Monday, August 28, 2006
I'm aliiiiiiiiiive.
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music | Honey & Clover - Hachi Gatsu no Serenade]
I'm not really in the mood to post right now. >.>" But I just thought of posting since... it's been a looooong time. xD
So the fever last time was actually a sign of dengue fever ~_~" I was confined in the hospital since Sunday, and I got out on Thursday. So there :3
I guess I'm okay now since I'm .. not that weak, although my mom says that my blood platelet count is still low. So I guess I shouldn't strain myself too much. X3 But how can I? The stress is kicking in already, Accounting class tomorrow AAAAAAAAH~~ *panics*
Anyway, I'm quite happy I got to go online again, I really missed a lot of things. ~_~
So I guess that's it, I still need to work on my Gospel reflection. =.=
[+] 9:09 PM 
Friday, August 18, 2006
Fever!! O:
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music | Malice Mizer - Saikai no chi to bara]
Hahahahaha, I didn't realize that I'm really SICK. O:
I really am, so I guess I shouldn't be in front of the computer now. But anyway~
My mom caught me sleeping awhile ago and she was surprised, because I don't normally sleep at this time of the evening. And I did this yesterday too, so she kinda noticed and stuff. Besides, she left this afternoon (for grocery shopping, I think) and I was asleep. She came home and I was asleep. And she said I looked like a drug addict or something like that (I don't mind, because I really look like one after all XD). :3 And when she placed her hand on my forehead, she discovered my illness XD
So yeah. :3 Meh~
I still haven't started reviewing, but I will after I finish my dinner >.> Gawd, I feel like I'm in a hospital. lol kidding xD
And I'm coughing like hell~ lol. *coughcough*
I hope I won't collapse or anything tomorrow. o_O
[+] 8:16 PM 
Yay update =D
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music | Weiss Kreuz - Sweet Nothing]
I was supposed to post yesterday, but I was feeling too weak and nauseated. >.>" And my eye was feeling hot~ as if it was burning, so I thought that I should lay off the computer at that time XD I immediately slept upon arriving at home, and I woke up at around 9pm to review for Marketing. Meh, my world's slightly "spinning" up to now.. @_@ *falls over* I just dunno what's happening to me. XD Am I sick? o:
And to think that yesterday night, I also perspired in my sleep, as if I was having a high fever. =.=" Gwaah.
But my eye (right eye) is still "burning" up to now. And when I glance at different directions, it starts to hurt. |D Wheee.
*ahem* Anyway...
One more test to go (Law: Obligations and Contracts). And I hope I'll pass, because I feel like I've failed a lot of tests (maybe except for Religion, Speech Communication, and Marketing). =.= Gawd~ I really have a bleak future.
Oh~ and about my decision about shifting from BS Accountancy to BS Business Administration~ I dunno, I'm kinda hesitant because of *cough* terran pressure. Yep, you read that right. *nods* v.V Well I am really positive that I won't make it into third year because I'm really dumb when it comes to analysis and stuff. =.= So yeah...
I want to shift courses next semester so I won't be wasting any time~ But I'm kinda hesitant because only a few (and I mean few) of my classmates are planning to shift. In other words, majority of them will still "pursue" in the "fight". Meh~
I dunno but I really feel that I'm not going to "win" the "fight". So I'm shifting, lol. Yesh I'm a coward~~
But then again, I think I'm just hesitant because... I'm still afraid of being alone =.=" *sigh* That may be the reason, I guess.
[+] 6:34 PM 
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Procrastinating as usual~
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music | Weiss Kreuz - Last in my Winds]
*yawns* ...and... the song I'm listening to is making me feel more sleepy...
*yawns again, then jerks up*
Meh. *slouches on her chair*
*ahem* 3 more days
of agony before the midterm week ends. Yay. And~ Wah.
