Sunday, February 26, 2006
Procrastination at its best... again
mood |

sick.. *achoo!*]
music | Victorian Romance Emma - Silhouette of a Breeze]
Gaaah. I'm siiick. D: lol. I got colds. It's been a while since I last had colds... but still. Waah I can't breathe easily. D: And when I talk, I sound funny... some of my friends say that I seem like I'm talking while holding my nose... or something like that. o.o
Anyway, nothing much happened today. As usual I did nothing but sit in front of the comp (and tv, during the airing of FMA). =_= I researched a bit for our English project [which is some sort of research paper]. I tried to read it, but I can't absorb anything D: I think my mind is too tired. Or lazy. Or maybe it's because I've been sleeping late these past few days. xD;; So.. there. I printed it out anyways, although I'm not sure if I'd be able to paraphrase it. Aww gawd, Maine's gonna kill me. X_X I'm such a lazy bum. Weee~
So much for the 4-day vacation~ I didn't do anything productive. As in I didn't do ANYTHING productive, be it in academics or in drawing. Ahahaha... *shrugs* I swore to myself last Friday that I would balance the trial balance for our Accounting, but up to now I still haven't balanced it. X___X Aww man, I really don't have a future for Accounting.. T__T I think I'd end up in the Legal Management course... *panics* OMFG I wasted one year of my life!! WAAAAH!!!! I feel like killing myself, but I guess it's too trivial. =_=;; So I have to live up this one helluva life.
How time flies~ it's already Sunday. And tomorrow's Monday... there'll be the Victorian Romance again! I'm sooo gonna watch it. Go William! Fight for Emma! =D LOL weeee XD
But.. tomorrow.. Monday.. is gonna be a busy day. =___=; my 2 groupmates/friends [Maine and Ghe] are coming over to my house. We're gonna do our English project, which is about
the reason/s behind the gradual decrease of Accountancy students. It's a somewhat interesting topic, but in a way, it's also boring. Oh well. We don't have a choice anyway, since our professor wanted a topic which concerns our current course. We haven't discussed our plans in detail yet, hence I dunno much about the stuff we're going to do. I think the only thing I have to do is to research and paraphrase what I have researched... unfortunately I haven't paraphrased them up to now. Man, I'm deaaaad. XD I know I hate freeloaders, but I have this feeling that I'm becoming one of them this time. Haha. Man, I need to fight against this feeling of procrastination.
But then again, I'm losing motivation. *whacked* It's just our first year and I'm already losing hope.. greaaaaaat. T__T You know what, I envy my mom. Even though she lost hope while taking Accountancy [in her college years], she felt that feeling when she was in third year... compared to me, who's losing hope while I'm still in the first year... *whacked again* Oh I dunno. Maybe it's just because I got an 88 and I got a rainshower of scoldings from my parents... *sigh* I need inspiration. And I mean inspiration to study, not inspiration to draw. XD
Oh and I've noticed something... I seem to be listening more and more to instrumental music these days. o_o *points to her playlist which is composed of instrumental mp3s from different animes, particularly GS/GSD and Victorian Romance Emma* XD My mom said that I should AVOID listening to music (even if it has lyrics or not) while reviewing/studying. She has a point... but I find it really hard to study in complete silence. I feel paranoid when it's silent, and a lot of unnecessary thoughts tend to flood my mind when it's silent... *sighs*
Okay~ my post is getting longer, but it's still pointless XDD Oh well. Oh and even though I didn't do anything productive today, I feel kinda accomplished since I was able to make a layout for my friend Sechskies~ yay. :D She's not gonna use it yet, but I feel accomplished. Wee! *salutes* Maybe I really have this generous thingy in me.. that's why I tend to keep on giving... but then again... *remembers something bad*... erm. Nevermind. XD So there. lol. Oh and I made a layout for myself too... but I'll be editing it next time. After all, the site's not really anime-related. XD I think I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'll be making a site which would be a compilation of random pics taken through my cellphone camera. Most of them are nature pics. XD Talk about being inspired from the anime "Windy Tales". And no, I don't watch that. But I got inspired by merely looking at the commercial. XDD;;;
Laadeedaa~ I also got to watch the first part of GSD Episode 50... I watched it at Considering my slow connection, I think I only saw around 1/2 or 1/3 or the episode... D: But I'm still happy. Weee Rey and Shinn rulez!! XD Hopefully, I'd be able to watch the rest of the episode when I get to go to an internet shop or something. XD I wanna watch more of Rey!! And Shinn!!! XDD Weeee *squeals* Okay enough fangirl-ing over GSD~ I need to go. Weee~ It's almost 7pm. It's almost time to get off the compie~ for I have other stuff to do. XD And~ I need to rest too~ since I'm sick. It's just colds, but I don't want it to get worse. D: So... there. Hope to update next time. ^^;
[+] 6:33 PM 
Friday, February 24, 2006
No classes day...
