Thursday, June 29, 2006
mood |

music | silence]
I'm seriously doomed.
Okay, I tried reviewing awhile ago, but there isn't a single formula that remained in my head. =_=" I think my brain automatically rejects information regarding our subject with THAT professor. Yup, it's Finance, again.
Ugh~ *groans*
I need to study X_X but I think I'm too affected by the Accounting quiz this morning =.= I didn't even get a single correct answer, darn...
I shouldn't be affected... but I dunno *sighs*
I have a bleak future. =_=
[+] 10:33 PM 
Monday, June 26, 2006
mood |

music | Yakitate! Japan - To All Tha Dreamers]
My Tarot reading for today:
THE HERMIT: It's a pretty view from where you're looking. All of a sudden you've got a new song to sing, and you want to spread it around.
I can't believe it fitted what I experienced for this afternoon. ^^" Nyah.
And thanks to this, I felt rejuvenated now, and I'm quite hyper now. Hence, I shall do my homework...........after I finish this entry XD
Nyahhhh ... I got into the Top 100 in the National Cosplay Competition, NYAH. *still shocked* Now I have to postpone my cosplay plans for Mizuki (I'm not yet sure if I'm gonna continue with it anyway, seeing as my parents are against it) ^^"
At least, I have a reason to bug my parents to have my costume fixed (or should I say, POCKET-ed. It needs pockets, dammit).
Oh, and I also got a violation in school today. XD Well we had our P.E. (Dancing) during the morning and yeah, so we were wearing our P.E. uniforms... and we went out for lunch after that. And soon we went back to school in our P.E. uniforms... and we were reprimanded by the school security guard. =_= We were surprised since our professor (for the second subject) allowed us to come to her class in our P.E. uniform... but then again, coming to other classes in P.E. uniform was against the school policy
which we were stupid enough to forget. ~_~ So there, 8 of us got our IDs confiscated. Haha. Oh well.
It was quite embarrassing, really. But I guess it's okay, it's part of life
and my stupidity. ~_~ I just hope I'd get my ID back by tomorrow, lol *prays*
Anyway, that's all for now~ haha. I still need to cram for my Accounting homework which is due tomorrow. And guess what, almost everyone's finished, and I'm just starting, LOL.
I'm doomed. X3
[+] 6:32 PM 
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Waaa, TB mania XD
mood |

music | Cardcaptor Sakura - Platinum]
It's so ironic, just as I'm starting to enjoy cosplay, that's the time when I have to get more serious about my studies T_T I just wish I can turn back time.. so I should've cosplayed since HS XD but anyway.
Waaah~ I want to do an all-out cosplaying this year!!! Before I die of depression and stuff next year T_T
[+] 5:20 PM 
My life is miserable, aaah~ =_=
mood |

