Monday, January 15, 2007
Facing the consequences~
mood |

music | the keyboard, lol]
Meh~ cramming review... since I did nothing during the weekend. Haha. XD Woot~ I swear I have a bleak future. And I'm gonna get murdered by my parents and some of my professors if my grades won't be line of 9s... And I guess I'll have to bid farewell to cosplaying when that happens. XD
Anyway~ 'tis just a quick post. It's getting late and I haven't memorized anything for our first exam tomorrow (which is Entrep). Although I guess it's a bit late to cram review now since my parents are in the room and ... if I review in Entrep now, they'll find out that I didn't review during the weekend. Haha. ~_~ Meh, and to think that our test would be all-enumeration and essay for Entrep. Whaaaaaaaaaa.
...What I did for tonight is to rest a bit (since we had our PE practical exams, even though I didn't do much during the volleyball game), do the reviewer for Phil. Lit., drink coffee and download mp3. Haha.
Oh well. I just hope I'd be able to answer decently tomorrow, which I doubt. XD
Ah whatever~ bye now.
P.S.: To Sakura/Kittikai, are you still alive? I haven't heard from you in a while.
[+] 9:59 PM 
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Annoyance, disappointment... and laziness? o.O
mood |

relaxed... somehow]
music | WeiB Kreuz - Mellow Candle]
Meh~ midterms week from Jan. 15 - Jan. 19, and I'm still not done doing my reviewer for ... for.. Entrep XD Although I might ditch this task later and move on to making a reviewer for Philippine Literature. >_> I can't help but think about WHY am I making a reviewer for Entrep despite the fact that my notes are still... "reviewable"? Although I just can't stand it since it's a bit messed up. XD
Ah well.
Bahala na. I guess I was just too distracted by doing "other stuff" since yesterday and today. *coughcoughtsukihimemarathoncough*
Sooo anyway~ our midterms are going to be 'til Friday, and most of them will occupy my "morning time" except for Tuesday and Wednesday, wherein I'll be having exams for the whole day until 4pm. Meh~ I can't wait. I guess I'll start preparing for my cosplay stuff when I get home on the 19th.
I need to make good with my studies (and of course, my upcoming cosplay on January 28). <3 lol. But anyway.
Okay, I guess I should elaborate on why I chose the entry title to be the, well, entry title XD The laziness part is obvious, but what about the first two words?
Erm, it was like this~ I was downloading the setup thingy for Windows Media Player 11. I tried downloading it yesterday, but after around an hour and a half of waiting, my mom suddenly told me that she needs to use the phone (which I was using at that time to get online). So I disconnected, much to my dismay.
Then I resumed the download yesterday night and I was quite glad that Firefox remembered where I "stopped" downloading. So it resumed. Unfortunately, I suddenly got disconnected when the download was 90% complete. ~_~" So yeah, I was annoyed again.
And today I tried downloading it, but then the lights blinked, and my computer restarted. So I had to start over again.
It finished downloading but I found out that I can't install it since my copy of windows is, well, not .. *coughcoughgenuinecough*. ~__~" Darn, after all that hard work. Oh well.
I guess I'll just stick to Windows Media Player 10. lol.
Ah well. I guess that's all for now, I need to review a bit. So at least, I can still tell myself, "Hey, I reviewed."... even if it's just a little bit, knowing the lazy person that I am. XD
I just hope my midterm grades would be okay. Or else, I'm gonna be murdered by some of my old professors and also my parents. XD Then again, hoping won't do anything, anyway.
Oh well, enough blabbering XD I'm gonna stop now. Bye~
[+] 8:36 PM 
Monday, January 08, 2007
First post for 2007 (can't think of an entry title) xD
mood |

accomplished... yet unaccomplished XD]
music | Rozen Maiden - Baragoku Otome]
Wheee, new year, new layout. XD lol, I know it's already January 8, but what the heck~ I finished the layout, finally. I dunno but I felt like making a "firey" layout this time. And I think it's a bit bright, but oh well. ^^;;
So it's back to school again (although we already had classes starting on Jan.4), and I'm still feeling a bit lazy... it's evident, really. I spent my Saturday and Sunday doing nothing, and to think that I have a looooooong homework in Philippine Literature, and I still haven't finished my Flash movie (for our multimedia subject) which is going to be submitten this Tuesday (which is tomorrow!). O_O Haha, I'm so lazy. I don't have a bright future...... ~_~" Ah what the heck. I guess I was just too bummed during the vacation, especially when my stuff got stolen when we were still in the "province". ~_~" Although I'm quite happy now since at least, my parents bought me a new iPod and a new "extra" cellphone (which would be soon "open-lined" for a Sun simcard). They said that they'll just buy the digicam when there'd be another anime event (lol).
I haven't told them about the Jan. 28 event yet, since I'm not really sure if my midterm grades would be good. So I guess it'd be better if I stay quiet for now... although they already know of my next cosplay plans (there are two of them). Although I think my costume for March/April (the Vampire Knight costume) would be one of my last costumes. >.> I'm not really complaining though, since after all, cosplay is somewhat an expensive hobby. xD And I'm already running low on funds, so yeah.
Anyway~ that's all for now, I guess, I still have loads of stuff (it's homework this time XD) to do... I'm pretty sure my parents would kill me again if I don't do them now ~_~ Besides, they're gonna kill me even more if I'd be sleeping late tonight. XD They'd be like "what were you doing during the weekend?!" and stuff. Meeeh~
Oh, and on a random note, I'm getting amused with Rozen Maiden and Deathnote. Wheee.
Okay, bye now. *runs*
[+] 9:26 AM