The Magician

Meira Kurosaki. Xedosarthea. Rey Za Burrel Barvon.
Female, born on May 27, 1988.
Loves anime / manga, coffee, going online, lazing around, yaoi, shounen-ai, anime music, J-pop/J-rock, angsting, drawing, procrastinating, listening to music. Narrow-minded. Weird. College student. Does not have a bright future. XD
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My Name
ANGELI - Adventurous. Neat. Glorious. Elegant. Luscious(?!). Inspirational.
MEIRA - Misunderstood. Exquisite. Insane. Radiant. Artistic.
And your name means...?
Other Stuff
Link me banners:
88x31 125x54 200x40
This site is certified 43% evil and 57% good by the Gematriculator.
The layout
The current layout features Syaoran and Sakura from the anime/manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. The pic was downloaded from the Aethereality Gallery. This layout was designed/edited by me with the use of Notepad and Adobe Photoshop. Except for the image/s, fonts, textures/patterns and brushes used, everything else is mine, so no take and no ripping off. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is © CLAMP. This layout was uploaded on August 19, 2007.
The mood icons
The GS/GSD Club mood icons are credited to The Gundam Seed Community @ LJ for posting(?) and/or advertising these mood icons. It features the SEED Club, which is like a collection of chibi Gundam SEED/Destiny pics. They're so cute, and I can't resist using them. The icons were supposed to be for LJ blogs only, but anyway... So, yeah.. I'm crediting.. so I guess it's okay.. hehehe *salutes* ^^;
And~ the Trinity Blood mood icons... they're created by me, so no take and no ripping off. Thank you. XD *salutes*
My Tarot Card
Positive: The Chariot card represents the need to take control of ones actions to rise above the conflicts in ones life. The Chariot alerts us of the need to draw energy not only from our material resources but from within as well. The Chariot reminds us that we must have balanced energy in order to reap the rewards of all that life has given us. The Chariot represents a dualistic nature and that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Focus and awareness is necessary in order to make the most out of the situation. Most importantly, the Chariot represents the need to hold on tightly to the reigns because should we let go we will face the likelihood of going way off course. Ultimately, if we don't hold tight and steer our way through, our life can get way out of control.
Negative: When reversed this card represents a lack of drive and focus or letting others manipulate us to their own ends. It can also mean arrogance or foolhardy behavior. A lack of control and imbalanced thought.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
OUTing day.
mood |

music | Princess Princess - DIAMONDS (Guitar Freaks music)]
Guhhhh. I'm so bored, lol. Nothing much, really, I just thought of posting since I'm.. well, bored. LOL.
Today is Ichiraku's outing [swimming] day, and it's an overnight activity. Knowing my parents, they won't allow me to go, but I understand. Besides, I'm not really thinking of joining the activity in the first place, considering that I also have my own "overnight" activity coming up this week (which is the leadership training from May 27-29). lol.
So yeah... I'm bored, and most of the Ichiraku people are offline since they're joining the outing. And what frustrates me is that the forum is offline as well, lol. Just like Tomoe-san (who's not joining the outing as well) said, the forum also "joined" the outing hahahahaha.
Meh~ but at least, I got to play DDR awhile ago (right after dropping by at school). Too bad I couldn't stay long. D: But oh well. At least I got to play hahaha.
I'm really bored but I don't feel like working on my Gaia art orders, ahaha. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to buy those collectible wings anyway, they're too expensive D:
Ah well.. I can't think of anything to type as of now, ahhahahahaa bye
[+] 2:09 PM 
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I really need to wake up.
mood |

music | Kozo Nakamura - Dragon Blade]
And what I meant by the title is that I need to "reawaken" my blogging enthusiasm. lol. xD I dunno, maybe because of my busy schedule nowadays, I rarely have the time (and inspiration?) to blog.
Although my blogging hasn't really "stopped" since... *looks at archive* December 2007. Hee. I've been blogging a few stuff on my Multiply, although they're not that of much importance (kinda). ~_~
I just thought of updating my blog right now since... I just updated (or rather, added some new stuff) on my fanlistings list, specifically some Code Geass fanlistings. Code Geass is my current anime addiction right now, since its second season is out. Hee.
So what have I been up to for the past 4-5 months? As always I've been busy with school from January to March, then by March-May I've been busy with my OJT (on-the-job training) which is a requirement of our school. I've recently completed my 240 hours of "service" and I've obtained quite a good grade, which is 98%. xD
Oh and let's not forget about cosplay, haha. Last March we (our Tsubasa group) had a photoshoot, and last April 6 I cosplayed a new character. Although, the costume's not complete yet as I still have to style/fix the wig for it. I'm hoping to cosplay the character again this coming event on May 31.
To those who know who I'm cosplaying, please be kind, lol. I know my skin color's way too far from the character's skin color, but I just wanted to cosplay him. Hehe. He's so happy and I fell in love with the character right away, lol.
On a random note, I've recently been addicted to some arcade games, thanks to our Forum's "Timezone invasion" sessions last May 3 and May 17. I was able to try DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) but I can only do the basic levels (not all lol). When I tried the difficult level I just stared at the screen since it was so.. difficult *_*
I got more addicted to GF (Guitar Freaks) though. I can only do a few songs, and it's in standard mode. But it's fun. Heck, I even went to the mall (that's near to the place where I had my OJT) and played the game... in office attire. LOL.
As of now, I'm "free" this week, and most of the time I'm staying here at home hehe. Kinda boring, but I guess it's okay. Although I hope I'd be able to play at the arcade on Friday, before I would be "locked up" in our leadership training on May 27-29.
Hee, it seems that next week would be a busy week for me. It'd be our pre-registration on the 26th, then it'd be our leadership training on the 27th up to the 29th (the first day of the training falls on my birthday, damn. I'd be spending my birthday with Terrans?!), then on the 31st I'd be attending the cosplay event. Whee.
Then on June 3 it'd be our enrollment. Whoo.
I don't want school to start yet. Meh. I'm still feeling lazy. D:
The only thing that makes me want to go to school is *cough* allowance. Haha.
Anyway.. lol I'm out of words. XD~ bye now.
[+] 9:08 AM