music | xxxHOLiC - Reason]
I love rainy days, squee. I felt so relaxed until my parents barged in to my room a few minutes ago =_=" And now I'm annoyed. Nyah.
Anyways~~ nothing much has been happening for the past few days, except that our professor in Accounting kept bombarding us with 40++ pages of homework or so. Bleargh, I want to give up, but I must keep moving =_=" He's a great teacher, sure, but I think he doesn't realize that we have OTHER subjects too. *mumbles*
I can still take the pressure, but I dunno, I easily get impatient sometimes. I easily snap, and stuff, lol. Nevermind =_=
And I need some motivation. It's already Sunday, we have classes tomorrow, and our Accounting assignment's due on Tuesday, lol. I still haven't started on it. Haha.
=_______= I am doomed. *poses*
Oh and I got into a one-way argument with my parents a few days ago. XD I called it "one-way argument" since my parents do all the
bitching talking. Bleargh. Soooo yeah, it's because of one thing: cosplay. Heh, fate is cruel indeed. =_=
Well as you all know, I cosplayed Isaak at the ToyCon event, and yeah, I certainly enjoyed it
because my parents were not in the event so I got to move freely. I also got to see some of my friends from the forum I'm in, and after a few days, they planned to make another cosplay group. It's CCS, and they want me to cosplay Kaho Mizuki since I'm tall and stuff. XD
I asked my parents about it, and I got to listen to another sermon in return. =_=" *groans*
Nyah, I dunno what to do. I want to cosplayyyyy~ but my parents are against it. Man, they really drive me into the rebellion stage, feeeh.
I dunno... to do or not to do, lol. But I want to cosplay, especially with my friends from the forum <3 But nyahhh T___T I hate this.
[+] 2:13 PM 
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
XD Here I go again, AGAIN.
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music |
Radu Barvon Nobuo Uematsu - Blue Fields]
I'm supposed to be asleep now, but what am I doing? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH~~~
I'm doomed. ~_~
Quiz in Finance tomorrow, and I still haven't reviewed. Heh. I'm really doomed. XD
We'll be having a mass tomorrow too, not that I'm complaining though, but nyah~~
Aaaannnddd~ I will not bring my Mokona plushie tomorrow. It's getting dirty from all that cuddling, and I keep easily distracted during class because I just can't resist its cuteness. =_=" Gwaaaaah. XD
Oh well. I'll post next time. I'll read a bit, then I'll sleep. Nyah~~ XD;
[+] 11:00 PM 
Monday, June 19, 2006
Here we go again~ =_=
mood |

music | Noir - Em More]
Gawd, I hate coming home late =_=" But anyway, HOMEWORK TIME *groans*
Oh well, at least my Mokona plushie's here to keep me amused *huggles the plushie* XD
And I got to buy some stuff (AGAIN) from the mall~ this time, I bought another pin. It's a Saiyuki pin, haha. XD I also bought the latest RO cd that's available. I'm still collecting RO stuff, but I rarely play RO anymore. Woot.
And~~~ considering the homework overload, I don't think I'd be able to draw/color/make any more commissions as of the moment. Which means~~
All RPG arts and all Gaia commissions will be on hold.Thank you. XD;;;
Now, time to studyyyyyyyy *runs off*
[+] 9:25 PM 
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Toycon is looove, lol~
mood |