mood |

music | Full Metal Alchemist - Promised Land 2005]
Today is just one of those days wherein I feel REALLY thankful for the political crisis here in the Philippines. Really. XD If we were to have classes today, me [and some other classmates] would be doomed. But then again, I'd be doomed here at home too. Because I have to endure hearing my parents' bitching about all those shit, particularly about academics. *shrugs*
My day was supposed to be good, but as usual the KJs have done it again. Man, they easily get irritated, don't they... just because I'm in front of the compie, they start bitching again. That's why I barely get to get "close" with them, because they always bitch at me, hence I feel somewhat awkward to say something to them because I assume that I'll simply end up being bitched at.
So... yeah. No classes for today. However I think I prefer to use this day for sleeping, since I missed out on a lot of sleep yesterday night. Me and my friend tried to work on our Accounting last night. Fortunately we were able to finish the transactions, although we're not sure if we're correct with our answers. Other than that, our trial balance isn't- well,
balanced. XD;;; Talk about wasted effort. We computed and all that, only to find out that our answers would end up unbalanced. =__='
I also cried last night. 8D Yep, I did. [And you don't have a say about it. So shadap. 8D] I cried because I was starting to doubt my capacity within the Accountancy course. I don't think I can take it anymore. But I guess I would just endure, 'till I get kicked out of the program, lol... but I don't want to change courses. I have an option, though. But it would be better if I won't be kicked out... But anyway.
I reaaaaaaaaally need to study. But... aah I'm so sleepy. I'm gonna sleep for now =_= bye.
[+] 12:59 PM 
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Dreaming Soul...
mood |

music | Gundam Seed OST IV - Omokage]
You Are a Dreaming Soul |
 Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul |
[+] 9:40 PM 
Untitled# 24
mood |

exhausted and lazy]
music | Gundam Seed OST IV - Omokage]
Hmm. I'm feeling unusually tired today... I dunno why. We didn't do much in school anyway, we had our usual classes... then we ate at the nearby mall, then reviewed, then crammed, then... oh great I remembered it again =__= Nevermind.
So... yeah. Nothing much happened today. But then I just thought of updating to let you guys (yes, you people who even care about boring little me *sarcastic*) know that I'm still alive despite all the bloody hell I've been through. Every day has become more busy- or should I say busier(?)... and more hectic. We have a lot of things to do for the finals, and I know this is certainly not the perfect time to update. But then I'm feeling so tired that I just want to plop down on my bed and sleep. And instead, here I am, typing away yet another pointless entry.
We don't have homework for tomorrow, so I guess I can relax a little for tonight. Besides, we got home late. It was tiring but I guess I'm quite happy because I saw some of our family's old friends (back from elementary school lol). ^_^ So... yeah. *speechless* Anyway, for this Friday, we'll be submitting our practice set in Accounting. I'm [obviously] not done with it yet, but I'm almost there. I think. XD Hehe. But it's there's still a lot to do. Oh well. That's life for a lazy bum like me. :D As I said in some entries before, I got a low midterm grade for Accounting this semester. I got 88. So I guess I need to study harder in Accounting, considering that it's quite embarrassing to see high grades in minor subjects while getting a low grade for the major subject... *shrugs* Gaaah. Pressure, pressure, pressure. Life is a pressure cooker indeed. =__=
And after we submit our Accounting practice set (mind you, it's not done yet~ we still have the Corporation part to do), we'll be working on our English "baby thesis". I'm not really sure if it IS a baby thesis, but I want to call it as such because... I want to. XD Man I think my mind's really gone blank today. Haha. Weeee~ XD So yeah. Me and my groupmates really need to start working on the baby thesis since it's our final project in English, and also we REALLY need to start since we somewhat neglected it because we were so busy with the Accounting practice set...
Setting the Accounting + English aside... I think I'll be getting a zero in our Math quiz today. 8D The test has only two items, but I have a hunch that it would be more or less 10 points each. XD Waaai. I can't believe it. But I guess no one's perfect. Besides, I was stupid enough to review the wrong topic. Haha. How silly of me. But then again, I guess it's really my fault because I didn't even bother looking at my "title notes" at the top part of my notebook page. I guess I really WAS busy cramming for our English note cards awhile ago. XD Oh well~ Hope to get a better grade on the next quiz. *shrugs* Goodnessh~ I must review. :0
Now I'm really starting to feel like an Accountancy student. O_o I think I need to become a nerd in order to pass XDDD~ Just kidding. But then again, it really looks that way. ^^; We need to study, compute, study, compute. Gaaaah. *whines*
Okay enough ranting. 8D I'll be off now. Hope to update next time. *yawn* Bye.
