Sunday, December 24, 2006
mood |

groggy/tired/weak o.O]
music | a Sakura Wars song which I dunno the title yet ^^;;;]
Meh~ just woke up. XD I guess I was too tired last night, and in the middle of the night, I had a high fever. ~_~" But I guess I'm okay now, I hope. Although my back is still aching.. kinda. XD
So yesterday was the Collectibles Mega Xmas Expo~ and there was a cosplay catwalk (no competition though). There were only around 70+ participants so I guess the catwalk kinda ended early. XD Although it was okay since, honestly, we spent more time outside of Megatrade hall (where the event was held)... so yeah o.o
Hmm. I'm kinda speechless right now XD I guess I'm still braindead after the fever. ~_~ I'm not even supposed to be online right now, but what the heck. XD
Anyway. To those who I've been with for the day, thanks for the moments <3 Even if my body hurts like hell, I won't ever regret spending my day [yesterday] with you guys. XD
And other than that, I'm greeting everyone in advance since I might not be online for a few days, since we're going to "the province". XD
Happy holidays!
[+] 12:23 PM 
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Just taking down a quote...
mood |

music | silence]
"The first feeling was rather one of pity. Not anger; not despair. It's just, I thought everything before my eyes is pitiful. Though of course, the most pitiful thing was myself."-Status message of a friend in YM
Since I have no other place to put this, I'll just put this here. XD
And yep, that's all, since I have homework =_= Just a few.........days more before vacation. But December 22 (our first day of vacation) seems so faaaaaaar. *groans*
Oh well. Bye~
(I didn't realize that this was saved as a draft o_O lol. Anyway~ there, posted.)
[+] 9:51 PM 
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ugh. Someone please...
mood |

music | the TV, and my parents]
... someone please, enlighten me. (Read: enlighten, not scold) XD
Meh, I dunno what to post, really... since I'm kinda paranoid at the moment for my parents are in my room, and they might be wondering what the f*** am I typing.
I dunno, for some reason, I feel enraged. Well, kinda. Maybe it's because of what my parents were "indirectly talking about" awhile ago. It's something like, they were talking among themselves, but as I hear the conversation, I had the feeling that they were indirectly "scolding" me. Sorry, I dunno how to describe it in English. For those who understand Filipino, what I meant is
"Nagpaparinig sila... again.
They told me about two things... and these two things were things that I usually did when I was just a little kid.
First, they told me that when I was a kid, I usually prayed while kneeling down. While now, I don't pray while kneeling down, and [even though it's true] I tend to pray while lying down, before I sleep.
According to my current Religion class, prayer doesn't really require for you to mind how you pray (whether standing, with hands raised, with crossed arms, etc.)... so why should my parents say that? Are they saying that I should
always kneel when I pray? Wtf. Forgive me, but I can't really see their point at what they said...
The second was about me eating in my room and not joining them at the dinner table. Okay, I admit, it's quite wrong, but I'm kinda fed up sometimes of eating with them especially if I only get scolded at the dinner table (which, removes my appetite and destroys my mood).. but meh.
I can't help but think that.. with all of these (that they said), it seems that they want the old
me back. They want the "child" version of me back, because back then, I was their
angel. Now, it seems that I am nothing more than a demon.
A lot of things are floating around my mind and it seems that my parents can't accept the "changing" of my being/personality. I guess I inherited this from them, considering that I am quite unable to adapt to change...
[+] 9:37 PM 
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Everything cosplay post. Kinda. ~_~
mood |

music | this...action movie that my dad's watching]
Okay, Aishi-chama/Jeddy said that I should update. Soooo, I'm updating. XDD lolAh, there's nothing like a blog entry to start a new... month? o.O *snorts* What am I saying? XD Meh, I guess I'm just... kinda braindead as of the moment >.> Considering that classes were suspended this Thursday (because they said there's a storm, however it didn't directly hit Metro Manila), and as for Friday, it's a holiday. So yep, I'm getting a 4-day weekend. ~_~ Although I'm kinda bored, to be honest. XD But I don't want to go to school right now. lol.
Meh >.> We went to Divisoria too (along with Nicole), and I got to buy my Isaak wig. XD *dances* It's quite good that I got to buy it because I wanted to
cosplay costrip (cosplay trip) as Isaak for December 9... I just read that there'd be TB cosplayers there and... I wanna join in. lol XD And I wanted to take a peek at our forum's booth, too. I wonder what they'll do for the booth~ XD
Then again, I really doubt that I'd be able to the December 9 event, anyway. ~_~ It's kinda far, it's in UP Diliman. O.O; And it'd take a miracle for me to be able to go there. XD *imagines herself being strangled by her parents*
Oh well, it's not a sin to hope anyway. Is it? XD
It seems that I'm planning too much about cosplay, and I'm not considering my super-duper low budget/savings. XD I guess I still have some cash in my
piggy bank Pikachu bank, but that's for ... savings XD And not for cosplay. So far, my savings for cosplay consist of: my part of the prize money during the Hero con cosplay (wherein our group got the grand prize, surprisingly), and a small amount of money that was *cough* I dunno. I dunno how to describe it in English XD Let's just say,
perang kinurakot sa allowance. XD Haha.
The total savings that I have for cosplay is ... around 2k, I think. And that 2k was already used for my Isaak wig.. XD So if ever I'm going to have another costume to be tailored/made, I need to save again. And saving means less Starbucks coffee, more
kurakot, and "lighter" snacks/lunch. XD
Meh... The forum that I'm in is planning for a major group cosplay with 30+ characters, and I am part of this group o.o; Even if I'm already "enthusiastic" about my character, I'm not really "enthusiastic" about the target month, which is January >.> and as far as I know, we'd be having our midterm exams this January. @.@ So I'm kinda hesitant about cosplaying for January.. since I really need to do good with my exams, considering that my current course (Business Admin.) is a lot more easier... and on top of that, my parents expect line of 9s and no line of 8s. ~_~" So even if I go cosplaying in this group, it is not certain that I'd be able to go to the event on January... (note to Kana: please don't kill me XD) So...I guess, back-out-ing would be the best decision. ~_~ Oh well.
Hmm. It seems that this post is... "everything cosplay". o_o I guess I'm too amused again, lol.
Oh well, I guess I can't be blamed since my mind has been on vacation for 4 days! XD And speaking of holidays, I need to save up for presents, too. Ugh. ~_~ I guess what I said is true, Christmas is a time of "poverty" for me. XD Luckily, I already have my gift for my dad. As for my mom, I already bought her a gift but I think it's too... cheap? But I think it's useful so I bought it and had it gift-wrapped >.> Maybe that would really be my gift for her, unless I find something a bit more okay (and unless I have additional cash to buy it). ~__~"
Speaking of holidays, I need to change my layout soon. XD I want a VK or a TB Christmas layout, whee. Or maybe Ouran, or maybe Shadow Skill (yes, I'm feeling nostalgic lately XD)... But I'm too lazy, lol. ~_~" Maybe next time >.> Oh well.
...which reminds me, I think I'm going to get murdered by Noelle (Mitchie's friend) since I wasn't able to go to her debut yesterday.. XD Then again, I don't have any decent clothing for a "fairy-themed" debut
unless I'd be permitted to wear my Return Card costume there... and I don't have the invitation. >.> I waited for the invitation since Monday, and I haven't received it ~_~ And there are no classes last Thursday and Friday, so...... >.> But I guess I still feel that I should give her gift, which is a book (I'm included in the 18 books thingy, I think). ~_~
Bah~ whatever. >.> That's all for now, bye~
[+] 8:43 PM