Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Woooo, TB-ness. Fwahaha~
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music | L'arc~en~Ciel - Finale]
Hahaha. I'm such a lazy person. Oh well.
I was supposed to post about our "trip to Singapore" yesterday, but I'm really feeling lazy. Haha. Oh well.
I made a whole bunch of Trinity Blood icons, nyah. Yeh, I'm obsessed. Wahahaha.
I want to post this at the TB Community at LJ, but nyah, I'm not using a paid account. Hmmm. *thinks* Maybe later.
[+] 11:16 AM 
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
mood |

music | Apocalyptica - Refuse/Resist]
Nyaah. Short post, feeling too lazy to update. ~_~;
So yeh, we're back from Singapore... uhhhhh I'll post later. Too lazy.
By the way, kaa-san/Talia, here are the links for downloading the mp3 I was telling you about. They're password-protected, just ask me for the password later nyah. ^^
Apocalyptica - For Whom the Bell TollsApocalyptica - Master of PuppetsThat's all for now XD Jaa~
[+] 9:38 AM 
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
My costuuuuuuuuumeeee *whines*
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music | Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - Ship of Fools]
Nyaaaaaaaah~ my mom just said that we'd be sleeping early tonight, because we're going early tomorrow for the flight. I'm not complaining though, since I just realized some stuff about my costume... And that's what I want to
bitch complain about... Nyah. XD
I know it's not the right time to bitch about it, but I feel like bitching about it now, before I forget.Other than the pocket-that-is-not-really-a-pocket-because-it-doesn't-have-a-damned-pocket thingy, I also realized that my coat's a bit too long. XD Bleargh, just as I thought. I was whining about it at the tailors but my mom was all like "OHHH NO. NO EDITING FROM YOU, DEAR." =.=
She talked as if she knew the costume better than me, dammit. And to think that she does NOT watch TB, nor does she STARE at Isaak's costume/pics and such. Bleargh. Oh and I also realized (during the house photoshoot) that I tend to step on my coat while going up the stairs.... NYAH.
*snorts* OMG, this *points to self* Isaak's wearing a RCO GOWN. HAHAHA. Just kidding. *gets whacked, bricked and clobbered by Isaak fans*
But really ;_; it's too long!!! Nyah. Look at this cosplayer's costume, she really looks like Isaak. AND HER COAT IS NOT LONG, AND FOR SURE SHE WON'T STEP ON IT, unlike me. *sighs* And look, YOU CAN SEE HER BOOTS!!! I can rarely see my boots with mine. =_= Mou, I want her coat, nyah. *whacked*

I'm getting a lot of TB cosplay pics these days O_o 3 of which, are... well... pretty
and good enough to be eyecandy. X3
Maybe I'll have the LOOOONG coat edited/fixed sometime after the trip to Singapore, but I doubt it'll happen since
my parents keep on bitching about cosplaying and we'd be...... let's say, quite broke after the trip. XD
Nyarr. Almost done packing,
for the nth time, nyah. No, really. I'm almost done. Yay.
...Gawd, Seth-chan's "nyah"s are contagious. But then again, they're from Talia/kaa-san... so yeh. XD Nevermind.
Totally bored now
but I'm feeling bitchy at the same time nyah. I just did Jeni's layout for her Gaia page and also her blog, and... it's totally Abel-ish. Well, can't blame her, she's hooked on Abel now.
Wait, that sounded wrong. XD I showed her some Abel pics last night, and I think she really likes him (Abel) now. O_o She even "dumped" Muraki because of it. XD Nyah, can't blame her since she likes silver-haired bishies, nyah.
And I can't help but feel amused since... if Jeni's gonna use her Abel layout, then it's almost like we're using a "pair" layout. Why? Because my current layout is Cain, and her layout will be Abel~ see the connection? No? Nevermind, nyah.
Still bored... nyarrrh. I want to do something. But what? O_o Nyah.
[+] 3:19 PM 
OMG. I see a TB cosplayer. O:
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music | Nightwish - Creek Mary's Blood]
Haha, too bad, I wasn't able to attend the event last Sunday... I could've gained one "friend", haha. XD
Wala lang, natuwa kasi ako eh.So yeh, according to my friend Jeni, there's a TB cosplayer in the event. He (I assume he's a he since he looks like a guy O_o) ish cosplaying Abel, anime version. Haha XD He did a decent job although his sideburns(?) are kinda long. XD
When Jeni told me about it, I was expecting he'd cosplay the artbook version of Abel since it looks more cool. :P But I guess it's kinda hard with the armors and all...
But still, I'm amused. Haha. Especially with the gun.
And no, that's not me. I wasn't in the event, bleargh.