[+] 8:55 PM 
Monday, February 20, 2006
ANOTHER Random survey thingy.
mood |

music | T.M.Revolution - Zips]
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8 am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Mulan? XD
4. What's your favorite TV show? Gundam Seed/Destiny XD
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Bacon, egg, rice... hot chocolate and Reese's peanut butter cups chocolate XD
6. What's your favorite cuisine? Japanese or American or Filipino cuisine.
7. What foods do you dislike? Many... I'm a picky eater.
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Plain or cheese
9. What's your favorite CD at the moment? my personalized CD wherein there's a bunch of anime/jpop/jrock songs.
10. What kind of car do you drive? I can't drive yet. =.=
11. Favorite sandwich? Ham and cheese I guess...
12. What characteristics do you despise? depends on my mood I guess.. lol
13. What is your favorite type of clothing? all-black. XD jeans/pants and a comfy tshirt...?
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Singapore XD
15. What color is your bathroom? =.=
16. Favorite brand of clothing? JAG..?
17. Where would you retire to? Somewhere in a cozy place, like Melbourne, Australia. XD
18. Favorite time of the day? depends.
19. What was your most memorable birthday? I dunno.
20. Where were you born? Philippines
21. Favorite sport to watch? Swimming
22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? dunno
23. Person you expect to send it back first? dunno
24. What fabric detergent do you use? I dunno. XDD
25. Were you named after anyone? Yep. My dad (first name) and my mom (second name), with a little alterations in the letters.
26. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes
27. When did you last cry? Last friday/
28. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? YES ^____^
30. Are you a daredevil? Nope.
31. Do looks matter? Sometimes
32. How do you release anger? Watch action scenes, rant on my blog, listen to music that suits my mood.
34. What were your favorite toys as a child? Stuffed toys =.=
35. What class in High School was totally useless? Calculus and Algebra =.=
37 Favorite movies? I dunno...
38. What are your nicknames? Meira, Li, Angel, Rey, Reyrey, Igenstellar, Igen, Stellar, Mei-chan... *and many more..*
39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends.
40. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, sometimes. Emotionally, no.
41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla or Cookies and Cream..
42. What are your favorite colors? Violet/Purple/Lavender, black, red, blue, green
43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I dunno...
44. Who do you miss the most? dunno
45. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back to you? if they want to
46 What color pants are you wearing? ...I'm currently wearing black jogging pants with light blue lines at the side.
47. Last thing you ate? Reese's peanut butter cups chocolate.
49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be? dark blue
50. Last person you talked to on the phone? I dunno
51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Attitude.
52. Favorite drink? COFFEE XD preferably Starbucks coffee.
53. Do you wear contacts? no
54. Favorite day of the year? any, as long as it's vacation
55. Endings: happy or sad? sad
56. Winter/summer? Winter
57. Hugs OR Kisses? Hugs.
58 What is Your Favorite Dessert? Chocolate
59. What Book(s) are you reading? ....our Accounting practice set, book 1. *TWITCH*
60. What is on your mouse pad? the mouse. nah, the mouse pad has a design of the game called Pristontale.. it was given to me by my friend Charie XD
61. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? Juubei-chan the Ninja Girl
62. Favorite Smells? Lavender scent and Tartine et Chocolat (my perfume). XD
63. Stones or Beatles? ...huh?o.o
64. What's the furthest you've been from home? Melbourne, Australia.
[+] 12:46 PM 
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Random survey thingy.
mood |

music | none]
First thing you SAID when you woke up this morning?
"I want Reese's chocolaaate ;__;"
First thing u DID when you woke up this morning ?
Got up from bed =.=
First drink you drank today?
Hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Current haircolor?
Black (or dark dark brown?)
Current smell of yourself?
Tartine et Chocolat. :3
Current desktop wallpaper ?
Syaoran and Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
Expectations for tomorrow.
Have you ever cheated on a test?
yeh. xD
When was the last time you laughed so hard you were crying?
I forgot.
Do you like Sushi?
Yes, but not too much or I'll end up barfing. =Y
Do you truely hate anyone?
Some... yes.
What food do you find disgusting?
Many. I'm picky. 8D
Are u easily jealous?
Do you have/had braces?
