Thursday, March 30, 2006
Random post O:
mood |

music | Otogizoushi - Zen]
Wee, updated again. ~_~ It's been a while. Nothing much has happened these days... I've been staying in the house- spending most of my time in front of the computer. XD Hmmm, there's nothing much to post really... ^^; As you all know, I'm still hooked on Gaia Online; but I'm taking a little break from it now since I'm quite enthusiastic about inking/coloring our guild art. :3
Sooo.. yeah. Errm, I went to school yesterday to get my class cards. I was assuming that we'd be done by 12 noon, but noooo. Me and my classmates actually spent the whole day in school. =_=' Blame our professor in Logic for procrastinating and all, since he told us that he can give out our class cards at 3pm... *shrugs* and to think that we got all of our class cards (except for Logic) at around 11:30 am. Great. But there's no choice anyway... so we ate lunch first, then we waited until 3pm. =_=' Luckily, I got my beloved iPod and Yugioh manga... so I guess I can say that I wasn't bored that much. :3
The final grades that I got were okay, I only got 2 line of 8's (Finance and... *cough* Accounting). Everything else were line of 9's. *_* I guess I'm satisfied, since I THINK I'm already qualified for 2nd year Accountancy. I hope. I reaaaaaaaaaally hope. But then again, it's kinda frustrating since I have to take summer classes, which would be from April 20 to May 11, every Monday-Saturday from 7:30am to 5:00 pm. *groans* Oh well. I guess I have to sacrifice some of my online time then. X__X Waah.
Other than that, there are some happenings here at home. Well not really "at home", but anyway... my grandma got "sick" again. And as of now she's in the hospital, and we visited her this morning. I know I'm not really "close" with my grandma, but I can't help but feel pitiful for her when I saw her. But then again, I'm feeling quite annoyed too.. since my grandma is stubborn. XD My mother (who was there) said that every night, when no one's looking, my grandma would remove this thingy that's attached to her nose. O_o She said it's uncomfortable, and she doesn't want it. But it's helping her, even though she doesn't know it. =_=' Even though she's like that, I'm quite glad because, at least, she's still not a living vegetable or so.
Setting that aside~~ I got tagged by one of my friends in the Ichiraku Ramen forum. XD So.. yeah. I'll be doing the survey-thingy now before I forget. XD
--------------------------Rule: List 7 songs you're into right now. No matter what the genre is, whether they have words or not, even if they're any good, they must be songs that you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs, then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.
1. Sara, Korean Version (BoA) - I know I rarely listen/download Korean songs, but this is an exception. Besides, I don't have the Japanese version of this song, so I guess I'll have to make ado with this. But even though it's the Korean version, I like it. The song is nice and it has an exotic feeling~
2. Eyes (from Yugioh) - As you all know, I'm obsessed with Yugioh again. And I can't believe that my favorite song from Yugioh hasn't changed. XD I don't know, but I really like this song. The melody(?), the lyrics, the voice... everything! XD
3. Path (Apocalyptica) - A violin-rock instrumental that was sent to me by my friend. It somewhat reminds me of the band called BOND, although I admit this is better. Anyway, this is a great song, and it's great to listen to especially if you're determined or you're in a rush.
4. Silhouette of a Breeze (from Emma, A Victorian Romance) - another instrumental. This is the opening theme for the anime. I really like the song's mood; it makes me think of a scenery wherein people are happily doing their work. I usually listen to this when I'm doing something that I like, like drawing.
5. Zen (from Otogi Zoshi) - I dunno... but I like it. O_o *doesn't know what to say*
6. Akatsuki (from Meine Liebe Weider) - I just downloaded the song out of curiosity... and eventually, I liked it.
7. Comet Cloud (RYTHEM) - The melody is just too cute. ^_^
1. The Minerva captain!! XD
2. Cagalli
3. Minako?
4. Jeddy
5. Jeni
6. Nicole
7. Nuki XD
[+] 5:41 PM 
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Gaia mania =.=
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music | Gakuen Alice - Pikapika no Taiyou]
Okay, summer vacation... haha, just thought of blogging to let you know I'm still alive. XD Errm I know I'm supposed to update since it's already vacation, but I'm quite busy with *cough* Gaia Online. It's my latest addiction when I'm online lol. As of now I'm managing an art store with my friend there, in the hope that I'd get some Gaia Gold. XD
Hmm since it's vacation, I got to draw again. Yaaay. XD It's great that I got to draw. But then again I have to hold it off for a while for my Gaia commissions ^^; Although I find it hard to begin drawing =_=' Oh well.