Nyarrr. It's sad that I wasn't there. We could've made some sort of photoshoot with one another. :P Or maybe, act out TB episode 8, hahaha. *whacked*
Still amused. Although it's really sad I wasn't there. XD It's good to know a fellow TB fan, especially if he's a Filipino as well.
Kabayan, ika nga.Anyway, we'll be leaving for Singapore tomorrow. XD Nyaa~ and I'm almost done with my packing, yay.
[+] 10:03 AM 
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Nyarrgh. Wasted effort, bleargh.
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music | Mai-hime - Mezame]
Nyaa, just one day more, before we go to Singapore!
lol that rhymed ahahahaha. Just a little more packing and I'm ready nyaa~
Anyway, that's not my main rant at the moment... so.. yeh.
*breathes* AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!! ...terrans.
Just as I thought, terrans are inconsistent. Indeed. For they have suddenly announced that the deadline for the National Cosplay Competition is extended.
Bleargh, talk about wasted effort.
Well it's not really wasted, although I can't help but feel frustrated because I really exerted effort to complete the costume in time for the deadline and all.. *sigh* Oh well.
I guess I can't do anything about it anymore since I already submitted my entry =_=" Bleargh. XD
[+] 7:25 PM 
Monday, May 22, 2006
Busy busy busy~ XD
mood |

music | Maaya Sakamoto - High Touch]
Nyarr. Just a little more costume-accessory-making... and I'm done. =_=" Although I must say that it's... not that good, since I had to make these in.. *cough* a hard way. But it's quite resourceful, I must say. Oh well~
Waiting for the armband thingy to be dry now, haha. Then I'll ask my mother to sew it into its armband form. Haha. Nyarr.
So yesterday we went out too, to find someone to patch the RCO logo and also the pentagram/s for the gloves. Well, we found one, but we turned down the offer since it was TOO EXPENSIVE. Heck, it's even more expensive than the costume itself =_=" So yeh. All I did is well~ Print out the RCO logo and stick it to the costume XD;;; And as for the gloves, I just used this fabric paint thingy to paint on the gloves. XD;;; Nyarrgh~ it looks so icky. XD And to think that the gloves that I got are.. well.. gloves that look like Dietrich's o.O;;; Bleargh. I hope the judges for the national cosplay competition won't notice this =_=" I wanna win hahahaha XD *whacked*
Oh and before I forget~~~~ I got a new digicaaaaaaaaam~~ yay! *dances around*
Anyway. *cough*
Maybe, just maybe, I'd still look for someone who's willing to patch the logos and stuff for a cheap price (if I have free time). Well, if I'm going to the next cosplay competition, that is. XD I wanna go to the Toycon Cosplay thingy on June 17-18, although I'm still not sure about it since we already have classes at that time.
And we'll be facing the subject of doom which is Accounting, again. I wanna go, although I'm kinda hesitant too since I'm cosplaying solo XD
*screeches* Ish there any Filipino out there who's cosplaying Trinity Blood this coming Toycon Cosplay?! I need company, haha XD! *whacked*
Nyarrgh~ I can't wait to get to Singapore
for the photoshoot of doom. XD I dunno. Maybe it really feels different since I know someone from there o.o *whacked*
Mou~ we're still going out today. We're going to school to enroll =.=" I hope they allow early enrollments. XD Aaaand I hope I'd get to buy coffee *_* Nyaaa~ Banana Caramel Frappuchino *_* It's great, although I can't tell why most of my friends
(wait! do I have friends?) don't like the taste. Oh well.
And~~ lastly~ there's this image that keeps
haunting appearing in my mind. Well, it's a layout XD I feel like making it now but I don't have much time. I still need to finish the accessories, then have a photoshoot
at the living room haha, and submit my entry for the competition. And I also need to pack my stuff for Singapore, nyarr.
Okay, that's all, haha. XD Bye~~
[+] 12:18 PM 
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Nyarr. Again.
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music | Loveless - Michiyuki]
Short short post.
Okay, so I ended up angsting as well, at the end of the day. Oh well... it's good, lol. It's been a long time since I last angsted.
XD I'm so weird. First I'm happy, now angsty, what's next? Angry? XD
Nyarr. So I wasn't able to make any accessories today, except for a cross (made out of CORKBOARD). Although I'll be making a better one tomorrow since... since... I bought better stuff. And I'll be using a cardboard now, lol.
Nyarr~ I seriously need discipline for tomorrow. Digicam shopping, although I dunno if it'll push through. But I need to spend my time tomorrow doing the pins of doom. And the pentagram(?) of doom, for the gloves. Aaaaand the patches of doom.
So, yeh, the text thingy for the cuffs ish not a problem anymore~ it's already done by the tailor/s. X3 So all I need to do tomorrow are:
-make the 5 pins (2 for inner shirt, 2 for outer, and 1 for the necktie)
-make the cross that's gonna be put at the left pocket
-make the patches (for left and right sleeve) on cloth
-make pentagrams(?) for gloves
Bleargh. Lots of things to dooooo~ Period.
Nyarr~ gonna sleep now. Parents yelling, haha X3 Must be obedient and all because they got me the costume~ hahaha X3 *runs off to angst*
[+] 9:45 PM 
mood |