Yep. When I was in elementary school. xD
Are you photogenic?
hell nooo. XD
What will you do if you're sad?
Cry, angst, listen to angsty music.
What do you need most now?
Reese's chocolate + starbucks coffeeeeeeee ;____; and a huggle from mommy Talia. xD
What are you craving for now?
What is that one thing u like most abt ya gf/bf?
I don't have a bf yet. =.=
Are u realistic or idealistic?
What brand is your laptop?
I don't have a laptop. =.=
What is the most branded stuff u ever bought?
JAG, Penshoppe and many more.
Boots or superdrug?
... huh? erm maybe boots o.o
What perfume u prefer?
Tartine et Chocolat. :3
What song is on your mind rite now?
none o.o
Where do u wish to go rite now?
in Talia/mom/RIka-chan's house XDDDDDDDDDD
What type car u want to own?
any 4WD car. Preferably a Ford Expedition or the new Nissan Patrol/Safari XD
Do u own a red backpack?
I don't think so.
When was the last time u cut your hair?
a few months/weeks ago.
Do you wear a necklace?
Yogurt or milk?
milk =D
Do u own an mp3 player?
Sainsbury,asda or tesco?
...what? o.o
When was the last time u attend wedding ceremony?
...around 10000 years ago LOL. I forgot. =.=
How do u like your bf to propose u?
I don't have a bf. -___-
Acting or singing?
Narnia or harry potter?
harry potter
How many dvds u own?
none. xD I only have vcds
What is the colour of your car?
we have two cars.. o.o one green, one gold.
Chorus of your favourite song?
.......I have too many favorite songs soooo.. nevermind.
How did u go to school?
my parents drive me to school.
t-shirt or hoodies?
Chicken or beef?
Dancing or singing?
last words?
....hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o.o *waves to Shinn and the captain*
[+] 10:21 AM 
Friday, February 17, 2006
Untitled# 23
music Gundam Seed - Akatsuki no Kuruma (Piano Version)]
Fucking shit. Here we go again. After all this time, here we are again, bitching over academics. *shrugs*
Okay, so I told my mom that I got ANOTHER line of 8 in the midterms (for the second semester). And of all subjects, it had to be in Accounting. I got 88. It's not yet a failing grade, because it's still above 85.
My mom said she wasn't surprised, she was just disgusted. She told me about getting all those line of 9's and all that shit. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to cope up with her expectations. And of course, I feel guilty. I know I am to be blamed since I didn't do much with my studies. I preferred to stay online, rather than study my boring subjects.
So I guess I
might not be online for a few weeks, due to this predicament of mine. Well my parents didn't really say that I'm grounded from the computer, but in their statement, they told me
indirectly. *shrugs* They told me that it's my choice, and in addition to that, they said, "Don't go crying to us if you get kicked out of the Accountancy program".
I know the consequences, so I guess I really have to start "moving". But I don't really have much inspiration these days. I envy my classmate. She told us (during math class) that she was really excited to go home... because unlike in school, she doesn't encounter any
stressors at home. *sigh* Envyyyy. Come to think of it, when I'm at home, I feel relaxed SOMETIMES. But when times like these come, the home becomes a stressor itself.
Man, it's really hard to live up to expectations. And it's much much harder to endure your overflowing emotions, especially when people around you start bitching at you while you can't answer back. Well, I don't really mind being bitched at by my parents. I know I'm the one at fault, anyway. I just can't bear to hear my parents blaming others, when it could have been
me who's to be blamed. I heard them blaming my friends again. They told me that they're bad influence.
I know there are times wherein I seem to have hated my friends, but I can't bear to hear other people blaming them. After all, people have their own identities, etc etc... *sigh* Yes I know I'm an illogical "martyr". Oh well.
The other thing that I can't bear to hear is them blaming my lone inspiration in life: anime. They have blamed it once again. They told me that my hobby is a waste of time. Well they
could be right, but I'm not watching anime 24/7 now, am I? And I'm not drawing 24/7, am I?
I know I
might be missing the big picture here, but that's the way I think. Besides, I'm too frustrated to think about it. *sigh* I just hate those kinds of things. If they'd be so observant as to blame EVERY fucking thing under the sun, I'd prefer them to blame only ME. As in, ME. *points to herself* I'm the one at fault anyway, because it was MY choice to procrastinate and all that!
