Friday, April 28, 2006
mood |

music | Noir - Kirei na Kanjou (Piano version)]
Damn Terran handwriting. =_= Can't decode it. Seriously.
I swear I'd go to sleep by 3am. Finished or not finished. Fuck.
goodnight good morning.
[+] 2:16 AM 
Blearghhh. Research papers. FEEEHHH.
mood |

music | Gundam Seed - Shizuka na yoru ni (Piano version)]
I know. I work slow. XD But I can't help but get distracted by all the hyperness around meeeeee *runs around* Okay, enough with that. I need to conserve energy.
Still typing the f*cking research paper. This would be done by partner, but here I am, working alone, trying my best to DECODE the Terran handwriting that ish now written on 2 sheets of intermediate paper.
Yep, you guessed it right. I'm not the one who wrote that. Heck, if I were the one who wrote that, it wouldn't be written. I'd type it right away.
Now someone, please tell me, how can I make our paper reach the quota(???) of 8 PAGES LONG if I can't even read this lengthy DRAFT?!?!?! It could've been useful, but I can't read it. I'd ask my partner but I'm sure she's already snoring now.
No, I'm not crying. Yet. Haha.
Well I guess there's no choice but to submit a 5-page paper... Oh well.
Screw me for being a lazy bum. Hahaha.
Will try to update later.
[+] 2:07 AM 
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Meme. Procrastinating.
mood |

music | Dir en Grey - Cage]
Tagged by mom/Talia. XD I'm supposed to be doing our project now. But what the heck. I won't be sleeping tonight, weeeee. Oh well. I promise I'd continue on the Biology project after this.
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names.1) I tend to easily freak out when a vehicle comes near our car (while on the highway that is). I feel like we're going to collide or something.
2) I have a lot of scented stuff. XD Scented ballpens, scented correction tape... and some other scented stuff I can't remember.
3) I can eat raw (uncooked) instant noodles. Brand preferred: Quickchow. XD
4) I love Starbucks coffee so much that my day isn't complete if I don't get to buy a Caramel Frappuchino with Hazelnut syrup OR a Banana Caramel Frappuchino.
5) I want to cosplay. I really do. But I'm not financially up for it ;_; That's why I just try to improvise when I'm at home. But it won't work. lol.
6) I dunno, but it seems that I have this interest for bishies on the antagonistic side. Well, KINDA. I'm not sure. XD
1) Jeddy
2) Jeni
3) Nicole
4) Cagalli
5) Tina
6) Migs
[+] 11:03 PM 
Monday, April 24, 2006
mood |

music | Gackt - Redemption]
I should be sleeping by now. O_o But what am I doing? XD Blogging. And listening to Redemption 'till I drop. XD
Our prof in Filipino was absent today~ so I was able to go to a nearby internet shop and surf. I didn't do much though, I just checked out Gaia Online and my blog and Talia's blog and Isaak's blog... and then surfed around
Well, I was bored... and soon enough I found myself staring at the comp screen when I came across this music video thingy with the title "Trinity Blood: Redemption". So, yeah, I watched it. And I watched it again. And again. XD
Squeeeeeee~! *runs around* That really made my day. XD And to think that I also got to buy Starbucks coffee too. So I guess you can say that I was really high until our last class. Yep, I was giggling like a lunatic for no effing reason at all. =_= Oh well. XD
OH and I also got my mom to have my comp fixed. Well, not in the sense that it would be all fine and dandy, but at least my comp's not restarting now ^^; I can burn CDs again, too. Yay.
But I still can't download anything. =_= I dunno why. Oh well.
The technician said that the motherboard of my comp was burnt(?). Overused, perhaps? Ohohoho. *runs off*
I shall sleep now~~ seeing as that I don't have anyone to talk to... and I'm not doing anything anyway. |D
I still haven't reviewed for our Filipino quiz (about the HISTORY of the Filipino Language). Haha. Oh well.
[+] 11:34 PM 
mood |