Oh wait, I'm saying 'yay' because the agony will soon be over~~ but I'm saying 'wah' because I won't be able to come to this anime event this Saturday. I have a feeling that it's going to be a big event, considering the venue >.>
Teatro, I believe, means theater, so I think the venue will be good. ~_~ Anyway~~ I wasn't really planning to cosplay for this event
because I've been using my Isaak costume for two consecutive cosplay events already and it's kinda.. well.. you know but I really wanted to go. I want to take pictures of cosplayers and stuff, and also have a good time.
But I won't be able to go since we might be going to you-know-where, and if ever we won't be able to go to you-know-where, my parents won't allow me to go there since the venue's kinda far from our place ~_~ and they might kill me if I go, considering that I've been to anime events for two consecutive times (ToyCon in June, National Cosplay Competition for July).. and I've been neglecting my studies, haha.
*cough* Anyway~
As for the exams... I'm not really confident that I'll pass. >.>" Out of all the tests/exams that I have taken so far.......... I dunno. I sure I'm gonna pass Religion, but for the other three subjects (Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Financial Management)... I think I'm going to fail. X3
I admit, my brain's not at its full capacity~ and I've not been
studying reviewing too well. But I'm not really enthusiastic with those subjects =.="
Man, I really have a bleak future. >.>" I need to study harder, especially now that I'm planning to shift courses. Yep yep. *nods* Although I'm not yet 100% serious about it. X3
...Farewell, cosplay. 8D lol. It was fun, even if it was just for a short while :P *sentimental* So I guess that adds up a bit to my memory bank. =w= *whacked*
So yeah. Four more subjects, although I think they're somewhat easier than the first four subjects (except Religion), hehe.
Economics and Speech test/exam tomorrow. I hope I'll do okay, especially in Economics... I remember I flunked one (or was it two?) of my quizzes. X3
Meh~ my back hurts. o_O
Okay I'm gonna take a nap now~ I need to clear my head before I start reviewing.
[+] 5:02 PM 
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I'm invisible. Don't tell anyone I'm online (again, lol). XD
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music | Weiss Kreuz - Carnival 2000]
Waiii, classes are over. For now, that is.
I'm doomed.
For the nth time, I'm doomed. Really doomed, I tell you. =.=""
Man, I seriously need to get my hands on some poison. >_>" Or something like that. XD
Question: What will happen if you put silicon (yes, the one with the "do not eat" written on its package) in your drink or food? O:...Gawd. I'm hopeless. XD But then again, I'm hopeless because I'm too lazy =.=" And I'm not really studying hard. Meh~ XD But I dunno, I don't really feel enthusiastic lately. My friend Jeddy says that I'm just lacking motivation, but meh~ I dunno. I just thought that I might be getting "tired". O_o Well~ considering that I spent my whole life (from nursery to elementary OR highschool, that is) running after academic awards... it can be possible. =.=
And I just realized that in one way or another, I "missed" my childhood days~ because I spent more time on the study table rather than playing outside. And I spent my highschool days studying (and struggling) instead of planning for cosplays and attending anime cons/events. =__=
And here I am now, in college, spending more time on other things. ~_~ Gawd, am I subconsciously getting tired of studying hard?
I..... I... hope not.
But really, I spend more time "lazing around" rather than studying. And my mom gave me
yet another sermon/homily/whatever last night about study habits. She says that I should stop listening to music while studying and... meh =.=" I dunno... My mind tends to wander off when it's quiet >_>" But I guess I have no choice but to comply. Even if it's hard to concentrate without music ;__; *wails*
And my mom caught me drawing yesterday. XD It's been a while since I last made a DRAWING (yes, not a DOODLE)... and it was quite coincidental that I came across my RK manga (which I bought from the NCC/Ozinefest event) and saw this page wherein Kenshin has that lethal look. *squees* I just felt like drawing it, so there ~_~" I was almost done with the pencil sketch until my mom barged in to my room (yes, she likes to barge in; she doesn't like to give me any freaking privacy). So yeah~ she was all like "stop spending all of your time drawing useless things". Like wtf. XD
Well~ if it's useless to her, it's useful to me. After all, drawing is an outlet for me because I bear a lot of grudges and I have to pour them out.