*sighs again* My mind is filled with a lot of thoughts right now. Too bad they're too many (and too "mixed") to type down. =___=
Anyway, since I ran out of stuff to type down, that would be all for now... Hope to update next time, if there would be a next time. *sighs*
[+] 6:04 PM 
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Untitled# 22
music Gravitation - Smashing Blue]
Due to the sudden (and contagious) disease acquired by Ms. Meer Campbell, all ZAFT personnel are hereby requested to have a medical check-up as soon as possible. *salutes*Waaaai. X_X *drops down dead* It was a tiring day~ however the happenings aren't really special. xD But they're not that good too. =_=;;
Aww man, I feel ...
Me and my classmates discovered that our classmate, Mia (I like to call her Meer though XD), got German measles. Yep, that's what the nurse/intern/whatever (in the school clinic) said. =.=;; Well Mia was feeling itchy and uncomfortable since the first subject/period, and we were quite disturbed about it. However, we only got to bring her to the clinic after our break (at around 11:20 am, I think).
So... yeah. I was quite troubled because I never had measles before, so that means I'm not safe. T___T; Other than that, I was also disturbed because Mia was with us the whole morning- well obviously, since she's our classmate. And... she's a part of our
tropa/barkada (circle of friends). Gwaaaaaah. In addition to that, we (the class) stayed in an airconned classroom, and the disease is said to be contagious.
Oh. My. Gawd. Don't tell me. Some of us have obtained the disease. OH DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *faints dramatically*
Now I can't help but feel uneasy/panicky/paranoid whenever I feel itchy. o_o Oh fucking shit. Of all the time to obtain such a disease... it had to be during the FINALS. AAAAAAH. *panics again*
Hmmmm maybe I'd bug my mom to get me to my doctor tomorrow for a check-up... after all we would be dismissed early (at around 3pm) since our English professor wouldn't be able to attend our class.
Aww man. I'm really feeling uneasy. I have this weird feeling that I
might have
it. ;____; *cries*
Setting the disease topic aside, we were dismissed early today. 8D Our professor for Swimming didn't show up, because she was attending the College of Arts and Sciences week. So... there. XD So generally, it was a half-day. But I didn't go home at once since I wanted to have some coffee from you-know-where... and yep, it's Starbucks! =D
I dragged Mitchie along and we had some coffee there. We chatted and stuff, and we stayed there 'till 3pm. So it's almost like we had classes since our Swimming class was from 1pm to 3pm. XD So... yeah.
Erm.. I'm out of words to say. =___= That would be all for now. Hope to update next time. ^^
[+] 8:55 PM 
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Single Awareness Day :D
music Naruto - Ryuusei]
First of all, I would like to greet everyone a
Happy Valentines (or Single Awareness) Day!!! LOLHehe nothing much happened today. Except for the fact that I got my "monthly visitor" again which caused me to be absent for NSTP class. X_X It's the first time I got absent in a class, and it kinda bothers me... but I don't have a choice since I can't endure the pain anymore.
It was quite funny awhile ago since the peeps in the clinic thought that I was just pretending to be sick because I have a date o_O Like hell no. XD I don't even have a boyfriend =_= But I'm not looking for one yet anyway. LOL. So yeah. It's kinda funny... but at least I was treated fairly and I was able to take some medicine and lie down on a bed (although I wasn't able to sleep because I was in so much pain back then).
I wasn't able to text my classmates/friends after falling asleep awhile ago (when I got home)... and much to my disappointment, when I checked my cellphone upon waking up, I saw that I didn't receive any message. I therefore conclude that a lot of people don't care about me. Oh well. XD (Oh and this doesn't include you, mom xD *salutes*)
Anyway, we're supposed to have an early dismissal (even if I went home or not), and I was supposed to start working on my Valentine's art. However I'm not feeling THAT well... so I guess the art would be a 'belated' one after all. *shrugs*
AAAAH I almost forgot. Tomorrow's the recognition day... *sigh* I hope I won't experience any more "pain" anymore. Or else... I'm doomed O_O And to think that I'd go on stage and all. =_="
So that's all for now... *sigh* till then.
[+] 7:24 PM 
Monday, February 13, 2006
Nothing much
music Gundam Seed - Rey Za Burrel's piano (Omokage)]
Nothing much really. =_= Nothing special has happened since Sunday... and I'm bored like hell. But I guess it's okay because my mind has been temporarily set off from angsting, thanks to my friends and also to.. well.. Gundam Seed. XD
So today's a Monday, and as usual we don't have classes. Me and my mom went swimming this morning, hence I'm feeling sleepy now. But I just felt like blogging so there. ^^;
We'd be going to the mall again later to resume the lost "shopping day" which was supposed to be last Saturday. We weren't able to shop because, as said in the previous post, I used up the money for shopping because of that damned pin overcharge. *shrugs* Anyway, I'm gonna go buy some new stuff, maybe shoes? lol.