music | Nightwish - Wishmaster]
Nyaah~ ToyCon was so much fun. XD I want to thank my professor in Law (Obligations and Contracts) for being ABSENT. Because I got to go early, and I got to register early for the cosplay too. <3 *squees*
So, yeah, I was the only TB cosplayer there, lol. The Abel (from May 21) didn't show up, although I was happy since I get to meet with previous TB cosplayers (particularly the one who cosplayed Vaclav Havel). XD I met a lot more too, but I can't remember them all ^^;;;
I dunno. I have a lot of experiences, but I dunno how to type them down, haha. Speechless, I should say.
Although I still can't believe I did that "applaud for me!" pose. Haha, yes I'm a lousy Isaak~~ XD
Nyah. Now that ToyCon's over =.= time for homework. *groans*
[+] 7:01 PM 
Thursday, June 15, 2006
First day blues. XD
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music |
Fllay Allster Utawarerumono - Madoromi no Rinne]
So much for the first day of classes. Well, it was... so-so. ~_~
My feet hurt though, I think I'm not used to wearing heeled shoes after almost 2-3 months. O_o Oh well~ XD
The professors were okay, so far. I like our professor in Microeconomics. I dunno, she keeps the class (and me) awake, somehow. And I like her incentive for the recitation, it's a good one. All of us will have 75% for our recitation at the START, but as time passes, we'll earn points. So we need to recite every now and then so we can raise that 75% to 100%, lolol. And since we took Economics in highschool... I guess I have a little background of it. But I need to refreeeesh. ~__~
Oh and same goes for our professor in Accounting
although I was surprised when he told us to cover our Accounting notebooks with Hello Kitty and Tweety stuffs. Our professor in Accounting is quite young, although he's completely different from our Finance professor
who annoys me like hell with his jokes that are NOT funny at all. Our teacher in Accounting is... good, he has a good sense of humor, and he's quite better than the Finance professor. Hoho, guess who. ~_~
And as for Rel.Ed., our professor was absent, but a substitute professor came in. She's the same substitute professor who substituted our Rel.Ed. professor (during the second sem), so yeah, I'm not surprised with the requirements. I need to start searching for a good
terran community to render "service" to, since it's also required... ~_~" *dies*
Anyway, in the last subject/period which is Speech Communication (our English class for this semester), the professor was absent. Although we didn't realize that since we were too busy playing games (while waiting for the professor)... 8D Oh wait, THEY were the ones busy playing games. I tried to play along but I keep making wrong answers XD I don't seem to understand the rules/strategy of the game. Well, that's for the
"this is the __, that's the top of the ___, that's the bottom of the ___..... and this is a ___." game. I kinda enjoyed the "Black Magic" game though, but I need more examples since I'm TOO DENSE... besides, I only understood the "Black Magic" game when the game ended. O_o XDDDDDDDDD
I was amused, nevertheless. ~_~ And I'm happy since I got to buy two Starbucks coffee(s) today. 8D I bought one Tall during the first break, and one Grande for the second break/lunch break. XD Squeee~~
Although it's sad that we are going to have a quiz in Accounting next meeting (Tuesday). *sighs* I NEED TO FIND/BUY THAT TEXTBOOK. NYAH~~~
And~ the things to do for tonight:
---Re-write notes in Accounting, Microeconomics, and Rel.Ed.; put notes in respective notebooks
---Cover my Microeconomics notebook with TB pics. X3 So it'll look pretty when I pass it to my professor!! XD *whacked*
---Research about "Lumen Gentium"
FOR THE VATICAN!!! for... er... Rel.Ed.
Did I forget something? Oh nevermind, I'll check my assignment notebook
covered with that sexy yaoi-ish pic of Isaak and Dietrich later. XDD~
Oh, and guess what. I ATE LUNCH WITH
EZARIA AND COMPANY TODAY!!!!! O_O THEY NOTICED I EXIST!!!! ..OMFG IT'S A MIRACLE. *sarcastic* I'm still kinda awkward with them, but I guess we need to move on. At least, I got to experience to be "with them" without having to "provide" anything... for once. ~_~ But I guess, terrans will always be terrans, right? ~_~ Oh well.
LOL I sound so much like Ion
before he met Esther and the other terrans.
Anyway, that's enough for now. Hope to update next time~ XD
Oh...and wish me luck tomorrow... WE'RE MEETING WITH THAT.. THAT PROFESSOR OF DOOM AGAINNNNNN!!!!!!!!! *dies*
[+] 7:03 PM 
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Ugh. =_=
mood |

music | Takahashi Hitomi - Aozora no Namida]
Darn, I don't feel enthusiastic at all =_=" Feeeeh.
I'm gonna face those terrans again.. OH THE HORROR. *dies*
[+] 8:59 PM 
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Nostalgia Day.
mood |

music | DNAngel - Mitsumeru Saki Ni Wa]
No, really. First off, I missed a lot of stuff today... and a lot of people as well. Nyah, I dunno if the school-is-near fever is getting on to me or what, but anyway.
I'm supposed to be offline, but since my comp's still on, I just thought of posting. *shrugs* Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
I miss my highschool friends.
I miss my guildmates.
I miss RO (lol).
Nyahhhh~~ *runs around* And when school starts, I'm gonna miss my computer. Heh. Farewell sanity, partly kidding.
Anddddddddddddd~ random quiz thingy stolen off Seth-chan. I'm bored, but I need to fix my stuff for school soon.. TOMORROW'S THE LAST DAY OF MY VACATION AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *dies*.
Four things you would do if you were a millionaire?
# Travel around the world
# Splurge on stuff I really wanted
# Cosplay?
Four bad habits?
# Lazy
# Computer addict~ hoho
# Being too sensitive (is that a habit?)
# Drinking too much coffee
Four things you like doing?
# Watching anime
# Listening to music
# Drawing (when I'm motivated)
# Going online
Four things you would never buy, wear or get?
# Daring clothing. Tube tops, miniskirts, etc.
# Cigarettes.
# Any alcoholic drink.
# Anything that would make people think that I'm too girly or so.
Four favourite things?
# Computer
# iPod
# cellphone
# internet card. so I can go online ~_~
Okay, done. XD;; Gawd I need a life.
Anyway.... now, excuse me while I angst a little more. ~.~ And reminisce... and stuff. I need to contemplate, lol~~~~ *walks off*
[+] 10:31 PM 
Random quizzy.
mood |