But I guess even drawing's a "forbidden" thing here at home now =.=" First it's getting online, and now drawing. What's next, texting? Or maybe staring at the anime posters glued (not really glued, but anyway) to my cabinets?
Hmm... if this keeps up, then it would be.. just a little more before I totally go
out of commission insane. XD lol.
Anyway~ I just thought of updating because... I reeaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyy miss going online. TT_TT
And my dad says that we'll go to you-know-where RIGHT AFTER the midterms (since we won't have classes on Aug. 21), which means I still won't be online despite the fact that our midterms is over. =.=" So I guess I have no choice but to:
1) Listen to my iPod all the way during our stay there
2) Draw like there is no tomorrow (unless I have an artist's block o_O)
3) Bring the DVD player and re-watch Trinity Blood, and DNAngel, RK/Rurouni Kenshin, and the Weiss Kreuz OVA/OAV/whatever
4) Take pictures of random plants and mountains and clouds with my digicam.
...So I guess it'll be pretty boring (since when was the last time I wasn't bored when we stayed there?) =.= ...Unless I get to have a laptop with wireless internet, which will most probably happen in about 100++++ years. =_=
I WANT A LAPTOOOOOPPPPPPP WITH WIRELESS INTERNEEEEEEEETTTT~~ *whines* And a DVD-reader-thingy (so I can watch TB there and make TB music videos), and maybe a good USB-cable-thingy for my iPod. o:
Yes, I'm demanding. XD But it won't hurt to dream about my dream laptop ~_~ Man, staying in you-know-where could've been less boring if I had a laptop~ haha. I want a laptop.
I reaaaaaaally want one. ~_~ Haha.
Oh well.
I guess I'll be ending this post now, I'm not making any sense anymore~ (See the effect of stress and grudges and stuff? No? Nevermind then.) XD Jaa~
[+] 7:11 PM 
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Totally hopeless [in Accounting o.O]
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music | Malice Mizer - Miwaku no Roma]
I'm probably the slooooooowwwwweeesst student in BSAccountancy-2, in terms of computing/doing the loooong homework, tonight.
I got home at around 1pm this afternoon, but guess what, I'M STILL AT PROBLEM #9. XDDDDDDDD And to think that our homework has around 40+ problems. And we'll be passing this assignment tomorrow. Woot.
I'm pretty sure that all of my classmates are at problem# 30+ right now. Haha. XD
I shouldn't be updating but I just felt like posting a little something, lol. XD And my mom's downstairs eating dinner, and she'll be back later to supervise my progress~
She says I'm too slow. XD But indeed, I am.
Ah well, I guess I won't be sleeping tonight. Seriously. XD
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ *runs off*
[+] 7:36 PM 
Monday, August 07, 2006
Really losing hope...?
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music | Ouran High School Host Club - Sakura Kiss (Strings version)]
Short update [again] before I go offline (to continue my Accounting homework).
...=_=;; Man.. I'm doomed. For life~
I know I should do my best and all~ but I have this feeling that all my efforts are in vain. I dunno, I just feel it, I think I'm not really fit to be an Accounting student.
Waaah~ I really need motivation.
I'm still stuck at the #1 problem, gawd. Now I'm starting to doubt if I'd be able to finish all 40 problems before Thursday... I need to finish all of this because all of my "incomplete" assignments are already piling up. God knows how many assignments have the "incomplete" marks on them.. @_@
I really dunno, it seems that I am more enthusiastic about other subjects *coughcoughreligioncough* =__=
Now I kept on thinking, why does Law have to require a pre-Law course? T~T
And why did I choose Accounting to be my pre-Law course? Is it because I just wanted to avoid Political Science (because of Chemistry?)? o_O Gwaaaah. *gags*
Gawd.. I really have a bleak future.. I'm so ashamed. ~_~" *hides*
Maybe suicide will do the trick.