Other than that, I realized that it would be Valentine's tomorrow. LOL. I wonder what I would do tomorrow. Maybe I'd go on a date with my parents? At Starbucks? LOL but we do that all the time =__= Anyway... I need to start drawing my Valentine's drawing soon. But then again, I'm feeling lazy and sleepy.
Maybe next time. It'd just be a belated one. XD After all I still need to look for reference pics... since I'll be doing a Valentine GS fanart. It'll be a solo pic. XD But I dunno who to draw =_= But it's certain that I'd be drawing a bishie from ZAFT. Ohohohoho~ *runs around*
Oh and moving on to somewhat more serious matters, I just noticed something here in our house. I noticed that our two maids are at odds (in other words, quarreling) with each other. I dunno why, but it kinda disturbs the peace of the house. According to my mom, they have reached the point of their conflict wherein they said that if the other one doesn't go, she'll go. Sheesh. Talk about pride. =_= However I'm not really sure about that though. But it's still kinda saddening because the two of them were close to me.
Hmm... speaking of which, we're having this so-called research paper in English now. We're just beginning, but I can't help but think that we'll be cramming for it soon. LOL It's already February, and we have less than a month to finish it. I guess I have to try to convince my groupmates about doing it in the weekend... Same goes with the *new* practice set in Accounting.
Man, I'm so lazy.. @_@ I can't help but think that I might not make in into Accounting (2nd year) with this attitude. =_= I wonder... *sigh* My parents said that if I won't pass, they'll transfer me to a school with a Political Science course... and I assume that I'll be heading to La Salle at that time. But I don't want to leave ;_; I'll miss my classmates and friends from BSA-1. *bawls* So I guess I need to study... *shrugs*
Oh well... that's all for now. 'Till then.
P.S. I forgot.. I had this weird dream. I was Heine and I was piloting my mobile suit, and all of a sudden another mobile suit attacked from behind (I assume it was Stellar's) and the blade went through the cockpit... and I was sliced in half. =D COOL. XD LOL.
[+] 1:22 PM 
Saturday, February 11, 2006
utterly ashamed, crushed, and disappointed]
music Gundam Seed - Nicol's Piano: Theme of Tears]
I have never thought that I would act so FOOLISHLY again. Today, I got SCAMMED. In real life. Yes I'm a fucking idiot and now you can laugh at me like a fucking lunatic. And you can shut up now (this doesn't apply to my online family).
...*kills herself in her imagination*
Well as some of you know, I'm
supposed to order some pins for my friends and also for myself... Oh wait, I already DID! *sarcastic* So yeah... I went to the mall to have those pins made, and I was happy because I'll be paying (well.. supposed to be) only around 25 pesos (P25) per pin. Well I was assuming that it was so since the advertisement/paper/whatever said that you can buy two pins for a cheaper price. So I ran there and had all 31 pins made (some of them were "ordered" by my classmates).
Maaaan was I soooooooooo wrong with that advertisement thingy. Upon payment of the newly-made pins, the saleslady told me to pay a whooping ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS. *pulls her hair out* I was obviously surprised at the amount, because I was certain that I'd only pay around P750 (if the price was P25 per pin that is). She told me that the advertisement was for
pre-made pins only... like WTF. They didn't even specify that in the advertisement! I asked but they said it's only 40... and now the price/s shot up all of a sudden?!
But anyway... I paid the price... much to my dismay. Sheesh and they didn't even issue receipts. Damn. =_=" After all, it's already made and it'd me more trouble if I wouldn't pay. *sigh* But then again, I guess this'll be a lesson for me... since I am part of this stupidity after all. I was too gullible, I was too foolish to the point that I didn't even check/countercheck, and last of all I was too "kind" because I even shouldered the stuffs (or should we say pins) of my friends, when they should be the one to do the ordering themselves.
So I guess I really am at the "losing point" here. Why? Because:
... I don't have much money anymore.
... My friends might think of me as a scammer (I guess you can't avoid that) even if I'm not.
... My reputation is tarnished since I looked like a fool up to this time
... I wasn't able to do any more shopping because the "extra" money was also used up. =_=
Oh and I
might be putting off comments for this post.
Well I don't want to see any messages that pertain to the commentor
laughing/teasing at me and all. *paranoid* This situation has already been embarrassing as it could get, and laughing at me won't do any good. Well, unless you're part of my online family (Talia, Cagalli, Shinn, Natarle), I guess I could still tolerate. Maybe. =_=
*sighs* Before I end my post, I would just like to give a big THANK YOU to the following for being concerned (for asking about what happened, etc etc etc)...