music | Gensomaden Saiyuki - Bad Friends (Sanzo & Gojyo)]
Snagged off Talia's blog~~ since I'm bored. Almost.. no one.. is online today =_= Most of them are in school, nyah.
Put your player on shuffle, and for each question, you press "next"........ something like that. You know the drill. ~_~
How are you feeling today?
Kimi ga ita Scene - Cardcaptor Sakura (Kinomoto Touya)Peaceful, I guess. Although it's more like bored =_=
Will you get far in life?
Promise - Yakitate! JapanO_o I will get far in life. I... PROMISE. XD *whacked*
How do your friends see you?
Shaft Drive - Gene ShaftUhhhh =_= a weird girl who likes to dress in black / dress as a punk during non-uniform days?
Will you get married?
Dress - Trinity BloodI WILL GET MARRIED IN A DRESS! WTF?! =_= Maybe, maybe not.
What is your best friend's theme song?
True Light (Acoustic Version) - DNAngelWhaaaa? *blinks* Jeddy is angsty too?! No way. *gasps* XD
What is the story of your life?
Sara - BoA=_= A tale of mystery and eccentricity, I guess.
What was high school like?
Yakusoku [featuring Kamui] - X/1999A SHITLOAD OF ANGST!!! AHAHAHAHA XD *poses* ... =_=
How can you get ahead in life?
Lilium (Saint Version) - Elfen LiedHuh? O_o Maybe I'll get ahead in life if I join a choir and start chanting random stuff. Just kidding. *whacked*
What is the best thing about your friends?
Kimi ni makenai youni - Grander MusashiAHAHAHA O_o *blinks* they don't like to lose =_=' I guess.
What is today going to be like?
Overlap - YugiohAn overlap of events........ HUH?! O_O
What is in store for this weekend?
What song describes you?
Spirits Dream Inside - L'arc~en~Cielo.o I'm falling apart... Will everything change?...
To describe your grandparents?
Are you feeling fine? - L'arc~en~Ciellol. XD that's what I should ask my bedridden grandmother now. "are you feeling fine?" XD *whacked*
How is your life going?
Perfect World - Fushigi Yuugi"Perfect"? Nah. It's not. Angsty, like the song? Yes. XD
What song will they play at your funeral?
Viva Rock ~Japanese Side~ - NarutoWTF. O_O A HAPPY SONG O: OMG. *gasps* XD ahaha, amusing. *laughs* XD!!!
How does the world see you?
Stargazers - Nightwishsame song as mom/Talia? o.o .... *sings* "Tragiedienne of heavens, watching the eyes of the night..."
Will you have a happy life?
Mizerable - Gackt...does the song title answer your question? :3
What do your friends really think of you?
Creeping Death - Apocalypticao_o creepy? *gasps* really? O_o lol~
Do people secretly lust after you?
Cheer Song - Beyblade=_= is it just me or this song is telling me to "cheer" for I am being lusted after?O_o ...nevermind XD
How can I make myself happy?
What's Up Guys? - Bakuretsu HunterUhhhh... listen to this song? XD it's upbeat after all.
What should you do with your life?
Blow Up - Seki Tomokazu and Hoshi Souichiro*sings* "Dare ni mo jamasasenai"... don't let anyone disturb me? o.o *whacked*
Will you ever have children?
Precious Rose - Gundam Seed (Cagalli Yula Athha)O_o whaaa? *blinks* I'll have a girl? What? *blinks again*
[+] 10:01 AM 
Friday, June 09, 2006
I'm a seme. Fear me. LOL XD
mood |