Setting that aside, I thought of a little problem that would most probably arise, should I not make it through in Accountancy... well I'm planning to take up Legal Management just in case, but my mom said that I'd be delayed by one year if I take that up. Legal Management's a good course as a pre-Law, but since it's a new course in our school, it would be obvious that I can't be "advanced" since I still have to wait for (or should we say tag along with) the first batch of graduates... and these graduates would be out one year later than the year that I'm supposed to graduate.
Okay, that didn't make much sense =.= But still. I HAVE to make it.. waaah.. but the results of the qualifying exam was just too... terrible. o_O Imagine a whole section failing an exam =_=' I just hope it's just a joke or something. *sighs* So... yeah.
Chances are, if I wouldn't make it in Accountancy, my parents might transfer me to a different school ;_; I don't want that, but I can't afford to be delayed by one year... =.=
Oh well, I'm getting tired. Haha. That's all for now. Bye~
[+] 6:55 PM 
Monday, March 20, 2006
Random survey
mood |

music | none]
Emotions |
+ Basics + |
Are you emotional :: | yes |
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few :: | Omokage, an instrumental track from Gundam Seed Destiny |
What about movies :: | any tragic movie will do. I cried over a few, like The Last Samurai. |
What emotion do you usually feel :: | loneliness/sadness/angst |
+ Sadness + |
What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: | frustration, irritation, abandonment |
How many times have you done that :: | A LOT. |
Where do you cry :: | in a private place, usually in my room. |
Do you hate crying :: | not really... |
Do you like it when others cry :: | it depends. if he/she's an enemy, then.. YES XD |
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: | sometimes. |
Who looks good when they cry :: | I dunno... |
How else do you express sadness :: | I draw 'sad' drawings, I listen to angsty music |
Are you sad all the time :: | almost all the time. |
+ Anger + |
What does it take to make you mad :: | irritating people make me mad. |
What do you do when you're angry :: | cry my anger out, or yell- although I rarely do that. |
How short is your temper :: | I dunno. o.o |
How long does it take you to calm down :: | a few hours. |
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :: | say profanities nonstop. XD |
Do you freak out when others are angry :: | not really. |
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: | nope. |
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :: | ... |
Do you anger people :: | maybe |
+ Joy + |
How often are you happy :: | rarely |
What makes you happy :: | my online family ;_; |
What do you do when you're happy :: | I dunno XD be hyper, be psycho, etc etc |
How optimistic are you :: | 2% optimistic. |
Do happy people make you mad :: | sometimes. |
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: | act like a lunatic in public XD |
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :: | yes |
Ever been so happy you cried :: | no |
Do you smile a lot :: | I dunno |
Kiss people a lot:: | no |
Who really makes you happy :: | my online mom!!!!XD |
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: | yesh |
+ Fear + |
What do you do when you're scared :: | shiver, shriek |
What scares you :: | ghosts, insects, scary stories |
Do you like scaring people :: | no |
Do you like the trill of being frightened :: | no |
Does fear accompany anger in your case :: | no |
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :: | not really |
How often do you panic :: | 10% of the time |
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :: | seeing a gigantic spider =_= |
What do you do to calm your nerves :: | listen to relaxing music |
Do rollercoasters scare you :: | yes XD even though I haven't rode on one yet |
+ The strongest emotion + |
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :: | Apocalyptica's "Path" |
Movie :: | I dunno... |
Commericial :: | I dunno... |
Person :: | I dunno O__O |
Thing :: | ... |
Sight :: | ... |
Sound :: | music XD |
Food :: | bacon! |
Thing you're looking forward to/want :: | ? |
+ What do you do + |
When the emotion suck :: | angst, whine |
When the emotion rocks :: | run around, feel hyper, go psycho online XD |
When there's no emotion :: | stare into space |
+ Would you rather + |
Never feel again :: | no |
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :: | noooo |
Be happy forever and never experience bad times :: | YEEEEEEEES |
Cause misery :: | yes to the darn naturals wahahahaha |
Feel misery :: | no |
Be alone :: | no |
Be with everyone you know :: | I prefer to be with everyone I trust, like my online family ;_; |
+ Who + |
Cheers you up more than anyone else :: | my online mom, Cagalli, Shinn, Kitten XD |
Angers you more than anyone else :: | Ezaria =_= and some other naturals *cough* |
Scares you more than anyone else :: | insects!!!! and ghosts |
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: | ...I dunno |
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: | ...I dunno |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
[+] 6:10 PM 
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Just a little more and I'm freeeeee!!!