--- Shinn *salutes* 8D
--- Kamiya
--- Nicole
--- Jeni
--- Gian (even if we just had a short YM conversation) :p
--- and all the people who I forgot because of angst overload. :0
That'll be all for now... I'm gonna take a bath, angst, and see if I would feel better later. *floats away*
[+] 6:50 PM 
Untitled #21

music| Nami Tamaki - Kurayami Monogatari]
Erm.. okay, I'm supposed to update about the things that happened yesterday... but then I was feeling too angsty, annoyed, and lazy to update. =_=
Yesterday wasn't really a good day. There isn't a lot of stuff to talk about, but most of them were annoying and depressing as well. So... yeah... *shrugs* =_= A lot has happened.
However, I'm too lazy to list them down one by one. =_= Forget it.. lol I'm not in the mood to type about those annoyances anyway. xD;;
[+] 11:31 AM 
Friday, February 10, 2006
OMFG Forbidden Love...!!! X3

music| none.. watching the final episode of Forbidden Love]
Okay, just finished watching Forbidden Love. D:
Man it was tragic... but I realized that Calin is a good chara too x3 despiter her Fllay vibe and all. O_O
And~ new bishie!! Johnny!!!! *poses*
'Tis just a short post. I'll update next time. =w=
[+] 11:02 PM 
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Late update: The Cap and The Great Escape
music Pretear - White Destiny]
Waaaaaaaaai I forgot to update yesterday ~_~;; Yesh I know I'm a lazy assssshhh. Anyway, nothing much happened yesterday (and today). But I just thought of updating~ so there.
Erm... *panics* I dunno what to poooooooost. XD
Anyway~ I'll just list them down since my mind is kinda blank again. Maybe it's the coffee. XD
Haha.. anyway here we goooo~
Number 1: The Cap.I got a new cosplay "item". I was in the mall with my friends yesterday, and as we were window shopping, I saw this cap which looked EXACTLY like Cagalli's cap in Gundam Seed. XD I checked the price: P320. Kinda expensive, but it was worth it. But then I still had to wait for my mom's approval... so I just bought it after we were dismissed for the day ^^; But I'm quite happy because my mom liked the cap too. And all I need now is a brown blazer/coat/jacket, an apple green T-shirt, khaki(?) pants and shoes... and I'll be ready to cosplay Cagalli! *_* LOL.
Number 2: The Great Escape.Me [and my classmates] actually RAN OUT of the Recognition Day practice yesterday. I know it's not really a good thing to do something like that, but we were desperate. We would be having a quiz in English and we can't afford to miss that.
Well the practice was from 3-4:30 pm... and we have a class at 4pm (English). Hence, there would be a conflict regarding our schedule... We weren't panicky at first since we thought that the organizers(?) of the program told our professors that we would be absent for some time in their period (hence we assumed that we would be excused for the quiz)... but NOOOO~ they didn't. On top of that, THEY actually SCOLDED US for not telling our professors O_o like WTF! It's their program, and we're part of it, and they're using OUR time! THEY should be the one to negotiate! =_=; Sheesh. So anyway.. yeah. Well the venue for the actual Recognition Day would be the school auditorium... but we were using the conference room for the practice. Now tell me, how would the conference room accomodate hundreds of awardees?!
Me and my classmates (who are awardees as well) attended the practice, well until 4:00. We weren't permitted to go out but we went out ourselves. (yep, we BSA students have a dark side too. *laughs*) At that time, before our
Great Escape, the authorities/teachers were in front. They were arranging the so-called "seating arrangement". But their efforts were in vain because we already know our seat numbers, and all of us (and I mean all of the awardees in the room) will not be accomodated by the seats of the conference room. Well we already told the authorities that we already know our seat numbers, but they seemed to be deaf at that time. *grins*
So yeah... since there were a lot of Nursing students covering the doorway (and we, the BSA students, happened to be near the door), we took the chance. We went out one by one, but eventually all of us "squeezed in" and we ran for our lives. *laughs* One of the authorities have seen us, I think... but it was too late. It was funny, really. And you should've seen how we ran. At that moment, we didn't seem to have any
poise at all. XD
And I wonder what would the authorities say to us tomorrow (we'll be having another practice at the same time)... XD And I wonder if we would
walk-out RUN OUT again. XDDDD
Anyway~~ that would be all for today's nonsensical post.. I'll update you on my "adventures" next time. For now, I need to finish fixing my stuff for tomorrow. XD Bye then~
[+] 9:42 PM 
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Untitled #20 (enough with the Roman numerals. =_=)

music| Gundam Seed Destiny - Shinkai no Kodoku]
New "feature" for my blog. :3 So that might mean that I won't post that many avatars anymore... lol. Anyway~ *coughs* presenting~ the mood icons. Included is the 'current music' thingy too. lol xD 'Tis supposed to be for Livejournal only but I guess it's okay to use it here, after all I'll be giving credit anyway. I'll be putting the credits in the navigation later.