music | Gackt - Redemption]
I should be sleeping by now. O_o But what am I doing? XD Blogging. And listening to Redemption 'till I drop. XD
Our prof in Filipino was absent today~ so I was able to go to a nearby internet shop and surf. I didn't do much though, I just checked out Gaia Online and my blog and Talia's blog and Isaak's blog... and then surfed around
Well, I was bored... and soon enough I found myself staring at the comp screen when I came across this music video thingy with the title "Trinity Blood: Redemption". So, yeah, I watched it. And I watched it again. And again. XD
Squeeeeeee~! *runs around* That really made my day. XD And to think that I also got to buy Starbucks coffee too. So I guess you can say that I was really high until our last class. Yep, I was giggling like a lunatic for no effing reason at all. =_= Oh well. XD
OH and I also got my mom to have my comp fixed. Well, not in the sense that it would be all fine and dandy, but at least my comp's not restarting now ^^; I can burn CDs again, too. Yay.
But I still can't download anything. =_= I dunno why. Oh well.
The technician said that the motherboard of my comp was burnt(?). Overused, perhaps? Ohohoho. *runs off*
I shall sleep now~~ seeing as that I don't have anyone to talk to... and I'm not doing anything anyway. |D
I still haven't reviewed for our Filipino quiz (about the HISTORY of the Filipino Language). Haha. Oh well.
[+] 11:34 PM 
Sunday, April 23, 2006
mood |

music | none, watching FMA episode 1]
Erm... yeah. Watching episode 1 on Animax now. I'm supposed to review -_-' but I'm watching. Ah well. I must say, they did a decent job. Haha.
Okay, short post.
I just thought of something... well, I just thought of it after my friend Jeddy commented. =_= Erm. Yeah. She said something like "why should you be bothered if your prof reads your blog? your blog is who you are, and besides, if he's your Sociology prof, he should understand".
Erm... but still. D: I feel paranoid. Haha. Oh well, I changed my blog's url anyway. -_-
Muuu I gotta go now. Naggy parents. *shrugs* Jaa ne.
[+] 9:03 PM 
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I'm getting paranoid. Bleargh (yes I got it too, from Helga).
mood |

music | Mai-hime - Mezame]
Okay, short short post.
I was able to join the Yahoo group for our Sociology class thingy. But something struck me.
Yahoo group = xievillana Yahoo profile = link to blog/dA.
Prof reading blog/dA = "insanity" exposed = doom.Yes, I'm paranoid. But it can't be helped. But then again, my
privacy insanity would be quite "exposed" if my prof reads my blog. Honestly, I'm not really comfortable...
And now I dunno what to do. Haha.
Sir V., if you're reading this, please don't react negatively (or anything like that). I would just like to keep a blog to keep my sanity. And I shall now bluntly say that reading my blog and knowing my interest/s is not a good basis for my grades, right? *smiles*
Don't worry, sir. I still respect you... so please respect me and my opinions (which are here) too. It's my "culture", after all. Thank you.
...Oh and I have voted in the poll you created. =DOkay... *cough* Since I have nothing better to do (and I am tired like hell), I shall now sleep. Goodnight.
[+] 9:29 PM 
Thursday, April 20, 2006
First day blues? Not really. lol
mood |

music | XXXHOLiC - Sanagi]
First day of summer classes. Generally, it was somewhat okay, but it was more like annoying. The.. *cough* terrans are still.. the same. =_= Oh well. A lot happened, but I don't want to put them into detail here *cough* I'm too tired. |D
But honestly, "tired" is an understatement. lol. I'm more like lazy and busy and stuff. Yep, research. Sociology, Anthropology, blahblah... Oh well~ at least the coffee that I took for today is working. I can't believe I was able to drink 2 venti and 1 tall Caramel Frappuchino with Hazelnut Syrup today. 8D But then again, I'm a coffee addict, so I guess it wouldn't make a difference. *shrugs* And now, I'm broke. Haha.
Oh and I got to have some sort of excuse for being online for the coming days. I'm the "online communicator" of our group in Sociology. ^_^ That would mean that I can go online~ although it's only for checking e-mail. =_= Our professor in Sociology said that the group's online communicator is required to check the Yahoo group (that he's going to create) and relay his instructions and stuff to the other members. So.. I'm like the.. well, online communicator of the group. *whacked* Duh. XD Although I'm hoping that our professor wouldn't misspell my e-mail address... since.. it's.. kinda weird ^^; But oh well. I guess it was really destined for me to be the group's "online communicator" in the first place... since I'm the only group member who almost always checks her e-mail...
Even if her computer is restarting and all. =_=
Okay, enough randomness. I need to continue my research now. I get easily distracted, haha... ^^; Other than that, I really need to do homework now, while I'm still... on fire.
I want to show them the power of a methuselah! Just kidding. Hahaha. I'm going insane. Oh wait, I already am. Hahaha. Nevermind. Bye. XD
[+] 10:54 PM 
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
My computer is doomed. I need a new CPU.
mood |