music | Yakitate! Japan - Promise]
I know no one cares about my but I just have to post this.....
[+] 7:32 PM 
mood |

music | Trinity Blood - Krusnik]
Waiting for breakfast now. After this I'll take a bath and then head out to the world outside!!! XD lol.
Shopping-for-stuff-for-my-costume-accessories day. And~ perhaps, it can be a splurge-on-stuff day too, oh well.
Still can't wait. And I hope we can get to the tailors too, since they said that my costume is almost finished, nyarr. X3 Isaak-sama~
And on a random note, I'm kinda worried about my Gaia friend Klingeth. She's on brb on YM since... what, last night o_o; I dunno. But she's not idle. I dunno. Gwaaah~
Okay, enough nonsense. Jaa. XD
[+] 7:42 AM 
Friday, May 19, 2006
Of planned photoshoots, a terran's lame excuse for an introduction, and... cosplay!
mood |

music | Sona - Reach for the Sky]
Stupid me, closing the window without saving my post as a draft. Bleargh. Now I have to type again~ Oh well. X3
So, yeh. My parents told me that.. they're alloting a free day for our stay/tour/whatever in Singapore, in order for me and Talia to spend some time together. And... *hyperventilates* SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!! I can't wait
to have the photoshoot of doom!!!! X3
Bleargh. X3 Anyway, something random happened awhile ago ~_~ Well this terran suddenly texted me and asked if I can be his/her textmate.
And being the bish that I am I just told him/her to back off. Well, in a TB-ish way, lol. *coughcough* It went like this:
Part 1texter: hi. can u be my txtm8?
me: *didn't reply*
texter: *calls*
me: *ignores phone*
texter: *stops for a few minutes, calls again*
me: *TWITCH ... ignores phone for a few seconds, then starts texting* Good afternoon, terran. Will you please stop bugging me, for I have better things to do. I do not wish to be disturbed.
texter: you don't like to. disturb you. it's okay. nick smith, I am.
me: *laughs, then texts again* What? Pardon me for I do not understand what you've just texted.And, after a few minutes...
I got the biggest shock of my life-- wait, no, I just felt embarrassed when I found out. lolPart 2texter: hehe. what's your lunch?
me: *gawks irl* What? Sorry, I seriously think you should text another number. This is just a waste of my time.
texter: (in Tagalog) no, really, what's your lunch?
me: *gawks again irl* Please text someone else...
texter: hehe, it's me, Vina!
me: *almost fell off her chair irl* HUH?!?!
texter: your new maid. gotcha there! :)
me: *didn't reply; because was actually gawking irl*So yeh, so much for a lame and annoying "getting to know you" session. Of all the things to introduce herself, it just had to be this. Bleargh.
Anyway. X3 Moving on to part three of my entry... cosplay!
It's already Friday, lol. And just a few days more before I get to have my costume X3 *squees* Although I still need to work on random accessories for my Isaak costume. The problem is, I dunno how to do them. o_o
Feeeh, I need to start working =_= Because the deadline of entries for the cosplay competition is on the 23rd... and I still need to have a little photoshoot.
But I don't have a choice but to have it here at home since I'm not allowed to go out. Bleargh.
So yeh. Accessories @_@ Bleargh. Need to go shopping tomorrow, dammit.
Here's a list of what I need to cram for:
-2 pins (for the shirt) = the "star" and the rose cross
-2 pins (for the black shirt, or should we say the coat O_O)
the patch thingy for the right sleeve (the eagle thingy)-
the patch thingy for the left sleeve (the cross and ram thingy)-the armband. YES THE ARMBAND @_@ HOW AM I GOING TO THIS?!?!?!
the patch thingy for the glove/s.-
and the.. *cough* the text for the cuffs(?) or so.
Yes, I still have a lot to do but here I am, lazing away on my compie. XD Haha.
[+] 5:18 PM 
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
OMFG I sooo admire the tailor's skills. XD
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music | Gankutsuou (The Count of Monte Cristo) on TV/Animax]
Just got home. Got caught in the 5pm traffic, lol~ but oh well.
We got to go to the tailor this afternoon. Whee~ and... I'm so giddy because of it. XD
The costume's looking gooooooood~ X3 although it still needs the buttons and stuff. And the patches, and the belt, and the armband~ *goes on and on* Can't help but feel giddy because it just looked so... amusing? Cool? lol I dunno what word to use. XD
But I must say, he really did a good job. And~ I must say that my money- no, my dad's money, didn't go to waste. XD;
Although it's quite clear that my mom's still... awkward when she sees me wearing the trenchcoat/costume. XD She's always like "O_o gawd, I don't have the courage to wear something like that". XD Well, actually, I don't, if I'm forced to wear it in school (duh). But for cosplay, it's fiiiiiiiiiine~ XD