So~ anyway~ nothing much happened for the past few days. Well except for the fact that my dad just bought me a headphone (with a mic) last Saturday evening... yeah.. nothing much has happened.
I'm currently bored right now but I don't feel like studying/reviewing for tomorrow. We'll be having a quiz in my most annoying subject, Finance, which would cover around 2 chapters of the book (which I'm not interested to read since the book is going-around-the-bush in the first place). I'm feeling too... non-enthusiastic for some reason. =_= I don't have this so-called
ZAFT zest in me that keeps me going. I dunno.
I know I received an award for the first semester, and I know that I shouldn't be too cocky with it since it wouldn't guarantee an award for the second semester. But as I said, I dunno why but I really feel unmotivated.
A lot of things have been coming into my mind lately, however I'm too lazy to list them down. Errr it's just that I have this feeling that I MIGHT not be able to make it for Accountancy... *sigh* I know I'm being pessimistic, but who knows? It was said by our professor that we'd be having our qualifying exam on March 20. I know it's far but I can't help but to feel fear about it... what if I fail the qualifying exam? Where should I go? To another course (and perhaps another school), perhaps? Or just simply resort to suicide?
I want to please my parents but this feeling of unmotivation is killing me. I dunno... I guess I'm just feeling 'empty' for some reason.
Setting the academic rants aside, I just noticed that most of my friends irl don't even bother to talk to me online. I mean, I know I can always talk to them irl, but I can't help but feel ignored. Oh well. I guess that's life...
Despite the "problems" and such, I guess I could say that in a way, I'm quite happy tonight because there's no assignment for Accounting. I think. ^^; Anyway~ at least I don't have much to do... but I really have to review.
Hmm which reminds me.. I'll be quite busy tomorrow X_X Other than having classes, I have to attend the practice for the Recognition Day... *shrugs*
Anyway~ I'm out of words.. I dunno what to type anymore XD Baibai for now.
[+] 9:07 PM 
Saturday, February 04, 2006

I know this isn't really a good time to post for me, but since I'm ANNOYED, I can't help but to post.
I was staring at the computer screen (not literally) for almost 2 hours, waiting for my download of the patch for professionalRO (the new version/deviation from depaRO). Since I was not using DSL, it's obvious that I have to wait for 5 hours to finish downloading the
file [50+ MB]. I waited and waited, doing various things to keep boredom away from me. But then, all of a sudden, a FUCKING POWER OUTAGE happened and my download was cut off.
I was putting my hope in the so-called "memory" of the computer, so I can resume my downloading when the power's back on. But then the "file" which contains the "memory" was corrupted because of the sudden power outage. Hence, I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE FUCKING FILE AGAIN AND WAIT FOR 5 HOURS
AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HELL!!!!
But since I lost my determination, I don't feel like re-downloading it anymore. Well unless I get a chance to go to a nearby mall/internet shop and have the patch file downloaded there; and I'll have the file burned into a cd. *sigh*
Anyway, since I've got nothing to do, I'm gonna prepare my bath now. I woke up late so my "day" started late. =.=
Oh and I got my professionalRO cd from Cagalli last Wednesday :D I was saved by that. But I'm still having a problem. For some reason, when I click the prof-RO icon, I get a RO/Gravity error. D: damn. Now I'm starting to think if I really am destined to be "outside of profRO" forever. =.=
So yeh.. that's all for now. =.=
[+] 3:24 PM 
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Boredom... yet again

Well, it's not really boredom~ it's more like me being bored while procrastinating.
I know I shouldn't be going online at a time like this but I'm really getting tired... good thing it's already Friday tomorrow. *sighs* But still, I can't imagine what
So~ yeah. I'm bored. =.= There isn't much to do since we don't have any homework.. although we have to review for our quiz in Accounting (and Finance, perhaps?) tomorrow. Argggh... I dunno but for some reason I'm not feeling enthusiastic tonight. Maybe it's because I'm just too tired. We had our swimming class this afternoon and the stuff we learned for that time is quite fun. XD
*sighs* Oh-kay~ my mind's getting blank again... lol I dunno what to type now XD Arrrrgh *twitch* Oh well~ bye for now.. sorry for the nonsensical post =.=
[+] 9:13 PM