music | Yugioh - Eyes]
Darn, my computer's really doomed. First it won't let me download ANYTHING. Now it won't let me burn a single CD!! And because of it, one CD-R was wasted. *shrugs* It was in the middle of the burning process when it restarted. Graaahhhh.
Ah well. *throws the wasted CD-R into the trash bin*
So today's the last day of my "vacation". Well, vacation before summer class, I mean. *sigh* I'm going to mingle with Terrans again... imagine that. T~T Ah well. I thought of going out later with my dad since my computer's hopeless
and useless after all. So it might be better if I'd be having some *cough* Starbucks coffee instead of banging my head on the computer table... |D
And I'm still thinking about the Trinity Blood layout that I made. I want to upload it now *_* but my current layout is still somewhat fresh... since it was uploaded on April 1. Today's April 19, so that would mean that this layout would only last for 19 days before it's... gone? Ah nevermind... maybe I'll upload it on April 29, after the summer midterm exams. =_=
Erm. Yeah, short post. I need to take a bath now, since we'll be going out this morning. Weee. |D
I wonder, should I buy a mouse? Or not? ... Maybe I need to buy a new CPU... Argh.
[+] 9:36 AM 
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Because I'm bored and I'm turning into a methuselah.
mood |

music | Trinity Blood - Broken Wings]
It's been a while since I last updated =_= Gawd I'm becoming inactive. And to think that I'd be becoming MORE inactive when school starts... *sighs* Oh well. I just hope I won't die in the middle of the... something. Bah whatever. *shrugs*
Anyway, we went home from Baguio last Sunday. It's nothing special, really... hence I don't have anything to talk about. Our stay there was really boring, I even had an artist's block. The only thing that I enjoyed was probably the Trinity Blood marathon that always got me into a debate with my parents. But then again, I can't blame them, since we were only three in the house (yes, it's only me and my parents. imagine that) and I need to help them out somehow.
Okay, I did some chores, but being the lazy methuselah that I am, I did them unwillingly. But I still did them, sooo... oh nevermind. And there's this observation that keeps bugging me... is it just me, or am I getting more random ideas during nighttime?
Gaaah, I'm becoming more and more like a methuselah!! 8D *whacked and bricked by random people*
lol I missed my
always-restarting-every-time-I-multitask computer. Or maybe, my room/sanctuary in general... Oh and of course, Gaia Online. However, I've noticed that I'm not that active on Gaia anymore. Maybe because I temporarily closed my half of our Gaia shop. Or maybe because I got 8k gold on my female account and 1k on my male account... So that's 9k all in all. o_O I want more Gaia Gold (duh) but I'm feeling too lazy to post. And too lazy to do commissions... but no one wants 'em anyway. |D
Ah well. I guess it's useless to rant like this since I am already in front of my computer, typing this entry. =_= But I'm surely going to miss it when school starts. And... tomorrow's my last day of vacation ;___; nuuuuu. I'd be spending my time with Terrans again.. WAAAAH *runs around, panicking* The time of pain has come once more.
Muu~ this music makes me feel.. depressed *sighs* But now is not the right time to angst. I need to amuse myself for the meantime. And that would include watching random anime for the whole day.
Gawd, I have no life. I can't believe I watched the same episode for FOUR freakin' times. O__O And yep, it's Yugioh. And the episode for today is.. well... I dunno.. the title says "Ugokidashita Yami no Bakura", which roughly (and I mean roughly) translates as "Yami Bakura has made his move", or something like that. But still... watching the same episode... for four times... is just plain evidence that I'm bored. XD I watched it at 7:30am, 2:30pm, 7:00pm, and 9:00pm. o_O Now I think I've memorized the conversation that Seto Kaiba and Yami Bakura had in the episode... =_= Oh well. Nevermind...
I'm currently attempting to burn myself a CD. I want to hear Broken Wings on my CD player in my room, for no reason at all... |D
LOL I'm don't think I'm making any sense here. Oh well. Bye for now XD
[+] 9:46 PM 
Am I a spoiled girl? Or not? I dunno.
mood |