Squee, I want the costume to be finished soon. Can't wait~~ squee XDDDDD!!!
Oh and I got the info for our flight to Singapore~ We're leaving on the 25th... gwaaah~ I'm still hoping I get to see mom (my online mom, okay?). XD Squeee~
Okay, that's all for now~ I shall be off while I squee some more. X3 *runs off happily*
[+] 7:26 PM 
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
... =_=
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music | Nightwish - Creek Mary's Blood]
Bleargh. Confused, like hell~ =_=
My friends from highschool just told me that they are STILL going to the event on Sunday (May 21)... and... I'm still not going because my parents didn't allow me to. Gah. And... I really want to go, cosplay or no cosplay
but I prefer to cosplay since I don't think I have much time to make a darn photoshoot around the house.
They're gonna meet up and stuff, have some fun, and do some work on the manga(?) that they've been working on since highschool. So... yeh.
Oh, I dunno... I still wanna go, of course. But fate is cruel, indeed.
And~ time is ticking. Just a few days more and we get to go to Singapore~~ ^o^ Although I'm still hoping that I'd get to see my online mom, Talia~ and maybe have a photoshoot? I dunno.
I honestly don't know. Haha. Still confused.
Should I ask my parents again? But I'm afraid I'd be getting the same answer... =_=
...WAAAAH!!!! *runs around, panicking* I WANNA GO DAMMIT!
I just noticed... I.. always get some "conflicts" when it comes to anime cons/events. I dunno, I'm sure this is NOT the first time this happened. *shrugs*
[+] 4:39 PM 
Monday, May 15, 2006
Random update nyaa.
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music |
Radu Barvon - Succession of Witches]
Squee, haven't updated in a long time. *looks at the previous entry's date* But.. maybe not. XD;
Errrmm nothing special has happened since Saturday night~ I did nothing but eat, sleep, stay in front of the computer. lol. Aaaaaaaand I also had some short TB roleplays
that ended up as something that Cain Knightlord will NOT like and~ I also made a bunch of "improved" TB avatars.
Sooo yeh. My life is boring ~_~ lol.
Dunno what to say, really... Just thought of updating randomly, lol. XD Jaa~~
[+] 10:22 PM 
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Disappointment + contentment = I dunno.
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music | Guilty Gear XX - Holy Orders (Be Just Or Be Dead)]
Bleargh. Updating at.. past 10pm, lol. I know I'm gonna get clobbered by my parents later, but what the hell.
I don't mind being scolded now since it's only the three of us in the house- oh wait, make that four. Since my grandmother's here
even though she is bedridden and she does nothing but complain about how people take care of her and stuff.
Nyaa. So much for anticipating for getting to go to the event at the Mall of Asia on May 21. I was supposed to go, but my parents suddenly changed their minds... =_=" Oh well. Blame our maid for having to go home... oh well.
So yeh. I guess I won't be seeing my friends from the Ichi forum
who wanted to see me since I wasn't able to attend the grand EB of the forum, and also Jeddy and the others... since they were supposed to go too. Ah well.
I guess I can't do anything about it =_=" After all, they had a point. But, do I always have to be chaperoned? I mean, look, I'm turning 18, and I should more or less learn NOW how to be independent and stuff. Oh well. That's why I don't feel like holding a debut party since I don't feel like a young adult AT ALL. Heck, I feel like a gradeschooler
who needs to be "watched" all the time, dammit.
Ah well. I still wanna go,
even if my costume isn't done/complete yet. It's not mainly for the cosplay anyway, since I can always make a photoshoot
somewhere in the house and submit it to the National Cosplay Competition before the 23rd of May... *sigh* I wanna see my friends. *sigh* Really. I miss their company.
Ah, fate. Why must you be cruel? And to think that I already hoped; only to find out that I'd be disappointed in the end.
...Well, not really, because I got to order my Isaak costume at the tailor today. Yay. *dances* Although I still need a belt. And the buttons. lol.
Nyaa. I need to sleep now, my parents are gonna kill me. XD But the coffee is taking effect again... so I'm not feeling so sleepy anymore. XD; Yep, I bought a venti AGAIN, awhile ago. Gah. I need to save money
so I can splurge on stuff when we get to Singapore. XD
Speaking of Singapore, our "trip" there is confirmed. Yay~
Although it's not certain as to when are we gonna go there.
[+] 10:10 PM 
Friday, May 12, 2006
Beauty and the Beast
mood |