mood |

music | Apocalyptica - Path]
Okay. Short post....
Oh and I was able to watch Trinity Blood episode 1 when I was in the internet cafe~ *__* waii~ I liked it. Now I'm getting hooked too.
Anyways, that's all! Gotta review while I'm still fired up XDDDDD (fired up because of
Ezaria and company LOL).
Bye~ XD
[+] 7:20 PM 
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Untitled# 27
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music | Soukyuu no Fafner - Separation (Piano Version)]
To my dear parents...
I know I already had a lot of grudges against you before, but you need to hear me out. Today has been a tiring day, and your bitching has made me feel even more tired. I know that you might not be able to read this... but I'll type it anyway.
I really thank you for everything, I really do. But there's just one of those times wherein I just feel annoyed at some of your attitudes towards me. Don't you think it's a tad bit annoying if you blame ME for not being 'exposed' enough? You rarely allowed me to go out since I was a kid. Hence it's only natural for me to look for amusement while indoors-- and that's the time I was hooked on anime, tv, and the computer. So why blame me?
It's been almost 18 years that you have overprotected me, and it's almost 18 years that I never really got to know about the world around me. And every effing time I get curious, you reprimand me for being such. That's one of the reasons why I'm still an idiot. And now you blame me. You say that I should learn on my own, but how could I do that if you don't allow me to? And in the first place, if you want me to be "independent", you could've trained/taught me when I was still little, so I could get used to it.
And now, just because I'm an "idiot", you blame the things that I'm hooked on. Well, they could be bad in some way, I admit. But these are just one of those things that keep my sanity while I'm here, in this so-called "cage"...
I know coping with expectations is hard. I know that I have not been doing my best. But, all I want to say is that... can't you be a bit more supportive? If you want me to improve, then help me. I'd appreciate that more, instead of being silently crushed down into nothingness... I know I might be wrong. But it's what I feel right now, and I feel like crying.Now that I'm done typing that, let's move on to the rant of the day~
I know I studied, but the questions were.. too tricky. =_= I never thought that our
beloved professor would use the ABCDE sequence for the answers in the multiple choice part... T___T At that time, I thought,
sana nanghula nalang ako... =___= I should've tried my luck with the guessing. But oh well. That's over. I'm just happy that THAT effing test is over. I'm just hoping that I would at least get a decent grade... *sighs*
Now~ off to reviewing Religion. Our professor said that the test won't be that easy, so I guess I just have to review in order to be ready. And I hate flunking Religion tests, since it's an easy subject, hence I should pass. Hehe.
Mou, three more days of agony left. Yep, and that includes tomorrow (even if Religion is our only test)... since we'll be having a make-up class in Accounting in the afternoon. Gawd. Imagine, our test in Religion would be from 8-10 am... and the make-up class would start at 2pm... WTF. What are we going to do from 10am-2pm?! We'd be wasting time again! Sheesh...