music | Yugioh - Eyes]
Got this from my
mom. ^^ (note, online mom... not my real mom, dammit -_-)
40 or more and you are apparently spoiled:
Do you have:
(X) your own cell phone
(X) a television in your bedroom
(X) an iPod/mp3 player
( ) a photo printer
( ) your own phone line
( ) TiVo or a generic digital video recorder
( ) high-speed internet access (i.e., not dialup)
( ) a surround sound system in bedroom
(X) DVD player in bedroom
( ) at least a hundred DVDs
(X) a childfree bathroom
( ) your own in-house office
( ) a pool
( ) a guest house
( ) a game room
( ) a queen-size bed
( ) a stocked bar
( ) a working dishwasher
( ) an icemaker
(X) a working washer and dryer
( ) more than 20 pairs of shoes
( ) at least ten things from a designer store
( ) expensive sunglasses
(X) framed original art
( ) Egyptian cotton sheets or towels
( ) a multi-speed bike
( ) a gym membership
( ) large exercise equipment at home
( ) your own set of golf clubs
( ) a pool table
( ) a tennis court
( ) local access to a lake, large pond, or the sea
( ) your own pair of skis
( ) enough camping gear for a weekend trip in an isolated area
( ) a boat
( ) a jet ski
( ) a neighborhood committee membership
(X) a beach house or a vacation house/cabin
( ) wealthy family members
(X) two or more family cars
( ) a walk-in closet or pantry
( ) a yard
( ) a hammock
( ) a personal trainer
( ) good credit
(X) expensive jewelry
( ) a designer bag that required being on a waiting list to get
( ) at least $100 cash in your possession right now
( ) more than two credit cards bearing your name
( ) a stock portfolio
(X) a passport
( ) a horse
( ) a trust fund
( ) private medical insurance
( ) a college degree, and no outstanding student loans
Do you:
( ) shop for non-needed items for yourself (like clothes, jewelry, electronics) at least once a week
( ) do your regular grocery shopping at high-end or specialty stores
( ) pay someone else to clean your house, do dishes, or launder your clothes
( ) go on weekend mini-vacations
( ) send dinners back with every flaw
(X) wear perfume or cologne (not body spray)
( ) regularly get your hair styled or nails done in a salon
( ) have a job but don't need the money
(X) stay at home with little financial sacrifice
( ) pay someone else to cook your meals
( ) pay someone else to watch your children or walk your dogs
( ) regularly pay someone else to drive you
( ) expect a gift after you fight with your partner
Are you:
(X) an only child
( ) married/partnered to a wealthy person
(X) baffled/surprised when you don't get your way
Have you:
( ) been on a cruise
(X) traveled out of the country
( ) met a celebrity
( ) been to the Caribbean
( ) been to Europe
( ) been to Hawaii
( ) been to New York
( ) eaten at the space needle in Seattle
( ) been to the Mall of America
( ) been on the Eiffel tower in Paris
( ) been on the Statue of Liberty in New York
( ) moved more than three times because you wanted to
( ) dined with local political figures
( ) been to both the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast
Did you:
( ) go to another country for your honeymoon
( ) hire a professional photographer for your wedding or party
(X) take riding or swimming lessons as a child
(X) attend private school
( ) have a Sweet 16 birthday party thrown for you
my score - 19 = somewhat spoiled XD
[+] 8:24 PM 
Friday, April 07, 2006
mood |

music | Trinity Blood - Broken Wings]
It seems that I'm getting more and more bored as each day passes... oh well. Yep, I'm still under the influence of Trinity Blood. Hehe.
Well I don't really feel like posting, but I am extremely bored. Besides, there are a few things that have been bugging me for a while now. But then again, maybe I'm just paranoid... I dunno. I just have this feeling that there are a few people who seem to be backstabbing me. Or maybe laughing at me behind my back... or something like that. But I think it's inevitable, ne? After all, you can't please everybody.
Oh well.
I am currently attempting to draw again... I'm just... bored. *shrugs* I don't feel like doing anything else as of the moment. I temporarily closed down my Gaia shop, since I cannot accomplish anything anyway. Besides, how can I digitally color my artwork if my comp keeps restarting?
Gaah, my mind's really blank now... I dunno. Oh well. I think we'll be going out later this afternoon, and we're going to look around for an "affordable" DVD player. Finally. But I believe the word "affordable" doesn't fit the sentence, for DVD players are expensive, aren't they? But then again, almost everything is expensive these days. *sighs* I just hope that we'd be able to buy a DVD player. I just reaaaaally hope. *sighs* Or else, I'd be bored to death in the province...
Okay, so much for a nonsensical post. Bye then.
[+] 10:10 AM 
Thursday, April 06, 2006
And another blah.
mood |