But I don't want to die yet, I still have a lot of cosplay plans (yes, that's the only thing that keeps me going these days).. =.=
[+] 10:02 PM 
Of P.E. uniforms and other cosplay raves/rants/whatever. xD
mood |

music | Ouran High School Host Club - Guilty Beauty Love]
Gawd. My world's spinning. XD I think I'm having some sort of headache... and I think it's because of our class awhile ago ~_~" Meh. Entrepreneurship really bores me. And time seems to slow down every time we have that class =.=" And it's really awkward since I'm sitting RIGHT IN FRONT of the teacher's table, wherein our dear professor is located. So yeah =.=
But I still have the guts to use my cellphone in front of her. XD Well I'm hiding it, but I think she already knows. XD But what the heck~ I'm not the only one who's using her cellphone in the front row anyway. Besides, my mom's constantly texting me, so I need to reply ~_~ *coughcough*
Oh well. XD I just hope this little headache will wear off
after being exposed to computer radiation and after drinking some coffee. I need to start on my Accounting assignment later. Gawd, 40+ problems. Haha, I'm still at number 1. =.= And to think we're going to submit it this Thursday. XD~
Oh and I got another "offense" today. XD It's not really an offense but the school security guard made me write my name on the violation-thingy logbook. And guess what it's about. It's about the damned P.E. uniform again!!! *snorts*
I dunno but it seems that I always get into trouble regarding P.E. uniforms =.=" Or maybe it's just because my school is too ... too... I dunno the English term for it.
Maarte, I guess. XD So yeah~ it went like this.
Me: *walks into school gate in P.E. uniform*
Guard: Hold it. *blocks the way*
Me: o_O *puzzled* Why?
Guard: Why are you in P.E. uniform?
Me: o____O *even more puzzled* Because my first subject for today is P.E.?
Guard: Well you can't enter the campus in P.E. uniform now. ^_^ ... And did you bring your school uniform?
Me: ............ Whaaa? Since when? ... *shows the guard her paper bag containing school uniform and then the guard checks the bag*
Guard: Since Friday. ^_^
Me: o_o ...I.........We... weren't informed.
Guard: I see. *brings out logbook* Well anyway I'll let it go this time. Just write your name here... *points to the part of the logbook and offers a ballpen*
Me: =___= *takes the ballpen and gapes for a bit upon seeing the names of some of her classmates in the logbook, then signs/writes*
Guard: Make sure you come in school uniform next time okay?
Me: Yeeees~ =.= *walks off*
So that's about it. XD Meh, it's ironic, just as I'm in college, that's the time wherein I get some bad "records". Haha. Oh well~ that's life. At least I should be happy because my parents aren't mad about it. Haha. XD Besides, I'm not alone. I saw my classmates' names on the logbook too.. so I guess a lot of us really weren't informed. Oh well.
And btw~ I saw the NCC/Ozinefest special on tv last Saturday. They featured the top 100 (yes, one by one, for about 5 seconds per entry, I think) Haha, I looked weird. But then again, I
should look weird~ Or should I say... I
should look like a corpse, since I'm cosplaying Isaak after all. XD Ah well.. at least I appeared for just a short while. XD~ I'm happy because I got to see some people who I got acquainted with XD Although I was quite disappointed because they didn't air all the group cosplay skits T~T I was hoping to see the GSD group cosplayers' skit since I was in the comfort room when they were performing. XD;
On a random note, my friends are really enthusiastic about their cosplay. Jeni and Nicole have saved up some money already, and Nicole's really enthusiastic about Helga's hairbuns of doom. XD Woot. Good luck Nicole~ ^O^ I hope your costumes would be done soon. I can't wait to have the photoshoot of doom with you. XD I just hope I'd be available on December, though. o_O
Maa~ it's still quite farrrr awayyyy~ So I guess I need to study first. XD; And I reaaaaaaaaaallllyyyy need to save up for the Isaak wig. I know the competition's already over but I just want to complete the costume XD *whacked*
Generally~ my weekend was okay, I got to go online for *cough* non-academic reasons. It's been a while since I did that. ~_~" But then again, because of what I did, I wasn't able to do anything productive (regarding homework). I got to finish a bit of my Religion homework, though (since it's all research work, and obviously when I say research, it's getting online). XD All I need now is the Gospel reflection paper [as usual].