music | Nightwish - Beauty and the Beast]
Remember the first dance we shared?
Recall the night you melted my uglyness away?
The night you left with a kiss so kind
Only a scent of beauty left behind
Ah, dear friend I remember the night
The moon and the dreams we shared
Your trembling paw in my hand
Dreaming of that northern land
Touching me with a kiss of a beast
I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls
As a world without a glance
Of the ocean's fair expanse
Such the world would be
If no love did flow in thee
But as my heart is occupied
Your love to me now has to die
Forgive me, I need more than you can offer me
Didn't you read the tale
Where happily ever after was to kiss a frog?
Don't you know this tale
In which all I ever wanted
I'll never have
For who could ever learn to love a beast?
However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease up your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember, beauty is found within
Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you...
[+] 12:41 PM 
Terrans. Pffffft.
mood |

music | Trinity Blood OST - Tenderness]
It's raining now. In the middle of summer o_o Nice. Gray skies, and rain pouring... it brings melody to my ears. Unfortunately, the melody of the rain is coming to an end now, and the gray skies are slowly drifting into nothingness...
...Bleargh. Forgot to update yesterday~~ lol. I was supposed to update but the net shop I was in had a power outage =_=" so everything that I typed went to nothing.
So... yeh. The exams are finished, yay~~ Although I must say that I'm not that confident with the exams, especially with Biology and Filipino -_-" Gawd. My parents are going to kill me. XD Although I'm not telling them that I have an 84 YET. Since... they might not allow me to cosplay and stuff. *shrugs*
Anyway, nothing special happened yesterday, although I must say that yesterday was a day of total (and I mean TOTAL) money-splurging.
I took two Venti(s), from Starbucks... and each cost 165. I likewise bought a chocolate chip cookie, also from Starbucks, which cost 50 pesos. After that, me and my friends had lunch... and I spent 82 pesos for my lunch. So that's a total of 462 pesos... and I only had 500 pesos as my allowance for the day. But I only had what, 20 pesos left. I'm supposed to still have 38 pesos left. Now, where did the 18 pesos go? *thinks* Oh, yes, they're in the coin pocket of my wallet.
So~ yeh. Other than that, I also "used" my extra 500 pesos, which is supposed to be for emergency reasons. (So I carry 1000 pesos in my wallet) I rarely, very VERY rarely, use my extra 500 pesos, unless my allowance is not enough and stuff.
Actually, the highlight of my irritation for yesterday was this... Why? Because, I used this for "helping" one of our classmates... And my parents were mad at me for helping her. What is wrong with that?! I mean, I was still able to eat (and have coffee) anyway, so what's wrong with that?! Besides, it's not like I'm giving away the money, dammit. I'm just not sure when I'll get my payment back since we don't have classes anymore, and we're going to meet up again at May 22 (for pre-registration and stuff), most probably.
Well it goes like this, one of our classmates almost had her exam discredited(?) because she wasn't fully paid and stuff. She still had a debt of 7k pesos. She's the only one in the class who is not fully paid, so I guess you can say that it was quite embarrasing and frustrating. Then after the exam in Filipino (which I shotgunned, more or less), the class had agreed to help her out.
And eventually we got to collect 7k. Woot. I contributed 500 (I was quite hesitant at first, but then again, I was too kind), my friend Barbara contributed 500, and my classmate Berna contributed 2000 (wow). I forgot the others who contributed, but yeh we were able to collect 7k. From the class.
So that's about it... we got to help her pay the debt, so she's happy and thankful, after that. Although I'm still annoyed at my parents for scolding me about it... oh well.
Will update later, hopefully. XD *feeling lazy*
[+] 10:44 AM 
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
t3h last straaaw.
mood |