music | none]
Okay, I just got home. I'm supposed to be happy, but now I'm not. =_= Ah well.
I was able to buy the Trinity Blood DVDs (there weren't any VCDs available)... too bad that my computer is TOO OLD to read them. And to think that my computer can burn DVDs as well... *shrugs* So that means I somewhat "wasted" 400 pesos. But the DVDs are working, it's just that I need a decent player to watch them.
I tried searching for other VCDs, but all they have are DVDs. o_O Goodness, my family's quite... "behind" in technology. WE NEED A DVD PLAYER DAMMIT.
So that would mean that... I'd be spending my vacation in the province... drawing... or perhaps pleading my dad to get me to watch the DVD's in his friend's house. =__= Aww well...
Oh I know. Maybe I can ask dad to get me a DVD player for my birthday!!! O:
But then again, that's too.... far away. Aaaaarrrggghhhhh. TT__TT
And once again, fate has been cruel. Ah well. Off to watching the tv. *turns on the tv* Ahhh, Tsubasa XD Fortunately, the dubbing was okay... Although I still need to get used to it. O_o
[+] 7:57 PM 
mood |

music | BoA - People Say... (Korean Version)]
Yes, this will most probably be another post.. that is *cough* influenced by my friend's Trinity Blood roleplays and such. Anyway. Moving on...
My computer is still... well.. "sick". It keeps restarting on its own, and unfortunately, it usually restarts at the wrong moments. As I type this entry, I can't help but feel worried because I am not certain as to what time my computer will restart again. So... oh well. I just hope that my files won't be corrupted with all these restarting thingies.
Yeah... I'm bored. I felt like doing stuff with my computer, but seeing that it's still "sick", I don't think I'll be able to finish anything. Other than that, I reaaaaaally want to go out. Anywhere would be fine, as long as I get to walk around and keep myself busy and stuff. But as of now, I really want to go out so I can hunt down the Trinity Blood (or maybe Fruits Basket, if ever) VCDs that I wanted.
I need VCDs. I need something to keep me busy while we're in the province (we'll be going there next week, by Monday probably). I know I should make some advanced reading, but I'm not really in the mood for that. I'd rather enjoy my vacation doing non-academic stuff, because I might not be able to do so once I reach second year. Ah well.
I wanted to post more, but my mind is quite blank as of the moment. I don't know why. Oh well.
[+] 11:20 AM 
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Random post... but not really random.
mood |