music | Mai Otome - Hoshi ga Kanaderu Monogatari]
Yay, driving school's over XD lol.
And I'm happy to say that.. I somewhat know how to drive now... all I need now is to get used to the traffic here in Manila. XD
Took a quiz too, although I think I took this before. o_O My previous result was uke... and now.. I got "promoted". HAHAHAHA I'M A SEMEEEEEEE XD *runs around*

Are you a Seme or Uke?
[+] 1:26 PM 
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Random tagged quizzy again xD
mood |

music | Crystal Kay - Kirakuni]
Ehhh~ I forgot that Talia tagged me. XD Sooo I'm doing it now. *ahem*
3 schools I went to:
-Sta. Isabel College
-St. Paul College Paranaque
-St. Paul University Manila
3 things in my bag:
-iPod XD
3 things I do when I'm stressed:
-listen to music
-rant on my blog
3 places I go to on a daily basis:
-school (soon) :P
-Starbucks :P
-I dunno
3 favourite fruits:
-kiwi fruit [with condensed milk on it]
3 names I go by:
3 things I am wearing right now:
-a white t-shirt with the RO "priestess, heal bomb" on it
-blue pants
-underwear, duh. XD
Who is in the house with me:
-my parents
-my bedridden grandma
-our maids
Who am I thinking of right now:
-Talia/kaa-san XD
-my guildmates
-Radu Barvon :P
Who did I last talk to on the phone:
-my dad
-my mom
-I dunno
Who do I sit with during my 5th period in class:
-we don't have class as of the moment XD
Who was the last person I uttered love:
-I dunno.
Who do I wish I am with right now:
-I dunno too ^^;;;
Who gets on my nerves most in school:
-I dunno
-it depends
-... :P
Where is my phone:
-it's on the table behind me. XD
Where do I sleep:
-parent's room =_="
Where is the place I took a ride to:
What was the last thing I ate:
-a banana. ^^;
What color of shirt am I wearing:
What is the closest item to me that is blue:
-my computer table XD
What do I like most about school:
-the school is located near a mall. 8D
What is my favourite colour:
What do I wear most often, jeans or shorts:
What was the last movie I watched:
-do movies on vcd/dvd count?...FFVII:AC.
When did I start school:
-sometime during the 1990's. XD
When did I last go to the mall:
When did I last burn something:
3 bloggers to do this:
-anyone else? :P
[+] 2:11 PM 
Of late updates and weird dreams =.=
mood |