music | Trinity Blood - Kresnik]
...Yes, I'm at a loss. I never thought that being the "online communicator" for our Sociology group would be this hard. =_="
Aaah forget it. I'm gonna upload this as soon as I finish typing my part. Bleargh.
P.S. Oh, my mother (my real mother) is very, VERY supportive indeed. I needed help, but she just slept on me =___=" I'm on my own as of the moment. Bleargh. No help from anyone but okaa-san (my online mom, Talia). Bleargh.
Shiiit. And I'm supposed to sleep at 10pm.
I still need to review. Bleargh. My mind is dying now.
[+] 10:33 PM 
I'm supposed to be reviewing...
mood |

music |
Rozenkreuz Orden Nightwish - Beauty and the Beast]
...We'll be having our final exams tomorrow. I'm supposed to be reviewing right now, but I'm not. Why? ... Because I'm still working on the groupwork for Sociology, which I'm tasked to upload to the Yahoo group
that is made by our Sociology professor who gave me a fucking grade of 85, which I didn't deserve since I was active in class.
Unfortunately, it's not yet complete; since there are two "missing submissions". One of them is me, however, I'm already working on it. So that would mean that we'll be having one more "missing submission" once I'm done...
The question is, how are we going to submit our group work if there is ONE missing submission?! ... And that certain groupmate already texted me and told me TO MAKE HER ASSIGNED TOPIC BECAUSE SHE CAN'T GO ONLINE. WTF.
I admit that she kept me company for the summer term (since I was quite alone after
Ezaria and the others had their "own world"), but that's not a valid reason to make me as her "improvisor". It's her job, and she should be able to do it. But she wasn't. Fuck.
Terrans. Pfffffft. They are testing my patience. Seriously. *TWITCH* And of all days to "test" it, it just had to be today, when I'm annoyed. Very annoyed. Bleargh.
I think my patience is at its limit now, since I still haven't reviewed ANYTHING yet. And soon my mom would barge in to my room and bitch at me about using the computer for
nothing, when in fact I'm just online to
update my blog and rant and to continue the project.
Damn group work. Bleargh.
Well... today wasn't that bad, although it was completely ruined in the afternoon due to Sociology. =_= We got to know our midterm grades, and gawd, the whole class was
disappointed annoyed by the fact that no one, and I mean NO ONE, even got a grade higher than 90. The highest was 89, although it's still quite low (for us, at least). It's quite surprising, really, since we heard that our Sociology professor gives high grades; but it turned out that he doesn't, so there. Oh I dunno. It was just unfair, because we were active in the class and all, despite the fact that we were bored like hell. But we still participated; and I participated too. But all I got was a freaking grade of 85.
I can't accept this grade. No, I don't want to accept the fact that I got this grade. Fuck, I don't deserve it. I deserve something a wee bit higher, please. Because it's just TOO LOW, for a student who wants to get in the honor list *groans*
But then again, I doubt that I'd be getting any award for this summer term. Because I didn't even get a single line of 9 in any of the three subjects that I'm taking up. Not even Biology, lol. Oh well. Biology's not my specialization, anyway.
So I got an 84, an 85, and an 87. Bleargh. Farewell awards. Heh.
I need to do good in the exams. But how can I, if I'm not reviewing?
Bleargh. I want to review, but I need to finish this damn project first. After all, the deadline is today, and we're tasked to submit it
before midnight strikes, lol. The problem is, how can I manage to upload it if it has one "missing submission"?
I'd be glad to "improvise" for this missing submission, but I'm feeling too annoyed/lazy to do it. After all, it's not my job. And I'm not enthusiastic about it as of the moment.
Listening to NW's "Beauty and the Beast" on repeat. I love the song
and it keeps reminding me of Basilisk and Helga for some reason. *whacked*I'm waiting for my other groupmate (no, not the one who can't go online) to go online. I need help. Seriously.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll update next time.
[+] 9:10 PM 
And another... bleargh. XD
mood |

music | Nightwish - Beauty and the Beast]
I'm supposed to be continuing with my homework... but bleargh.
Even though we're not that close, I wish thee a happy birthday.
So bleargh. My parents are still downstairs, talking with the visitors who I do not know... or perhaps I do know them, but I'm too busy here. *coughcough*
I know sleeping late everyday is bad for the health. But what can I do?XD Gawd, I'm developing methuselah habits. Blame Trinity Blood for influencing me. XDXDXD
So nothing much happened today, except for the fact that my mom already got to buy me some cloth for my Isaak costume. Yay. XD But other than that, school sucks.
Okay, not really, but the classes were just too boring. Especially Sociology =_= as usual. Haha.
I'm supposed to post something... but I can't remember what. Haha. Oh well.
I'm gonna go now, I need to finish my homework before 1am or my mom will murder me. XDDDDD
Yes, I'm feeling giddy. For no reason at all. o_O Squeee.
[+] 12:07 AM 
Monday, May 08, 2006
I'm doomed. Really doomed.
mood |