music | Trinity Blood - Broken Wings]
A little something that I "typed down" on my cellphone awhile ago, while we were out. I was bored, so please don't mind its weirdness.
Alright, I was supposed to write about something... but alas, I have forgotten it. It must have been fated, so be it. Or maybe it's just an effect of drinking too much coffee.
I know Isaak-sama advised me not to imitate the puppet master's ways, but it seems that I am becoming more like him without me knowing it. Anyway, I am extremely bored as of this moment. I know that shopping malls are created to help take away one's boredom, but I am not walking around in the first place. I am staying here, in this seat, for a while now. My mother is talking with one of her old friends. However, I know nothing of what they are discussing.. hence, I am bored. On top of that, no one seems to have time to reply to my text messages.. and I feel like I'm wasting cellphone load. Ah well. At least I'm keeping myself busy, in a way.
A lot of things have been floating around my head. Well, don't take it literally... but anyway. I'm not sure, but I think it is an effect after meeting Isaak-sama for the first time. I admire his wisdom and disposition, and he certainly amuses me, despite the fact that I did more listening rather than talking.
Call me weird, but I miss talking with Helga, and, of course, Isaak-sama. Or maybe, I just miss the so-called 'silent noise' that we have encountered together. Ahh, silence. How I miss thee. The noise here is not good to hear, for it does not create a relaxing harmony to one's ears. I wish to return to my lair at once, but our business- or should I say my mother's busines, is not yet finished.
But I shall not falter, for salvation is near. I hope. For my patience is running short.
It certainly is getting dark. And it is time to go home. However, I still have not accomplished what I wanted to do. But alas, it seems that time has no consideration for me tonight. I certainly hope that there would still be a next time, should this time be insufficient.
Now my mind wanders once again. Will I go home with disappointment? Or will I go home with bliss?------------------------------------Well, now that I've posted what I thought about a while ago, it is now time to type down the rant of the evening. *clears throat*
I WASN'T ABLE TO HUNT DOWN, NOR BUY, ANY DAMNED ANIME VCD. DAMN SHIT!!!! TT___TT *groans and wails and bangs on any hard surface in her room*
I was expecting that I would be able to buy, but because of a misunderstanding, the so-called "VCD-hunting mission" has been a failure. Or should we say, a postponement. I am not sure who is the culprit, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. My anticipation has been ruined, and now I am upset. I guess I need to cool down a bit for now. Which means that no one in this house (except for the maids who will serve dinner) must come near me. Or they shall feel my
angst or should I say wrath.
Well, we were supposed to go, but because of the lack of time (plus that certain misunderstanding), we weren't able to. Earlier this afternoon, after enrolling at school, my mom asked me where I would be buying the anime vcds. I told her, "we're going to ATC". Upon hearing that, she nodded, and asked another question, "in what floor of ATC are we going to buy the VCDs?", and I told her that the shop is in the ground floor. She nodded again.
All this time, I thought that she understood. But nooooo~ she didn't. She thought that this 'ATC' was a shop. A shop in the mall that we were in at that time, which is Robinson's Mall. ARRRRRRRRGHHHH!!!!!
*sighs* You could've seen my expression when she told me that she misunderstood the ATC thing. Well, how should I know? We've been there a few times, and I thought that she already knew it. Don't tell me that she doesn't know the name of place that we've been visiting for how many times now... *shrugs*
I am really hoping that there would be a next time, for this disappointment has taken hold of me for tonight. And if I'm weak enough, it might linger until tomorrow. Ah well. Fate is cruel, sometimes. And it's inevitable. *shrugs*
Now, off to the bathroom.. I need a bath.
[+] 7:28 PM 
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Trinity Blood quizzies! XD
mood |

music | Bleach - Life]
What Trinity Blood Boy are you Destined to be with?

Dietrich von Lohengrin.You like your men lean mean and in charge of large political and global plots. You love the fact that he can basically control anyone you want him to and do it with the pazaaz of a glorious bad guy! His complex and grand schemes turn you on like nothing else. Once you've weiseled your way into his heart . . . wait does he have one of those? You don't know and you don't care. It's all about the power of world domination baby!Beware: He's just a smidge crazy and well insanely diabolical, so watcxh your back or you may become an unknowing pawn.
Take this

Quizilla |
| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Trinity Blood Character are you?
Abel NightRoad A lot of girls want you, I wonder why? Your funny and very nice. Your a priest and a vampire. But you do not drink Human's blood but the blood of vampires. You can be a real killer if someone gets to close to you, some say your all ready dead and other's say your were reborn? No one really knows..
You have two siblings, a younger sister Seth Nightlord and Kain Nightroad. Also you are a priest who works to the AXE agency of the Vatican under the order of Catherina Sforza the Cardenal in the Vatican.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |
| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
[+] 10:52 AM 
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Boredom day~
mood |

music | Yui - Tokyo]
Ahhh yes, another Saturday. *sighs* I never thought I'd be this bored. =_= I know there's Gaia Online and also some other stuff, but I'm not really in the mood for that now. Oh well.
So~ nothing much happened today =_= I just downloaded a bunch of J-pop songs (as usual). I also changed the layout, and I also made a layout for the Minerva captain. I hope she likes it. Hehe. Anyways~ yeah... I know I've done a lot today, but I'm still bored =_=" And lazy as well. *glances at the Gaia commissions that she needs to do* Gaaah... x_x
Mou.. I dunno what to say XD;;; Anyway that's all for now LOL. Till then~
[+] 5:07 PM