Sunday, November 19, 2006
It's just one of those days...
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music | Gundam Seed - Rey Za Burrel: Omokage]
I can't help but think that I must be one of those people who seem to annoy her parents a lot. I should be in the Guiness records. lol.
Anyway.... *sigh* it's just one of those days again. First, I made my dad angry last night, and now it's my mom. So yeah, they're both mad at me right now... heh.
As for my dad, I know it's my fault. But I'm still somewhat afraid to approach him up to now. And as for my mom, I dunno. I guess she was mad because of the way I answered her awhile ago. I guess I'm still too depressed to care about anything, not even the fight between Pacquiao and Morales that would be aired later on TV. So... yeah.
Call me weird but I'm wearing my CCS Costume right now~ I just felt like wearing it since... meh. The day 2 of the Hero con is today and our cosplay group got into the top 5... Unfortunately, due to what happened last night, I won't be able to go today. Heck, even if nothing happened last night, I still even doubt that I'd be able to go anyway since my dad will NOT leave the house today since he wanted to watch the freaking fight between Pacquiao and Morales... Knowing my dad, he'd be mad if he won't be able to watch it.
I was thinking of bringing my dad along to the Hero con today (they said that they'd be airing the fight of Pacquiao and Morales during the event too), but if he'd be there, then I would have a problem since he'd be watching my every move. And then he'll be all like, "Stop [insert what I'm doing here]. You look like a [insert comparison here]." =____= Then again, I won't be going to the Hero con today, anyway.
I guess I'm just too emotional these days. But I can't help it, cosplaying is one of the few things that make me happy. And it's so .. mortifying.. to see myself not in the event since... it's............ T___T *cries*
I hate my life. -_-
So I guess I won't be doing much today other than homework, crying, walking around the house in costume, avoiding contact with my parents while I'm in the house, and of course, watch the freaking fight between Pacquiao and Morales. I think the whole country's going to stop what they're doing just to watch this fight... *shrugs* It's not that I'm anti-Pacquiao/Pacman, I support him, but I'm just too depressed to care about anything right now. I just hope he'd win though.
I really want to go to the event today... nyah... *sighs and rolls over the bed in costume* After all we already went to church... and stuff... *sigh* I want to go, even if it's just for a while...
..can someone get me a taxi? I have money. I really want to go, argh. *rolls over again*
And. I'm. So. Bored.
Argh. I really hate my life...
[+] 11:06 AM 
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Uhhh.... *insert random Ouran quote here*
mood |

tired =_=]
music | none at the moment]
It's been a while since I last updated my blog (again). ~_~"
Meh... I dunno what to say, really. I was supposed to update last week but I was too busy, although I got to type a "draft" for my post last week but I didn't have much time to finish what I was talking about there... so I just deleted it since I lost the motivation to continue sharing about it. XD
So yeah, I've been away for too long. XD Other than the reasons which are obviously related to school, erm... we had to deal with other stuff too. Erm~ my grandmother died last Friday (Nov. 10), and since then I wasn't able to go online so much. ~_~" Well we were busy for the weekend since we had to prepare for her funeral and stuff.. and we also had to do this
lamay thingy (I kinda lacked a lot of sleep for a few days since I had to do it as well).. I dunno how to explain it but I think it's a tradition here in our country. It's something like keeping yourself awake for many hours as you "guard" the coffin or something. o_O
Anyway, we had her body buried last Monday and I think I was kinda haunted during that day (in the afternoon, as I went to school, I mean.)... well my head hurt and my ears felt cold. o.o I dunno, it's either I was haunted or I was just lacking too much sleep. =_="
I should be sleeping now, too. lol.
Gomen but I don't really feel like updating much today. I'm feeling lazy~
And I have new problems again, since my dad allowed me to go to the Hero Convention this coming Saturday. I'm not complaining, I'm kinda happy since at least I get to go (even if I'm only allowed to stay up to 5pm). But since I'm cosplaying again and I'm joining my forum's cosplay group... I dunno. XD I'm not really ready... but... oh well.
We'll just see.................. what will happen. XD
But I have a feeling that this *cough* Return Card will scatter around the stage. XD And I might be doing much, much, worse than my NCC appearance o.o;; Note: The event this Saturday will be on TV as well, I think.
Ah well. Whatever. XD I'm going to sleep now~ goodnight.
P.S.: I'm addicted to Ouran now. XD~~~ Kinda late, but what the heck, it's just now that I got to watch the whole series. XD I still can't choose who'd be my "fave" host, but I think it's Tamaki.. or maybe Kyouya, or the twins... AHHHH~ whatever. XD
[+] 10:00 PM 
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Time flies...
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music | Gackt - Tsuki no Uta]
Time flies, indeed... it's been a few days, and now it's almost time to return to school for the second semester.
Meh... so I wasn't able to update much for the semestral break but what the heck. XD I've been busy with other stuff. Although, sadly, I rarely got to draw.
So yeah... I was able to enroll myself yesterday (despite the rule that irregular students are to enroll on Nov. 4, which is today) thanks to my mom's persistence. And yeah, I'm already in a new course now. ^^"
I just hope I'd do better this semester, considering that the course I transferred to is much much easier than Accountancy. And my mom said I need to study harder since my new course doesn't offer much employment (well, that's what they said anyway).
*sigh* I dunno. I'm feeling depressed today ._. well kinda, but I dunno. Maybe I'm just feeling lazy. My mom told me that we'd be going out later to buy some shoes and a new bag (for school, duh), and maybe some other stuff. I dunno.
And my friends from the Ichi forum said that we might be cosplaying on the PSICOM Convention (Nov. 26) instead of the Hero Convention (Nov. 18-19). ~_~ Some of the group members can't come on the 18th since they have classes and stuff. I dunno, the only thing that I'm worried about is this: will my parents allow me to go or not?
I know my role in the group isn't really a major one (I'm just a Clow Card, lol) but I'd feel bad if I won't be able to go since.. the costume would be wasted. Other than that, all the efforts that me and some friends had to go through would likewise be wasted. (Imagine, Carla even went to the mall near our school just to take my measurement since that's the only place where I can "hide" -_-) meh.
Oh well.
As others would say,
"bahala na..." XD But I really hope I could go. And at the same time, I hope I'd do better this sem.
So it's like nerd mode + cosplayer mode. Ahahaha~ *whacked*
Oh well. Bye for now, hope to update again sometime in the [bleak] future.
[+] 2:29 PM