music | Gundam Seed - Nicol's Piano: Theme of Spring]
I'm supposed to be practicing my speech, but nooo~ I'm rewriting my notes in Biology. Haha. Oh well.
Anyway, short update.
Just a thought for the things that happened today: Aren't terrans annoying?
They pissed me off for more than 3 times today. Nothing much really.
Now, off to panicking for my speech in Filipino. Gawd. Wish me luck.
[+] 11:05 PM 
Sunday, May 07, 2006
-_- I don't have a life. And a bright future.
mood |

music |
Trinity Blood's AX members Epica - Cry for the Moon]
It's past 7pm, we still have to go to church, and I still need to type down a fucking speech for Filipino! And I still have to memorize it!
I need inspiration. You can't force me to write! *groans*
Okay, nonsensical post. Bye.
[+] 7:05 PM 
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Bleargh. . .
mood |

music |
Rozenkreuz Orden Nightwish - Bless the Child (on my iPod)]
Squee, got dismissed from Bio class early~ so that means I still have a little time to go online here in the net shop near the school.
I dunno. I'm supposed to be excited for the debut... but I'm not. Because most of my friends are NOT going... because they have classes............ but I have classes too. But nevermind. Wtf.
Trinity Blood. Squee....
Trinity Blood. Again. Squee.Thanks to Tina for the link. *huggles you* X3
Anyway. Short post. I'm gonna be fetched by my dad at around 2pm... and I need to finish my research now since I won't be online tonight, so I can't research anything for our Filipino tomorrow. Yep, I'm attending my friend's grand debut party. Haha.
Yep. And I even sacrificed my Sociology class, and the Sociology quiz. But what the heck.
Oh~ and a happy bday [again] to my online mom, Talia/Helga! XDD
Okay, that's all. lol. Bye
[+] 1:35 PM 
Monday, May 01, 2006
=_= Labor Day. Pffft.
mood |