And~ for Friday. Accounting finals. GAAAH I'M DOOMED. And... English finals. It won't be an ordinary English test though, since for this part of the semester, we discussed more about Research rather than English. So I guess... I have to review. And re-read our research paper, since who knows, there might be a question there that would ask us to write a summary of our work or so O.O Besides, if that question would ever come up, I should give a decent answer... after all, I was the one who typed our paper, and I should've read all the pages while editing them, at least...
Man, I hate this. X_X I swear, after our qualifying exams, I'd go on an online spree~ and I'd also start on the Gaia drawings that I plan to sell. XD
So~ that's all for now =_= Bye.
[+] 5:49 PM 
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I don't wanna review for Finance =_=
mood |

music | Love Hina - Kimi Sae Ireba]
Since I'm too lazy to review for my most hated subject (which is Finance), I would like to post a little something which was stolen off the captain's blog~ xD
And here it is~ LOL
S E 7 E N Things that make me Smile =)
1. My computer + internet
2. Animax XD
3. My CDs/mp3s
4. Gaia Online O_O
5. The captain of the Minerva (who ish my mom online) ^___^
6. Our guild
7. The ORB Princess
S E 7 E N Ways to Win my Heart:
1. Know what I want
2. Accept me for who I am
3. Make me smile
4. Make me feel that I "belong"
5. Appreciate what I like
6. Help me up when I fall down
7. Make me feel that I exist
S E 7 E N Things I Believe In:
1. Heaven and Hell
2. Wandering spirits
3. Alternate worlds
4. Alchemy
5. Magic
6. Witchcraft
7. Wizards/Mages of the Middle Ages
S E 7 E N Things I'm Afraid Of:
1. Change
2. Being left out
3. Pain that I can't bear
4. Insects
5. Being lost and not knowing where to go
6. Evil spirits/ghosts
7. Losing all the persons/things that are dear to me
S E 7 E N Things I Do Everyday:
1. Surf the net
2. Listen to anime music/Jpop/Jrock
3. Text the captain of the Minerva (mom~) XD
4. Bitch about schoolwork
5. Play Gaia
6. Eat
7. Procrastinate
S E 7 E N People I Want to See Right Now:
1. My mom online xD
2. Cagalli (your pins are still with me O__O)
3. Shinn?
4. Kitten XD
5. Kristine
6. Shirlyn
7. My classmate who was/is so kind to me up to this moment ;_;
S E 7 E N People who should also do this:
1. Shinn (do it on your dA journal LOL)
2. Jeddy
3. Cagalli
4. Jeni
5. Nicole
6. Kristine
7. Dorothy XD;;
[+] 4:39 PM 
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Procrastinating as usual
mood |

music | Nana Kitade - Kiss or Kiss]
Okay, so hell week is over. *sighs* But now, we are about to have our FINALS WEEK O_O waiiii~ and after that we'd be having our Qualifying Exam in Accounting. To those who don't know, in order to get to 2nd year Accounting, you have to be qualified. And in order to be qualified, you have to have good grades and also, you have to pass the qualifying exam.
Oh my. I dunno about that~ Man, I just hope I'd pass. XD But then again, with my procrastinations and all, I'd be hopeless. Oh wait, I already am hopeless. WEEEE XD *runs around like a lunatic*
I ran out of internet load/credits/card awhile ago~ and I was supposed to "accept" my fate but I eventually texted my classmate (who sells internet cards) and bought one. Oh boy~ I won't be finishing anything at this rate. XD
So I haven't started reviewing yet, and it's past 6pm already. We'll be going to church later and I assume that I'd sleep early later, since I didn't sleep this afternoon. Well, I was planning to review for Finance yesterday, but I felt lazy. Maybe it's because I hate Finance, and I can't see the "use" of this subject. On top of that, I hate the professor. *grins* Well, for today, I was supposed to complete the exercises for Investment (just in case)~ but I didn't do it since we went swimming~ and I felt lazy thereafter. Instead of being productive, I simply played/surfed
Gaia Online. XD Blame one of my dA friends for advertising. Joke.