I guess we won't be doing much tonight except for the looooooooong Accounting homework, and also the Gospel reflection... Although I hope I'd be able to put something decent in there, because I slept through the homily yesterday. How good of me. *sarcastic* XD Well I was tired, I guess. But I think that's not a good excuse. XD; *whacks herself*
Nyah~ okay enough blogging. It's already past 6! O.O My, my~ time flies. XD;
[+] 5:57 PM 
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Can't think of a title... =____=
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music | High and Mighty Color - Days]
Meh~ life has been SOOO busy since July 31 (which is after the Ozinefest/NCC). o_O Gawd. I think I'm getting crazy, I noticed that I kept STARING at things as I walk around (in school, or in the mall). Other than that, my eyebaggage got bigger, and... darker, lol. I look like a
walking dead magician in school uniform drug addict or something. =_=" The stress is getting on to me, I guess.
I rarely get to go online (and get to update my blog, hence no outlet T_T) since my parents tell me to spend my time studying, and my only hope of getting online is research. Although it really IS research, no "peeking" on the sites I usually visit, since my parents usually stay in my room to watch tv (even if they have their own tv downstairs o_O)... so yeah. I can't let them see me doing something else. =_=
I miss going online, but I guess I need to sacrifice (riiight).
Our professor in Marketing told us that he won't be able to attend class tomorrow, so that means we'll only have classes 'til 8:30 am (unless our Finance professor decides to do an "overtime" again). Unfortunately, my plans
on catching up on sleep, which I lack are ruined because my groupmates said that we'll be practicing for our P.E. [Dancing] presentation tomorrow. =_="
It's not like that I'm complaining, but they could've set a definite (or at least a freaking ESTIMATE) time. One of my groupmates said,
"No one will be going home until we perfect the steps/routine". Like wtf... *twitch* I was asking for an estimated time, dammit.
Okay, she told me that we'll be staying in school until 1pm. I just hope that we'll be done at that time (or even earlier, I hope). =__=
Terrans, pffft.
Today was somewhat okay, although I got annoyed by a lot of terrans, they don't seem to recognize me unless they need something from me.
Part 1: The bottle of water. That certain terran does NOT talk to me at all, and all of a sudden, she approaches me just to have a drink.
Part 2: The stapler. She's also like the terran mentioned in part 1. I turned down her "request", though. I told her my stapler's out of staple wire.
Part 3: The locker. I admit, I don't mind if some terrans would like to put some of their books in my locker. But this one's too annoying, after getting her book, she left me. No thankyous whatsoever, she just left. As if I didn't do her a favor.
Oh well. That's life. =_=
Meh~ It seems that the stress makes me more impatient and hot-headed. So I guess I'll be friendless once again, sometime in the future. I am hated after all. But that doesn't give me the right to hate people too.
I think I'm becoming more like some sort of Contra Mundi...
Igne Natura Renovatur Integra.
My, my... time flies. I just checked the time awhile ago and now it's already 9pm.. whoah. ~_~" I guess I need to review now. Finance quiz tomorrow, and we'll be having a quiz about a topic that I don't really understand. Heck, I think it's just now that I encountered this topic, so I think this wasn't taken up yet o_O But then again, I don't listen much to Finance, I guess. Haha.
I REALLY have a bleak future. =_="
I wonder where I'll end up- in some other course, or maybe in the coffin? ~_~"
I still need to find some poison. No, really.
[+] 8:07 PM