music | L'arc~en~Ciel - Honey]
Forgot to update some stuff about the times wherein we were... phone-less. Well. It was ultimate boredom, nyah XD Although I was able to watch FFVII: Advent Children, because of boredom. Nyah. Me love Yazoo. Haha. XD *whacked* I seem to have a fetish for long-haired bishies. *coughcoughblameIsaakcoughcough* Nyah~ I also watched Forbidden Love, episode 1 and 2 on DVD (I'm not sure since there's no ending theme o_O I watched for 1 hour, so I'm assuming). Nyah.
It's ironic, nyah~~ kaa-san (Talia) was looking for the DVD/VCDs, and it's only now that I found them AFTER our trip to Singapore. =_= Mou, I dunno how to send it to you, kaa-san~ since it's pirated and I doubt that the people at the post office would let me send something pirated XD Nyah~
Oh and I got to enroll too. Good thing I wasn't listening to what [insert terran name here] said. She said that we can't enroll for that day, so she told me to come back on the next day and stuff. I dunno, I wasn't really listening at that time since I was determined that I can enroll~ and besides, [insert terran name again] almost ruined my eardrums, lol. I was talking to her on the phone then some sort of high-pitched sound interfered with the line. It was like SCREEEEEEEEEEECCCCHHH!!!! =_= Mou. It really hurt my ears, nyah. But anyway, I was able to enroll. Hah. Thanks to my mom too for helping me, and letting me write on the check/cheque of doom. XD!
Okay, enough with the phone-less update thingy. I'm here to post about one thing: DREAMS. *breathes* Nyah~~
Maybe it's the reason why I woke up sooooo late today. I woke up at around 1:45 am last night, and I woke up at 5:45 am. Then at 7:45 am, then 9:45 am. It's weird that I keep waking up when the clock has its minute hand on 9 (meaning, 45). o_O
Anyways, I think I had a bunch of dreams last night o_O I had around 3, but I can only remember the two (although the second one's a bit too blurry, too). The last one's a bit too blurry... Anyway, one of them is the weirdest. And I must say, the scariest... well kinda. XD Nyah. I think it's a dream that was coinciding with the 6-6-06 thingy.
So it goes like this..... *type-away mode, on*
Dream 1I was driving (yes, it's ME driving, woot) through some sort of bridge (it looked like the Skyway here in the Philippines) on a stormy/rainy night... My parents and our two maids (although I can't remember seeing the maids) were in the car too, and we're going to some place (which I can't remember where)... and then all of a sudden, I realized that we were going down some sort of slope, and it was slippery... and I can't see the road ahead because of the heavy rain. So I just steered(?) to the extreme left... and for some weird reason, we ended up "parking" in front of a weird structure..... which is a *cough* gothic-type of CHURCH. With a graveyard beside/around it. o___o
We were at its gates, and on the gate were the words "Rozenkreuz", in gold-plated metal/letters/whatever. And me, being the RCO fangirl that I am, I was thrilled to see that word =.= but I was quite scared because I was like "RCO in real life? Oh my." yeah, we were staring at the letters and then we noticed that the gate was open. And then we also saw a bunch of people outside the so-called "church", with their respective cars (that were "parked" as well).
So yeh, we went in, sat down at the pews, and then we heard the organ playing... o_o It was freaky, nyah. I was expecting to see Isaak Fernand von Kampfer in the scene, but all I saw was this: an undead corpse that was dressed like Francesco di Medici. o.O And I looked at his face, and... it was scary. *falls over*
I was bothered by that, but I still tried to keep calm since I can still see "normal" people around us... and then while I was looking around, I saw a bunch of kids that looked like streetchildren. They were filthy, but I didn't mind since it's not the first time I saw filthy people... but the thing that made me freak out was the color of their skin. Well, it was kinda weird. It was neither pale nor green-ish.... I dunno. Just think of the skin color of the child in the Nightwish "Highest Hopes - The Best of Nightwish" album... so yeh.
I totally freaked out upon realizing that those "kids" weren't really "normal"... and I freaked out some more when I saw them lurking behind normal people's backs. It's like they're attempting to bite them, or something.
So yeah, some people realized/noticed what I saw too, and they started panicking. And most of us (I think) started heading out for the door... and suddenly, a whole bunch of corpses appeared. They were all dressed in black, in tuxedos, gowns and stuff. o_o And they were running after us "normal" people, nyah. It was freaky, they kept chanting about something like "we want your bodies".. and stuff. Nyah.
In the middle of the chaos, someone appeared, dressed in white. Although I must say that she looked like Sadako... o_____O but anyway, she scattered/gave us "normal" people some papers, and told us to fill it up before we leave. I dunno, it was weird... but we filled the form up anyway. While I was filling up the form, I can feel her (yes, the Sadako-ish female) hand rubbing my back. Although I must say, it was a *cough* kind rub. And she was... well... kind. o_O Although her loooooong hair was still freaking me out like hell.
The form had something like "we, _____, are never going back to this place again, or we shall face the consequences..." O_o But I dunno, I think it was forbidden to go to that place. But then again, I saw my dad there experiencing a consequence O.O He had his right (or was it left?) leg chopped off, like how Edward in FMA lost his left leg. I was worried and I immediately finished filling up the form (and gave it to the Sadako-ish female), and then I ran off to dad to support him and help him walk. And for some weird reason, all I uttered was "Don't worry dad, we can still have your automail". It was weird. LOL.
So yeh, after that, I woke up... at 1:45 am. =_=" And... I noticed that upon waking up, I noticed that my iPod (yes, I listen to my iPod while sleeping XD) started playing songs like "True Light", "Requiem", "Rinne no hate ni"... and the like. =_= Man, it took me a while before got back to sleep.
Dream 2This dream's not really clear, but all I remember is having .. well, class. There's this professor who is annoying and doesn't listen to us complaining about the HEAVY load of schoolwork that she gave. o_O And.. there's this other professor (I think he's a guy) who... is annoying as well. But I can't remember what was he doing, nyah.
And... for some reason, some of my classmates (some from HS, some from college) were there too. o_O I can't remember them all, but all I remembered was Grethel sitting beside me, singing to the song "Arashi ga Oka" o_O it's weird, considering that she's not really an anime fan and all... *shrugs* Oh well.
---So yeh, that's it about dreams =.= Now I need to take a bath since we're gonna practice driving around the subdivision and stuff. XD! *runs off*
[+] 12:07 PM 
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Ah. Nothing to say, but I'm posting. XD
mood |

