me. I wonder if I got a good grade for my "Gundam Seed Newspaper"... o__o feeeh. (
mom, your expressions contagious. Really.) XD XD
[+] 3:28 PM 
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Untitled XV

My goodness... AM I THAT OLD ALREADY?! XD It seems that I keep on forgetting the passwords of my online accounts and such.. o.O Maybe I should write them down on paper, but others might see it... waaah =_='
So the first day of the midterms week is over. We had our midterm exam in Psychology and Logic today. For Psychology, it was okay although I wasn't too confident with the identification part. XD But at least after we checked the paper, I got a good grade (88%). I guess that's good enough. After all, I didn't review much because I was busy watching the show/drama(?) entitled "Forbidden Love" (I got interested because the 5 people there reminded me of our guild... they were clad in black). XD As for Logic, I dunno. We didn't check the papers after the test, so I dunno what my grade is X_X Feeeh. Honestly, I'm okay with the test, but after that I really had a 'blank' mind. As if all of my knowledge had been used up in the test X_X Oh well.
Aaaaanyway. A few days ago I had this weird dream... XD It was Gundam Seed-ish although there's a touch of real life too. In short, it's quite a "mix" of things. But having this kind of dream (with Gundam Seed stuff in it) could mean I really am addicted now. XD WOOT.
*start dream narrative*Note: Those with a "line-through" thingy means that it's not really part of the dream, I just added it for more... uhmm... 'understanding' of the reader. 8D
It was an ordinary day. Our morning class had just finished. However it's not really 'finished', since the only reason for it is that our professor was absent. So instead of hanging around the empty school corridors, I just went by to the nearby mall which was just across the school.
It was a typical mall, with people walking around, shopping, eating, doing anything what is usually done in a mall. Little did these people know that this mall is also one of the new headquarters of ZAFT. It's not really obvious, but it is a fact. It's just under the mall though. But I'm quite happy about it because we ZAFT soldiers who are studying in this area have a place to stay... and retreat.
All were tranquil... until an alarm rang.
Everything came to a halt. After a few seconds, bombs [placed outside of the building] started to explode, hence shaking the building of its foundations.
When the shaking stopped, a booming voice echoed.
"ZAFT soldiers, surrender this establishment... or the people are as good as dead."
By then, most of the people around me started to panic and get hysterical. They frantically ran to all directions, forgetting the location of the emergency exits. Fortunately, some of my comrades (who I didn't know by name, only by appearance) immediately took action and started organizing the crowd.
Knowing the current situation, I thought that I shouldn't waste any more time. So with my extraordinary abilities as a Coordinator, I used the escalator sides (the handles) as support and soon jumped to the ground floor. I landed safely, and immediately sprinted to the nearest communication facility I could find.
"I needed to contact the Captain", I thought to myself. After all, I'm in no position here... but I need to save what I could.
I grabbed the handset and started dialing furiously.
"Minerva, Minerva, please come over, enemy force/s have invaded HQ," I panted. "Please respond! Please respond...!!!" I kept on trying until there was another explosion.....*end dream narrative*Yeaaaah. I'm crazy.
...So what?XD
Anyways I'm gonna go for now. Gotta start reviewing for Finance and Investment. @_@ Oh my goodness. INVEEEEEEEESTMEEEEEEENT. A whole bunch of formulas. Waaaaah.
And for Finance. I gotta read. Weeeeeeeee. I dunno anything. :0 Oh well. So bye for now~~
[+] 5:57 PM 
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Changing for nothing

Mou it's been a long time since I last updated. o_o; Well my comp broke down last Dec. 23, and we just got around to get it fixed last Thursday. So... yeah. You can imagine. My Christmas vacation was so boring without the compie. Good thing we went to Baguio... and I kept myself busy with drawing. 8D
Anyway, although a few stuff have happened over the past few days (or weeks?), I'm feeling too lazy to list them down. XD As of now we'll be having our Midterm exams this week. And I assume I'll be living in hell again.
It's already Sunday, and it's just now that I'm starting on my homework. Darn, I'm so lazy XD But come to think of it we shouldn't do homework because we need to review. However we don't have a choice since we're required to pass those... especially the Accounting assignment, the English project, and our Math of Investment workbook. Maybe I'll start on the Accounting project first. Then the Math one, then the English article. We're required to make an article in English but I dunno what topic to discuss (we can write about anything).
For English, I'm planning to write an article about Gundam Seed. But I'm afraid my teacher might not be interested XD lol. But she told us it's about anything, so it should be okay, right?o_o Other than Gundam Seed, I could also write about the values today and such... but it's kinda boring.
Oh forget it. XD I'll do it before Friday. -_-' Weeee. Cramming. XDDD
Haha.. I think I need to eat. [Even if I'm getting fat.] My mind is getting 'blank' again. ~_~ Oh well~ bye for now. Till then, minna-san. ~(^.^~)
[+] 11:04 AM