So... yeah. I think I'm getting hooked on Gaia Online~ XD;; Oh well. At least you don't need a program to play it, since it's just in IE. XD I advertised this game to my friend/s too~ and they joined in. XD However, we still need to get some Gaia Gold D: We look... crappy. XD We're pooooooor!!! lol. I dunno. It's getting interesting for me. Too bad I can't play that much since it's our Finals week. XD
Hmm... maybe I'll try to review Logic for tonight, so I can review Psychology tomorrow (we'll be having our finals in Logic and Psychology this Tuesday). You know what, I just regret making up with
Ezaria (she's the one who approached me, ok?). XD It made me lazy somehow. I remembered the time when we were still in bad terms... I was so fired up back then. Now, the fire just ... died down D: Gaaah. I really need to study.
Anyways~ that's all for now. Bye. XD
[+] 6:25 PM 
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Untitled# 26
mood |

music | Shaman King - Brave Heart]
So.. okay, hell week is almost finished! YAY!!! =_= All that's left to do is the English research paper... which is due tomorrow. O_O I'm just hoping I'd finish typing it in time.. since I still have to edit
my groupmates the naturals' works and all. =_= Yes, they really give me almost all of the damn work... and I'm currently tempted to text our English professor to give me a higher grade. =__= I did most of the work, after all... oh well. I just hope they'd get their retribution, just like
Ezaria awhile ago. Hohoho.
Oh and before I forget, we just had our final exam (it's a practical/application one, it's not a written exam) in Swimming. We had to do the freestyle+backstroke across the pool (lengthwise). And I'm happy to say that I got a 92 O__O At first I didn't believe it, but that's what is written. Yay. *dances around*
On the other hand, the situation with
Ezaria and the others didn't change... I'm not sure if I'm just too paranoid, or they are actually avoiding me. But anyhow, I ate alone during lunch (it was at around 10:30 though). After the Logic class, they assembled in one place in the classroom and talked about stuff which I don't know about... and at that time, I took my chance and left for the nearby mall. I ate at a restaurant (alone) and bought Starbucks coffee (alone). Fortunately, the alloted time for the break [which was 30 minutes] was just enough. I was able to get back to the school ten minutes before 11 am.
I arrived at the classroom, only to find that our [Religion] professor's still not around. So I took my seat. Upon taking my seat, they went out for a moment (I dunno why). Maybe it was pure coincidence, or they were avoiding me. Oh well. Anyway, nothing special happened. I just cried a bit during Religion class because I was somewhat "touched" by the Healing Prayer, which was read by our professor before the class ended. Hehe.
Anyways~ I need to start now~ I don't have time to lose =_= Bye for now. Hope to update next time. *waves*
[+] 7:41 PM 
Monday, March 06, 2006
Just a short update.

music| none]
Don't you just hate it =_= man, first thing in the morning... I got scolded because I just "shared" to my mom that the Victorian Romance anime would be shown/aired at an earlier time. When I told her that, she started bitching. Great! What's so bad about sharing anyway?! Sheesh.
And also, because
Ezaria didn't show up last Saturday, we had to "move" our schedule today. Instead of working on our English research paper, we'd have to cram for our Psychology project today. So... yeah. As of now, I'm currently waiting for my groupmates to show up. So I'm currently waiting for them while... well.. watching GSD on youtube XD I'm in an internet cafe now so watching videos wouldn't be much of a problem.
Well, I'm just HOPING that they'd show up.... or else... *twitch*
[+] 10:02 AM 
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Untitled# 25
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music | Crystal Kay x Chemistry - Two As One]
... so much for having a good day. *shrugs* Well, I somewhat enjoyed our swimming class, and we didn't have our Psychology class today. Hence, we went to school at 9am. But still... *whines* this week sucks.