music | silence]
Mou. Finally, after how many days. The phone is fixed -_- Darn terrans, stealing the WHOLE subdivision's phone line and all... *sigh* and darn terran phone company for being so slow in fixing/replacing the phone lines =___= *gawks*
Although it's quite unfortunate, since the phone got fixed just as I am about to venture into busy-ness. =_= I got driving lessons this week, and I doubt I'd be able to go online all day~ Oh well. I hope to "learn" anyway. XD
Nyah. Tomorrow's practice-driving day with Dad.. *sigh* I hope to get the hang of it~ I mean, get the hang of driving with an automatic transmission vehicle... lol.
Mou~~ feeling too lazy to type more =.= And I'm too tired as well. It's tiring to run around all day (not literally, duh), trying to apply for the student driver's permit and all =.= Nyah.
I just really REALLY hope that I'd be able to drive smoothly. =.= It's MANILA, after all. As they say,
"If you can drive in Manila, then you can drive anywhere in the world". =.= Well Manila is known for its traffic, anyways.
Maaa~ I'll leave it at that. Good luck to me, lol. And I hope that someone would remind me NOT to take any coffee tomorrow, and on Thursday, and on Friday =.= So my nervousness won't get ahead of me. But I doubt that XDDDD
They said that the student/driver must be physically and mentally stable. Heh, I dunno if I'm mentally stable, lol. Nevermind XD
And .. lastly, before I end this post...
I got to watch "Kyou Kara Maou" on Animax tonight... and I must say, it's interesting. XD I like Gunter, he's like the lovechild of Abel and Cain o_O *whacked*
Maa~ I'll go now XD Bye~~
[+] 10:20 PM 
Thursday, June 01, 2006
TB Taroooootttttt~~
mood |

music | Apocalyptica - M.B.]
Ahahahaha. I'm really obsessed with TB *gasp* First I made a bunch of TB mood icons, now I made a bunch of TB Tarot Avatars! XD Ahahaha.
Nyaah~ we're supposed to go to school today, nyah. But my dad needs to attend a meeting... so he can't bring me to school now. Nyah. I hope they accept late enrollees XD I heard that only students from our college/department (College of Business and Management) are allowed to enroll today. Haha.
Nyarr~ kinda worried, but what the heck. XD
I just noticed that my posts are getting shorter and shorter~ haha. I'm such a lazy arse. X3
But I really want to go out
and have some Starbucks coffee. @_@ Nyah~
[+] 2:05 PM