annoyed/pissed off]
music |
Rozenkreuz Orden Nightwish - Gothic Sanctuary]
Damn dial-up company/whatever for having a busy line. I wasn't able to connect at all. =_= I think they're having some complications or so. I tried calling their hotline up, but it's also down. o_O Darn. Of all the days... *groans* Damn you ISP Bonanza. Of all the days you had to screw up, it just had to be on the day when we don't have classes! Pffftt!! *gags*
But now it's up again, seeing that I can post =_= But it's TOOOO LAAAATE. It's already past 8pm, dammit.
This is my Tarot reading for today.
"The Page of Wands: All work and no play makes for a very dull love life. You're supposed to be enjoying yourself. You're at your prime."Well. It's actually more like my annoyance was at its prime. =_=
Anyway, let's move on to the
So today was absolutely NOT my day. It was total shit, except for the following things:
1) I got to buy some Starbucks coffee. It's a part of my daily ritual. Haha. *whacked*
2) I got to buy a new mouse and some scented ballpens.
3) I came across this outfit in the mall that looks A LOT like the RCO uniform. But I didn't buy it, since it wasn't accurate enough. It still amused me though.
*ahem* Moving on...
First of all, I woke up early this morning... Nothing special about that. But anyway, I ate breakfast and then I hogged the computer until 9am. I still didn't take a bath at that time. I was too
amused annoyed with my mouse who kept double-clicking without my consent. XD But I still managed to make some lines with the wallpaper I'm vectoring.
Oh and yes it's a Trinity Blood wallpaper again. Guess who~ XD
So there, I was busy vectoring
and banging my mouse to no end until my mom barged into the room and started bitching. She was like, "how many times do I have to tell you that you have to take a bath first before using the comp blah blah blah blah...". You can tell that I wasn't really listening at that time, right? Of course. Being the brat
ty methuselah that I am, I just shrugged after my mom left. XD But I was about to "obey" anyway. But I got pissed off by the time I was ready to take a bath, since when I turned on the faucet/shower/whatever, it was like "...psssh...pssssh..*spews air out*".
Okay, that sounded very wrong. I thought about it for a second, then it turned out that my parents used up all the water in the tank for their bath. =_=' I waited for a few seconds and for some reason, luck showered upon me and somehow, I managed to take a bath with only a little water. XDD Just... don't ask how. *sweatdrops*
So we went to the mall (SM Sucat) and I splurged on coffee and stuff
again. I'm not complaining anyway. *laughs* So yeh. After that, we went home.
I ran to the computer table upon arrival, and I tried out my newly-bought mouse. I'm glad it worked. And after testing it on Photoshop, I thought of going online to have a little chat with my online mom, Talia (if she's online) and with Kitten (since I promised her that we'd have a chat sometime). But for some reason, my internet connection/card, ISP Bonanza, decided to be a bitch and wouldn't let me connect. Well duh, I was pissed off
again. However, I didn't give up that easily, and I still attempted to connect. I didn't notice that I actually wasted my time on that. But oh well.
I was getting frustrated at that time, and in the middle of my frustration/annoyance, my mom just had to barge in and bitch about me taking a bath after going out and stuff. As usual, I shrugged it off when she left. But this time, I didn't follow. I continued with my vectoring in Photoshop, and also continued my attempt to connect (but to no avail).
So yeh, I was doing the same thing until around 3pm. I was really getting frustrated until one of our maids
barged in kindly entered my room and told me that my parents told her to tell me that they're dragging me to another mall (which is far far away from home) to fit the gown that
we they ordered. She also added that my parents said that we'll be leaving at 4pm... and soon enough I got pissed off, AGAIN. I was thinking, "if they are dragging me out, then why do they have to bitch to me about taking a bath? Wouldn't that mean that I'd get dirty again?"... and of all things, I hate doing "repeats" (like, taking a bath, then going out, taking a bath when I get home, then go out, then take a bath again). =__=" *twitch*
But anyway, I changed clothes and waited for 4pm to strike(?). I turned off the computer and decided that I'll just go draw or something. And I decided to draw while listening to the Nightwish songs that I put into my iPod. XD
I was drawing the whole time, until I noticed that it was already around 4:30 pm. I was already like, "WTF happened to 4pm? Is my clock too advanced or something?!"... but I knew that the time was right. And for the nth time of the day, I got pissed off.
Well I let my patience linger for a bit longer, until it was 5pm. I went downstairs to bug my parents and ask them about "Filipino time".
I know I'm a Filipino, but it's not an excuse for being late. I hate being late. That's why if I'm late, I feel... bad. So much for bugging them, because I ended up being scolded for BEING SLOW. WTF. I was already dressed up since 4pm and they call me SLOW?! WTF! They should say that to themselves since when I saw them, they weren't even dressed up yet! AAARGH! *stomps around*
So I was still pissed off during the time we were at the mall and while I was fitting my gown. I only smiled when I saw this outfit in the mall that looks A LOT like the RCO uniform. XD (I forgot to take a picture of it, damn... but I still remember how it looks) But after that, my expression returned to its 'pissed off' state.
Nothing special happened when we got home. I just stomped off to my room and listened to the Nightwish songs on my computer... and also I burned a CD which contains those songs [and also some other Trinity Blood songs]. Hence, the so-called "Trinity Blood Fandom Collection" CD. XD
Okay, that was random.
Mou-ness. It's already May 2... Just a few days before
we get to check-in a hotel in order to be NOT late for my friend's debut. I know the gown's in progress, and I guess it'd be out before the day of the debut so I can wear it (duh). But what I need is also a damn gift. I need to buy one (or bug my parents to buy one), seeing as I still don't have any gift/s for my friend yet. Pffft.
And I'm pretty sure that this week would be "splurge-on-stuff" week. It's just the beginning on the week and I already splurged on coffee and scented ballpens~ and also some other stuff. lol.
I noticed that I'm getting the "magician-typing" disease again. @_@ Gawd, Isaak's influence is powerful...
Speaking of the magician... me and my mom (online mom) saw this chibi Isaak pic/avatar on LJ yesterday. It was so cute. XD We were actually squealing our heads off because of it. Okay, that was random
Anyway. I'm still... in love with Trinity Blood. And its bishies. Especially Radu, Dietrich, and... Abel? I dunno. But I think Radu and Dietrich are on top of the list. Squee. *runs around*
Squeee, this is a long entry. o_o Oh well. I'll end it here.
P.S. Squeee, Nightwish songs are great. So TB-ish. XD *heart* Too bad the CD shop/s here don't have their CD. Heck, they don't even know that this band existed. =_= Oh well. Bye~~ XD
[+] 8:20 PM