It was my friend's birthday yesterday, but since we're busy, we didn't have a celebration of some sort. However, she said that she'll be treating us (no, not the whole class lol) to a restaurant. And this restaurant is in a mall that's waaaaaaaay to far from the school (and our house)... Anyway, I was okay with it before, until this sudden announcement came along. Our dean suddenly announced that there'd be a meeting on Saturday, which is the same day that we're supposed to celebrate our friend's [belated] birthday! Talk about bad timing. =___= On top of that, we (the students) were required to come with our parents... I'm not sure why, but that's what is written in the effing letter anyway.
Despite the announcement, my friend said that she would still push through with her "celebration". However, she said that she won't be attending the meeting (in other words, she'll leave her mom there in the school/meeting)... the same goes for my other friends. *shrugs* I wanna go too, but my parents are against it [as usual]. They were like, "So you're willing to sacrifice the meeting just for your friends?" and all...
I understand their point, but I really wanna go. It's because I'm always "absent" when they have a little outing... and it's kinda embarrassing since I'm always the only one who isn't around. And after that outing, they'd talk about it, of course. Then I'd be out of place again. *sighs*
Which reminds me, I'm turning 18 this year. But I can't feel that feeling of excitement. Most debutants feel excited and happy because they're turning into young adults. But I'm not feeling that way... Why? Because all I feel now is that nothing will change. I'd still be overprotected as I am now... after all, my parents never really took note of how old I am already.
Mou, this sucks. I really want to go, but I don't want to miss the meeting. After all, there's got to be a reason why they (the people from the dean's office) announced that the students must go with their parents... but then again, if that certain reason would be a stupid one, well... I'd be damned.
I'm kinda confused now and I dunno what to do. At the same time, I'm also annoyed (kinda) because my parents are JUST.TOO.PARANOID to let me go anywhere. In addition to that, they're... too.. obedient. They're easily bound by the rules/instructions stated. So if you even try to bend the rule, even for just a little, then they'd bitch at you 1000000000km/hr.
I love my parents, I really do. But then, my grudges tend to take hold of me, and I simply end up annoying them instead of pleasing them. But still. This overprotectiveness that I experience is slowly killing my sanity. The sad thing is, I can't even say what I'm feeling to my parents because I just get bitched at in return. So I just resort to... well... keeping my feelings to myself. Besides, during "peaceful" times, when I talk to them, I feel like I'm talking to thin air.
As of now, blogging is my only outlet. Sadly, I'm not online so much anymore these days. Why? There are a lot of reasons... but I'd only state three of them. One is, of course, my parents. Pressure, pressure, pressure. Two, my studies (and that FUCKING SHITLOAD OF PROJECTS!). Three, my budget. I dunno, I seem to be spending more these days... *sighs*
I know I'm too young to die. And as of now, I'm hoping that I'd be able to resist temptation. My life's driving me insane. Now I'm starting to wonder if this "life" is another name for "hell". No one cares... no one understands. And most of all, no one wants to listen. Mou, I really want to go where my online family is now... I want to be by their side, rather than being with people who don't even know who you really are, and they don't even accept you.
Setting that effing topic aside, I just noticed that there's something wrong going on in our subdivision. It seems that there's a *little* war going on here. Gawd, won't people ever learn? First there's a conflict regarding
some people of the Philippines versus the President... and now there's even a conflict in our subdivision?! Wtf. I wonder what's next. A conflict in the house? Oh boy. This is embarrassing, especially for a Filipino like me. I think I wanna migrate to a new country =_=" sheesh.
But then again, there's nothing I could do anyway. After all, the president of the Philippines and the people of our subdivision won't even listen to the voice of the youth/s today... *shrugs*
.....................the world is ending. Yay. =p
Oh and I forgot to say something about our Accounting practice set. 8D All my effort was WASTED. I wasn't able to submit a trial balance this Wednesday. Just as I was about to write my trial balance from the general ledger, our professor arrived... and she collected all the trial balance sheets of my classmates. Not all of us were able to submit it... but there are more who submitted than those who didn't. So it literally means that those who didn't submit (including me) are DOOMED.
*sigh* so much for being a BS Accountancy student. =,="
Bai bai Accountancy.
And maybe... bai bai .. me? XD
[+] 8:45 PM